Thursday, December 3, 2009

Urethritis Recovery Time

GUIDE TO OUR SAINTS / Rolling Stones

S ono grosso modo umanoidi, a parte il basso supplementare e i nasi d’argento.
Quando appaiono negli stadi, una telecamera inquadra in Tre-D i loro lifting più riusciti e loro con un solo gesto della mano salutano tre miliardi di persone. Poi iniziano a cantare: e ripetono per l’ennesima volta di essere insoddisfatti. Tutti ci credono.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Strange Skirts Plus Size

how good the white (and how good are the rockstar)

L’ altro giorno, siccome a forza di vedere Bruno Vespa in televisione mi era venuta una fame nervosa che non vi dico, e considerato che a casa non c’era niente da mangiare, sono sceso giù per comprare qualcosa. Solo che per strada, appena ho visto il primo negozio di dischi, mi ci sono infilato senza neanche pensarci. Prima il vizio poi i bisogni, mi sono detto.
Mi ero quindi messo a rovistare tra gli scaffali, quando ho beccato un lp con in copertina un bambino nero denutrito che guardava con due occhi da vergognarsi. Era il Concert for Bangladesh del 1973, la Grande Madre di tutti i concerti umanitari.
Ora, dovete sapere che questa storia dei concerti di beneficenza, e di come siano brave le rockstar, e di come l’industria sia sensibile ai problemi della povera people I was immediately impressed. So I asked the clerk if there were any other thing that I wanted to give it a try. The type must have understood at once with those who had to do: they are the eyes shine, it was stuck right in the filthy back room and after a few minutes he came up with a stack of vinyl that smelled of mildew.
- These seem like? - I asked with a smile that looked like the fox of Pinocchio, dodging the cobwebs and mice droppings on the covers.

There was everything: Live Aid, Live8, Live Earth, USA for Africa, Pavarotti & Friends concert and also to the earthquake in Italy. There I saw more: prey to the emotion I bought the whole box of records and I went straight home to listen to them in solidarity, proud of me and of my goodness. I also thought of how good we are white, with our charity rock concerts, all united against poverty, hurricanes, AIDS. All Laura Pausini included.
But when I got home with nothing to eat, hunger, I immediately returned. The only thing edible was a kind of 4 Sauté now mummified Neolithic that dated back to top: with a little 'courage could pull out of the freezer, thaw, and eat it hope to survive. A story like Russian roulette, so to speak, che se uno volesse cedere all’insano vizio della scrittura, potrebbe iniziare così:

Presi la Cosa, la infornai e, appena il termostato toccò i 180°, l’oggetto iniziò a muoversi lentamente, mormorando come se volesse dire qualcosa. Stava cambiando colore e sembrava che trasudasse mozzarella alla diossina quando, dopo aver acceso il grill per una migliore tostatura, il Mostro iniziò lentamente a parlare …

- Basta con queste scemenze - ha detto la gatta interrompendo bruscamente questo mio slancio letterario- pensa invece a preparare quell’articolo su cibo e musica, che se no a quelli dell’Arcobaleno non ce li leviamo di torno. Today I received four phone calls in Puglia.
- literary hallucinations were due to starvation. A fact romantic things you can not understand - I told the cat, taking the pose of a troubled writer.
However, it was true: I had to jot down something about music and food, but honestly, apart from the angry spectators rotting vegetables that usually thrown on stage, there was very little to write.
- Something about the music of the soul as food, could not go well? So those of you drink the whole newspaper - said the cat.
- This story I will have read at least two hundred times, and in many different ways. If anything, I'd forgotten, you remember I am an author of a certain level.
- Never mind - she did - I know that today is the day. I'm calling to order two pizzas. As you want?

The situation was precipitated when, waiting for the pizza arrived, I put on the stereo the first discs purchased. Before a lovely blue bubble-shaped halo, then a noise that seemed to be killing a pig of 800 pounds, and eventually the speakers have exploded, spewing a terrible smell of rotten eggs.
- What is it? What was it? - Said the cat, inflating the balloon type tail.
- Come, - I replied in a voice full of emotion - it was Live 8 in 2005, the against poverty!
The cat looked at me with pity, I did not understand why. I was going to ask for an explanation, when they ring the intercom:
- Pizza! - Is a voice with a strange accent.
- With the sixth floor. The elevator is broken -. On the other end of the line I seemed to hear a blasphemy. Perhaps, in Africa.

