Sunday, February 8, 2009

Cost To Get Angel Bites

Holy Week in Taranto, through "The Sdanghiere" portal of Holy Week in Taranto, has been a leader at the National Convention by tema “Settimana Santa e Internet” , che si è tenuto lo scorso 7 febbraio nella chiesa del Purgatorio a Molfetta (Ba), patrocinato dalll' Associazione Internazionale di Studi e Ricerche sulla Cultura Popolare Religiosa "La Veste Rossa" .
Dalla relazione tenuta dallo stesso ideatore e gestore del sito , Luca Catucci, è emerso che Lo Sdanghiere è diventato, in meno di un anno e mezzo da quando è in rete, il punto di riferimento di tutti gli appassionati della Settimana Santa tarantina, per tutti coloro che desiderano attingere notizie intorno ai riti pasquali tarantini. Nato inizialmente as a Blog, has become a true portal, always updated, accessed from anywhere in the world. The highlight of the evening occurred during the Holy Week, with peaks of 450 visits in one day of Holy Monday and with a total of 2500 visitors throughout Holy Week.
The conference was reported to the dr. Franco Stanzione, who runs the blog "My Holy Week." Through its website , works at 360 degrees for everything related to Holy Week is in its Molfetta, Puglia and in and around the world, with particular interest the experience of Spain. Among other things, also cited other sites that are interested in the Taranto Holy Week, as the traditional Portodimarebis and Blog of the Prophet Elijah .
He also attended by Dr.. Beppino Tartarus, Trapani of origin, but now living in Verona, from where he runs one of the first sites on the Holy Week went network, dedicated to the history and knowledge of the Procession of the Mysteries Trapani, the world's longest (almost 24 hours, think!), in short, the most complete and most beautiful of all sites devoted to this theme.
Dr. Francesco Cambion, however, outlined the events of Holy Week in Bitonto.
Finally, Mr. Pasquale Rosario and Aug, we have shown, in video conference, the experience of Holy Week in Sessa Arunca (Caserta), told through the site , too 'it one of the most comprehensive on the subject.
Finally, all agreed in saying that these sites have made it possible, in all lovers become great friends, sharing their different experiences and traditions.

At the end of their relationship, Dr.. Franco Stanzione, in qualità di organizzatore del Convegno, ha dato a tutti gli intervenuti un ricordo della manifestazione: un quadro raffigurante una fotoriproduzione su tela del volto della Pietà di Molfetta. Nella foto in ordine da sinistra: Francesco Cambione, Luca Catucci, Beppino Tarataro e Franco Stanzione.

Foto ricordo: in ordine da sinistra Luca Catucci, Beppino Tartaro,
Franco Stanzione, Nicola Ferro, Luigi D'Ippolito.


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