After the boy climbed six floors of the pizzeria, an Eritrean who knew by sight, he slumped on the carpet entrance and asked me to loosen the pizza at the same time, a glass of water and a chair to rest.
- Just a minute - he said, drenched in sweat-six stories, one minute the chair, please.
I went to fetch him a glass of water and, in return, the guy was sat back in his chair and was looking forward to the album cover of Live 8.
- I remember the Live8 in 2005. We had just landed on Lampedusa after three days at sea. In two hundred and fifty on a boat thirty feet long and five wide-said the 'Eritrean smiling - Look, I'll read you something.

The boy took his wallet and pulled out a newspaper clipping.
- Those of the Red Cross we had wrapped the fish in the middle of the first meeting. I found there. Please note - the boy said before leaving. The cat approached curious, I took clipping from his hands and began to read:

Saturday, July 2, 2005: In conjunction with the G8 Live8 to assist the planet, "the biggest concert of the world." Billions of viewers, nearly 150 rock stars involved, nine simultaneous concerts around the planet. Pink Floyd, Deep Purple, Roxy Music, Paul McCartney, Brian Wilson ...

- Of course, land will have to dig due, meters and meters of rotten cemeteries to dig up a cast-like acid said the cat. Then he continued:

making poverty history, "Make poverty history" is the slogan of the mega humanitarian aid. Sensitive to the demands of the organizers at the opening of the G8 government spokesman said that by the eight large is the 'intention to reduce the multilateral debt of some (only eighteen) one hundred percent of the poor countries, for a total of 50 billion. dollars.
- Bravi - did kitten. - Except that they forgot to say that the total debt of poor countries is more than one trillion dollars, only 300 African ones. Just to say, the year before this farce, in 2004, America had happily shelled out 455 billion dollars for weapons and wars. Other than the fight against global hunger.

- And how do you I know these things? - I asked the cat.
- Knowledge is power, ignorance is slavery - she said, in reply. - You know Socrates?
- Socrates who? The greek rock band?
- this is called Socrates Drank The Conium progressive blues and played in the seventies. Instead of wasting time with Bruno Vespa, which also causes you to be nervous hunger, try reading a good book: it nourishes and not fattening.
- Now that has to do Bruno Vespa, the largest Italian journalist living?
- Then I'll explain. Another thing, multilateral debt, for Africa, it means only 30 percent of the total, and is due to the bodies international finance: World Bank, International Monetary Fund and Development Fund for Africa. The other, the remaining seventy per cent, debt is called unilateral, directly affects the states and what can not be touched even with a stick, even if it were to resurrect Elvis Presley in person, including scarves and glitter - he continued the cat.
- And now you got to do even the good soul of Elvis?
- Forget it. You know that for every dollar that western countries give in aid to poor ones, nine are to be returned to pay his debts? It would kick ass, but songs sung by rock stars - said the cat, which is a cat who always speaks with property di linguaggio.

Ora, sarà stato per la fame, sarà perché la pizza era ormai fredda ma, all’improvviso, chissà perché, mi è venuta in mente una canzone. Quella di John Lennon dove c’è quel verso che fa: “E’ facile vivere con gli occhi chiusi, senza capire nulla di ciò che vedi...”. Avete presente?

(pubblicato su "l'Arcobaleno" n.3 anno III - nov. dicembre 2009. Numero monografico sul cibo)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Should I Get A Lawyer If I Was Rear Ended

Karlheinz, the man who fell to earth in

N ella stella da dove veniva Karlheinz Stockhausen, the papers are never late. For example, when some important person on Earth dies, the newspapers publish a thing called the obituary. Sirius is rather different story: there are competing newspapers to publish, on the day of birth of any of these characters, the article Welcome to the world. Syrian journalists in newsrooms, with people sleeping on the stomach and lots of green scales on the face, they call these compositions genologi. Galaxy that go different customs, as they say tamarri of Alpha Centauri.

The life of the inhabitants of Sirius are characterized by their unbridled passion for mathematics, which led them to have a special relationship with time, space e, di conseguenza, con la musica. Su Sirio il rock è da tempo tramontato e i giovani alieni adorano la musica tibetana; la detenzione, lo spaccio e il consumo di sostanze televisive è ormai un triste ricordo del passato, rasentando percentuali vicine allo zero siderale; i libri, poi, si possono trovare solo presso gli spacciatori extra-mondo. Altissimo, di conseguenza, il numero di giovani bibliodipendenti.
Grazie anche al fatto che i giornali pubblicano la notizia prima che il fatto accada, sull’intera stella sono state abolite da tempo elezioni, parlamenti e governi, preferendo i liberi cittadini dello spazio prevenire, piuttosto che patire. Tutte queste meraviglie sono frutti della loro scienza dei numeri straordinariamente progredita, di contrazioni spazio-temporali del tutto inusuali, dei loro tramonti così fosforescenti. Altri mondi, altri quartieri, altre solitudini; la necessità di crearsi scorciatoie, cantava un Poeta sulla Terra.

Di tutte queste coincidenze, gli abitanti di Sirio ne sanno approfittare con rivoltosa eleganza e ardimentosa gioia. Da quelle parti i musicisti sono, tra tutti, quelli che se la spassano di più, avendo maggiori possibilità rispetto ai loro colleghi dell’ extra-mondo. Da un lato la passione tipica della civiltà di Sirio per la matematica, la linguistica computazionale, i fenomeni statistici in astratto e i viaggi interplanetari; dall’altro l’attenzione per i risultati e non per il way in which you will get. For one thing, most music fans on Sirius consider the same sound as composition over: Stockhausen was among them.

For reasons completely unknown, the small Karlheinz falling to earth in the first half of the twentieth century and in the 50s is already the 'child prodigy of electronic music. The study, which is considered the first piece of electronic music ever written, is a composition of 1953: six natural breaks described by relations of integers, isolated sounds, sequences formed starting from sine waves. For a mathematician might be reminded of the Helmholtz and Fourier analysis of sounds as well as combinations of notes. Not satisfied, few years after we pull out a little thing like Song of youth: it is 1956, a period in which needed only a small step to have the idea to make a single sound. That step, thanks to the rocket boosters that had been brought below its galaxy, Stockhausen will do before everyone else.

They report the galactic teaching guides that the methods of study, on Sirius, are particularly high: for graduate study in composition must approfonditamene the differences between sounds, for example between a piano sound, the wind and vocal A. Karlheinz, even on the new planet, he had not stopped studying the curriculum of his star image: what was the effect sound easier than you could get, white noise, colored noise, variations in the speed of sound. All of his work from this study.

On Earth, the new generation of the second half of the twentieth century knew him through the cover of a all'epocale dischettino bad: Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band The Beatles. On the planet are the sixties, when Stockhausen is portrayed in the disk in question. To keep him company, other aliens as Aleister Crowley, Albert Einstein, Buster Keaton. Not bad for a musician wandering the area he called his songs with titles like random music, Music Statistics, variable Music, Music Space; or who wrote compositions based on the Fibonacci sequence: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, .... At Sirius we bust, Math.

As from another galaxy, Stockhausen had very specific preferences, among those preferring land painters Paul Klee, a busker dauber, and the writers that Novalis, self-styled poet sick of romance. Among the human sense organs, it seems that the master eye's predilection ears. He said that the eyes, on Sirius, are extremely limited and can only see the surface of the world and existence, which is nothing but illusion. The ears, however, may enter into a world much more complicated and much richer: the music can create relationships between the finer vibrations of man, and also transmit.

Then, in a composition and another, Stockhausen said that its parts, when you look at the sky at dusk, and between the constellations appear endless beautiful sixteen moons spotted Sirius, the elders say that the music of the spheres is not exist. This men's star never forget their bodily nature, pointing at the same time to be the spirits. Car and driver at the same time, as they say the Syrians when they want to be understood by crude from Alpha Centauri.

Now seems that in early December 2007 Karlheinz Stockhausen has abandoned his car was old and shabby, somewhere on planet Earth. After posting, the pilot is happily back on Sirius, where he is currently well and has resumed work. Local newspapers say that the teacher has already recorded with a band of Beetle-core mathematician, a very general ground screaming and full of so many ye-ye. In the album cover there are four beetles with mustache, hair and skin stinking helmet white, green and hairless with no scales. Thanks to this amazing look, all interstellar marketing experts agree that the item will sell definitely a mess. Even among Truzzi of Alpha Centauri.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Arlington Tx Blood Plasma

/ 4

Rock hospice, the fans at the asylum.

(sticker on a CD, perhaps)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Wedding Shower Ideas, Teacher Theme

Treaty destruction of records

disposal techniques and proposals for reuse - V

Reduced to microscopic size with a ceremonial necromancy, The CD was injected into a vein Alderman Provincial Culture. The subject, after just 20 minutes from the entry into circulation of the disc, gave outburst in setting fire to his entire library, consisting of one copy of "The Tales of Mother Goose" by Perrault.
Man - throwing into turmoil the family-he then began to perform in the long and embarrassing quotes from Enneads of Plotinus. The fact was promptly informed the President of the Province, which saw for myself what was going on Alderman, he immediately ordered to cease from their incompatibility, assuming the function ad interim.
The Mayor then signed a TSO for the poor man forcing his wife, without more income, prebend and lace, an experience no-limits: be employed as a cashier in a local supermarket. Later, il triste episodio ha costretto il Consiglio Provinciale a rivedere la programmazione estiva degli spettacoli, eliminando, per non rinnovare il dolore dei familiari, qualsiasi riferimento alla parola “cultura”.
L’operazione non ha richiesto troppo tempo, né eccessivo dispendio d’energie intellettuali da parte dei componenti della Giunta. Gli stessi, alla fine di quest’operazione di ripulitura, si sono sentiti come alleggeriti da un peso, e hanno finalmente rimesso nel cassetto la pistola tirata fuori appena lo sfortunato Assessore aveva iniziato a citare, rigorosamente in latino, il libro V delle Enneadi.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Good Praise Dance Songs

Erik, mammifero gimnopedista

"A man without religion is like a fish without a bicycle" (ES)

"The eccentric Satie" they say in decent living, when we speak of a musician who knew the words use them as they were known, and vice versa. For example, he wrote the captions that would be enough in the scores: "Do not blush on the fingers", "on the tip of teeth, those at the bottom", "can do better" instead of the traditional "happy", "piano con brio," " slowly. Or "les Embroyns desséchés," and his other compositions who were also real "scores for the eye" in advance of the poetry of Apollinaire, as for the graphic structure interacted with the question of sound. One who during his past life was heretical sect by misteriosofica Ordre de la Rose to the piece of the French Communist Party, from café chantant polemic with impressionism and with Wagnerian Romanticism, one that had always denied the homelands generally . A European mammal with a smile free of intelligence, self-styled gimnopedista, born in 1866 in Honleur, a small town in Normandy in northern France: Eric Alfred Leslie Satie. K The final will succeed him.

"My name is Erik Satie, as anyone"

"Freedom comes from irony," he wrote in those years, the father of Adele H., it is to be believed. What it certainly did Erik Satie in the second half of the nineteenth century, when it began its life as a "tramp" and moved to Paris, Montmartre. Niche not bad: around the pub, you could see people like Picasso, Ravel, Stravinsky, Cocteau, and many dancers. Open parenthesis: those who speak well at this point say that surrealism, Dadaism, were visited and in turn visited the figure and work of ours. Closed in parentheses. He, Satie, was one of those who leave for the military academy and run away after a few weeks showing disease so terrible to push back an army, idiocy is not yet extinct. Can not stay a moment longer in any academy or police station if you are able to write a composition that lasts just over a minute, a pattern of eight measures, consisting of a theme and two harmonies, accompanied by this provision the executor "Be prepared with a series and actual immobility." The song, adds the author, should be "played with himself" 840 times in a row, something that, depending on the chosen time, takes between 12 and 24 hours. "Vexations" (1893) called such work and the author is Satie, musician not by chance after being expelled from the Academy as "untalented." Academics: Then one says. Just to be precise anarchic, we must remember that the first public performance, and full of "Vexations" only took place seventy years after its composition: September 9, 1963 at the Pocket Theatre in New York. That plenty of minutes of music was played continuously from 18:00 until 12:40 the following day, repeated for a total duration of about 18 hours and 40 minutes. At the martyrdom they provided five pianists, the creator of the enterprise was the infamous John Cage, known frequenter of anarchists and game shows, one that instead of eighteen hours of invasion sound was able to write "4 '33", a song is only silence. Destinies. Meetings. As islands in time, the poet would say. Icy report the news and during the various complete performance of "Vexations" there are often opportunities to vomiting, lesions of the phalanges of the fingers, dislocated jaws, fainting, dreams, visions, transformations. Elevations made with nothing, not even light a candle, a wafer, a crucifix, a priest.

"Lord, you're not an ass. But without an ass music! "

took the floor to Prosecutor: "Gentlemen! Russian exiles conspiring with the accused Satie strove to prepare a cowardly attack, a snub to the French taste: the staging of the ballet "Parade," in which he inserted music sounds of typewriters, sirens, shots, music, negra, market turmoil and people ". "Using them as facts, essential elements of reality" breaks sharply from the back of the Braque, Cubism. Rise from the audience shouting "Long live the black art!" "Death to Suprematism." (...) Takes the prosecutor: "These are ravings from Utopia! No sir, the Cubists are wrong! In the future can never be no dancing or cubist. France already enough and advance the infamous cafe chantant, places where this man spent his nights while accompanying a sordid characters, dancers, students, artists, criminals. The "Chat Noir" was the name of the place that the accused attended more regularly, playing the piano in the evenings most shameful. As evidence of the 'charge produced the song "Jack in the Box"; es'aggiunga tickets to the defamatory Satie sent to its unsuspecting victims, our watchdogs in the affairs of art, the critics loved ones. (...) We ask the sentencing etc .... " (...) Correnti, academies and other forms of domination will be vigorously contested, in those years. For some with guns and bombs, with other paintings, or even poems. After the premiere of "Parade" (ballet realist) - composed in 1917 for the Ballets Russes Djaghilev, screenplay by Cocteau, Picasso scenes, music by Satie, choreography by Massine - raging controversy. Debussy refused to block the provocations of "Parade", the Dadaists rejoice; Apollinaire, enthusiastic, started to remove items from the cylinder. Satie is reported, tried and sentenced to eight days in prison, and cento franchi di multa per aver scritto il seguente biglietto ad un critico: “Signore, lei è non è che un culo. Ma un culo senza musica”. Satie può aver seminato equivoci, o seguaci; e tra questi, modernamente, ci sono alcuni che dicono di fare discreet music, musica per ambienti, aeroporti o pollai. Ma di “Musique d’Ameublement” lui aveva già parlato, e composto, nel 1920: oltre mezzo secolo prima di tutti gli odierni cocoriti.“L’Arte è un’altra cosa” diceva Satie. E il nostro non era uno che scherzava, con l’arte; se, ad esempio, Debussy lo accusava di comporre brani senza forma, lui era capace di scrivere subito “Trois morceaux en forme de poire "(1903):" Three pieces of pear-shaped. " Around Satie formed the Group of Six, a 'band of musicians - Poulenc among others - from which he later detaches itself: as Zarathustra, Friedrich would say No. Like Socrates, he would surely stated Erik S. Forties, after years of manic loneliness resumed his studies "serious" and signs up, who knows how to provoke, at the Schola Cantorum devoted to the study of counterpoint, also fell in love with the writings of Plato. In 1918 Satie composed "Socrates", a symphonic drama for piano, chamber orchestra and voices for which he also wrote the libretto, drawing it from the "Conversations". A work inspired by the intimate connection he felt with the philosopher and his work, that the public expect more-usual, is said to bar the first did not understand, and even mocked. So it goes, or siblings.

"One time I was child ... I would say it is not"

When Satie died, and only then, opened the doors of his house, they found scores friends, dozens and dozens of umbrellas, all the same clothes, hundreds of cards. The den of a magician. And speaking of magic, your still remember, at a distance of years, the first time I listened to the seventh chords, ninth, eleventh; le terze concatenate; l’attimo esatto quando si premette il play dello stereo e –fino ad allora inaudita- partì la prima delle tre Gymnopédies. Che poi la stessa sia usata nelle sigle dei programmi televisivi o nelle pubblicità con Rit.Lev.Montalcin., poco ci tange. Il fatto lo si ritiene conferma, invece, delle parole già ripetutamente ripetute: la musica è troppo stupida ecc. Che anzi la sventurata non c’entra, essendo Ella solo aria e chi Le sta attorno manutengoli.
E poi si racconta che prima di morire, nella tarda serata del 30 giugno 1924, Erik scese nel giardino della sua pensione ad Arcueil e sotterrò i manoscritti di 6 sinfonie, 4 Concerti per pianoforte, 5 Oratori, 3 Messe, 24 Quartetti String, Piano Sonatas 8 and 3 books. All carefully packed, and people say that just a year and a day later, July 1, 1925, Satie joined them forever. Subtleties of people who can make ridiculous the academy, power, death. Like the time in a school of Arcueil, where he held a conference to our children. The little old Erik arrived, sat down and told: "Lord, Ladies, Gentlemen ... I have lived a long time with the animals, but I also very popular with children. One time I was a kid too - it would not - a small child, small (...) As you become musicisti? E' molto semplice: si prende un professore - di musica, se possibile. Lo si sceglie con cura, con attenzione, con gravità. Ci si mette d'accordo su un prezzo. L'allievo deve avere molta pazienza - una grande pazienza - una pazienza da somaro, molto notevole. Bisogna infatti. che si abitui a sopportare il suo professore. Pensate un po': un professore! Costui chiede delle cose che sa, lui, e che non sapete, voi... Evidentemente ne abusa. E voi avete il diritto di non dire niente. E anzi è meglio così”. Arrivati a quel punto, c’è da scommettere che tutti i bambini avessero la bocca e le orecchie spalancate: Maestri e Direttore non si sa. E infine, prima di scomparire, Erik Satie aggiunse: "Know that the job is the freedom ... the freedom of others. When working, do not give trouble to anyone .. Do not ever forget it. Do you understand? ". It 's all, children.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

How Long Take Metronidazole To Work

Era una notte buia e tempestosa

L 'last night I am awakened by a noise is a pigeon that knocks insistently at the window. I get up and just open it, the bird, looking very serious, he pulls out a pencil from behind his ear, it gives me a form to sign, deliver a telegram and went away without even saying goodbye.
- No I've never seen a pigeon holding pen behind the ear-, is the cat who had followed the whole scene.
- And I've never seen cats that talk - I responded with a rude tone, annoyed by that telegram in the middle of the night.
- The tattered has sent some of those who frequent - the cat replied acid - Sure. Like the fact that pigeons do not have ears.

Next Number on Music And Fear To Stop F. Squinternat. Rainbow , was written on telegram. The cat looked at me with a look of pity and recovered a ronfare. -Paura… ma cosa c’entra mai con la musica? - ha detto all’improvviso una voce che veniva da una poltrona al buio in fondo alla stanza. Mi si è ghiacciato il sangue nelle vene. A casa non c’era nessuno e le poltrone, notoriamente, non parlano da sole.

- Ma scusi, signora poltrona, com’è che tutto a un tratto si è messa a parlare? – sono riuscito a balbettare, mentre il cuore mi batteva a mille.
- Piacere di conoscerla, spero che indovinerà il mio nome - ha risposto l’ombra sulla poltrona, sporgendosi verso di me. Nell’oscurità a malapena riuscivo to see it.
- And she makes us here, how come? Who is it?
- Allow me to introduce myself, I am a rich man and taste.

Now, I had understood one thing: If you dine late, there is no need to exaggerate the pie lasagna, eggplant caponata, the sweet and sour peppers, cassata, the raisins and the nero d'Avola. The cat called me aside: "Look at the guy you're parroting the words of Sympathy for the Devil, a song by the Rolling Stones. You do not yet noticed? ". Good thing the cats speak, I thought - and that know-Rolling, added lei.Confortato these musical references, are then returned to the office.

- Lord, assuming that she is a hallucination brought on by the psychedelic effects of eggplant caponata, I would like to take this unexpectedly his presence to ask for clarification with respect to its first claim, namely that where she excludes any possible relationship between music and fear - I said to type. When I left the caponata on the stomach, talking me out ahead.
- See, my friend, unlike those tattered Rainbow she is so determined to attend, I do not believe that music can be scary.
- Apart from the one of Toto Cotugno - I added, always in the mood for jokes. The shadow did turn around and continued:
- By all accounts, if there is a place where the devil is at home, apart from the TV commercial, including owners of villas, this is precisely music. Always. From Dionysus to Throbbing Gristle. Passing by Marilyn Manson and all groups that pull in dance serial killers, zombies, demons and antichrists.
- those bands that seem to be made by guardians of cemeteries, in short - I have interfered with the usual silly joke.
Pussy while she woke up, obviously interested in the conversation.

- To support this thesis also brings up the blues: the music of the devil, as it was called - has taken him. - It was said that the legendary Robert Johnson had learned to play guitar by the devil himself at night, in cemeteries. Nothing is true, if you let me say that I know something. In short, the list would be long to do. And perhaps unnecessary. Why is not this the music is scary. But that, as sometimes happens with art and culture can become a flag of freedom, a threat to anyone in charge.
- These last thing escapes me, sir. Could you give me an example? - The man gave a sigh, took on the tone of voice when you said something stupid at home and, with great patience, he began:

- For example, music can become so dangerous that the Chilean general, during the coup of 1973, tortured, killed in gun shots and smashed his hands to Victor Jara, guilty of having made songs against the dictatorship.
- Anyone order is automatically hazardous , said Anselme - added cat.
- who Anselme, the lead singer of Pantera? - I asked, now completely in the flask.
- What is called Phil Anselmo. The heavy metal has nothing to do - he replied sour pussy, looking at me wrong.
- You are right her cat, my friend. Anselme Bellegarrigue was a man who, among other things, said: Where no one obeys, no one commands - said the shadow.
- I realized: it was an individualist, as all the singers. Like -. It was clear that I did not understand anything. The cat sighed.
- But, sir, Excuse: I do not yet responded. She, who?

Suddenly, an explosion shook the windows. The shadow was gone. That remained in the air a smell of sulfur, mixed with the sweet and sour peppers. After a while, 'the cat broke the silence: "If the music is scary, then it is equally true that there is scary music."
- Apart from the one of Toto Cotugno - I've insisted.
- Who is afraid of those who listen to the music wrong, that does not sing in chorus - the cat has continued, raising his head from the book that was flipping through. A sort of etiquette to the Treaty on the use of new generations, written by a Belgian vampire, that Vaneigem. Mine is a cat who reads books about manners.
- Enough with the fear - she did, closing the book.

Then I took the first album of Black Sabbath and I put on the stereo. Silence. The spiral begins to turn the label, hypnotic. A cemetery abandoned, rain, tolling a death knell. A flash of breaking the darkness, followed by a terrible thunder: Tommy's guitar enters Jommi. Ozzy is, hidden behind a tomb. He gets up, opens his eyes, out of his mouth still half a head of a bat and starts singing with a voice like a madman, "Who is this that stands before me, dressed in black that I tip my eyes ....". Guys, after indigestion of lasagna pie, like the old Sabbath there is none.

- only that they are good for Halloween, not for an article on Fear and Music. Enough with the hard rock museum. Please add this - I said the cat, giving me "Fear of Music" a Talking Heads album thirty years ago, so old as to be perfectly fashionable. See Franz Ferdinand, so to speak.
- But in the end, the one who was he? - I asked.
- What, you have not yet figured out? You left the TV on and you fell asleep during the news Retequattro - did kitten.
- Emilio Fede?
-I'm afraid so.

(published in "The Rainbow" No.2 Year III - Oct. Novembre2009. Monograph on fear)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Brazilian Wax Hemorrhoid

Le crocchette di alligatore sono buone (e anche la musica egiziana)

L 'other day I get a phone call: " Two folders on travel and music. Now. And they are written in an understandable way, " an intimate voice with a strange accent, posing as an emissary of this here newspaper. Closed the call, I immediately sought solace in solitary shameful vice: reading. In this case, "The right to laziness" by Paul Lafargue, a move that he wrote about a century ago. Some days I just start with the wrong foot.

And given that misfortunes never come alone, in the afternoon to visit a neighbor who has since made two weeks in Sharm - as he puts it - which then would be a popular tourist destination in Egypt, wants to do know the entire building. The type, one that when they leave shall maintain coffee maker, coffee and camp stove, greets newly arrived, placed two balls, loosen as souvenirs bought a cd there and is about to pull out cell-phone to show pictures of the ritual, when a call comes. Ringer disastrous, needless to say. " What?" Suspicious do I just see the cover of the cd. " do not know, I have not even heard. Imagine, then with this cover. There is a trick that seems to bust through my aunt. By the way, I met in Sharm American boys that I have shot in the complete discography mp3 Metallica. Interests you? " tells me the building, answering the phone at the same time. I take the ferry to the distraction to his doorway and out, to do with it without realizing it, make it disappear into the elevator. Stuff that even Harry Potter, kids.

apparition remained the record, I looked dumb. I say silent because while the writing was in Arabic, then because there were only two tracks, each lasting from thirty to fifty minutes. Too much effort: I took the cd and threw it near the cat litter.

few days after passing a friend from home, when a traveler wants to taste everything: if it is kibble alligator in the swamps of Florida or camel chops if he goes to Palermo in Tunisia. Just entered, greeting goes to the cat that is in the area and bisognini, with hawk eyes, sees the so-called Egyptian abandoned. "But this is Umm Kalthoum, the Diva! exclaims. What makes us close to the cat litter? " added with a light in his eyes that does not bode well. There are certain times, as everyone knows, but we would sink into the earth, coward, refuses to swallow. In a nanosecond the CD was recovered, cleaned and in silence, put on your stereo. The girl was now sitting, but he kept staring at me and meanwhile beat his foot nervously.

As it was, as it was, the two tracks ended. I did not understand anything. Nothing to do with any of the first thirty discs that can pass through the head. Nothing can be coordinated on a journey that did not provide nessun villaggio turistico. L'unica cosa che riconoscevo erano le urla e gli applausi del pubblico, uguali a quelli che possiamo ascoltare durante un concerto rock. Tumulti incomprensibili, alle orecchie dell'ascoltatore occidentale medio. Figuriamoci poi la musica: nessun accordo, melodie continue con note che non erano mai perfette e parole cantate in una lingua incomprensibile.

“Cos'è?” chiedo per la seconda volta. Lei, dopo avermi visto annaspare per quasi ottanta minuti, ora si è ammorbidita: “ E' Umm Kalthoum, una piccola contadina nata in un villaggio sul Delta del Nilo agli inizi del secolo scorso. Una che, dagli anni venti fino a tuttora, Thirty years after his death, continues to be the voice of fifty million Arabs from the Gulf Ocean. The Star of the East, called - continued -. A cross between Maria Callas, The Beatles, Eminem, Mozart, Rolling Stones ". " And Metallica?" ask. "You often too your neighbor, that does not travel without coffee." "Look at me got himself . " certainly will not even listen . The cat nodded, rubbing on her leg.

" What is a tourist! - has taken her - One who seeks spaghetti in Peru and then complain if they are overcooked. To listen to this music, all music, you have to be travelers. And raise your head from your fence. Only the best news is that now a group that sounds like another thirty years ago and dresses like a twenty years before. " "A morgue, virtually" , I add. The final bars are always good to me.

"And then - he concluded - try asking for a Moroccan, Tunisian, Egyptian, Palestinian, if he knows Umm Kalthoum. You will see it immediately smile, as if for a moment he returned home. When submitting its radio concerts, first Thursday of every month, the entire Arab world stopped to listen, and everyone dreams with his music. There is a book which tells of a poet in love with her. It's called 'I loved you for your voice'. You know him? "

No, did not know him. But I immediately thought of a story, about this CD: a man arrives on a beach. It 's definitely a shipwrecked, naked and exhausted. What to do? We call the police, or the Red Cross, or the ER. A girl of ten thousand years ago called the maids instead: "You have to help him, because they all come from Zeus, foreigners and beggars." And then they take it into parents' home, feeds him, washes him, and it smells when it is covered with white cloths and clean they do sit together and all ask him to tell a story. Except that she was called Nausicaa, Odysseus and his time there was the Bossi-Fini and who are thrown back into the sea of \u200b\u200bforeigners. " What has the Bossi-Fini?" she said absently, looking at the navel.

"The other, when you do not know, it makes you scared. As this disc "I had to respond. Just give me a tone that I shot there the first thing that came into his head: "Music is a travel, and travel must be curious, open to differences, and be able to bring home what you find, to understand, compare, improve ". "Bravo -fa- she might write an article. But do it in an understandable way. "

(published on The Rainbow 1 year. III. Sept.-October 2009. Monothematic number on the trip)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Covering Letter For Hardy Store?

Conoscete Pino Veneziano?

" I if I were a boy, brings you the guitar. Follows him everywhere. I feel like singing squares, I would see laborers moved, excited, and give him hope he sings, "writes Ignazio Buttitta Pino Veneziano, calling it" a storyteller who makes policy, and with sublime poetry.

Others, such as Ascanio Celestini, would say that Venice is "one of those singers, artists oral culture that in some countries, such as the United States of America, would become a cult object, a bit 'like Woodie Guthrie or fathers of the blues. " Only that Pino was born in Riesi, in the Sicilian-thirties, and would have revealed the existence of America only a few years later, perhaps when a boy herding goats in the countryside of Sciacca, or did the baker's boy to Castelvetrano. Or when he moved to Trapani, in a seaside village, where this story begins.

Lido Azzurro in Marinella di Selinunte, in the seventies, was a place dove, dopo aver mangiato e bevuto, si potevano ascoltare canzoni dal “parlare naturale”: quelle di Pino Veneziano che, dopo aver servito ai tavoli, in certe serate tirava fuori la chitarra. Tra i clienti, oltre a scrittori, giornalisti, artisti di ogni parte del mondo, poteva capitare di incontrare Danilo Dolci, Primo Levi, Fabrizio De Andrè. Il quale, dopo averlo ascoltato, invitò Pino ad aprire il suo primo concerto in Sicilia, nel 1975 a Marsala.

Una volta, in quel posto arrivò anche Jorge Luis Borges; ad accompagnare il poeta c'era il fotografo Ferdinando Scianna che scattò Photo of the meeting. In a Borges is smiling in the foreground and a light in his eyes like a blind man. Behind Pino Veneziano is singing his songs, as he did with friends and clients. At the end of that meeting the poet, says Umberto Leone, wanted to touch his face, "Pino had a face like a gypsy that seemed carved from south-west and the south wind, Borges plumb it to him slowly, barely touching her, to understand every curve, every furrow that had dug that flight. It was a scene of great emotion. "

Marinella di Selinunte, in those years was the focus of many people and many passions. It was therefore natural that, attracted by the sea, from the temples and also by the Sardinian restaurant Don Pino, competed in beauty with the temple of Hera few hundred meters away, the Blue Beach could become, for a certain period of time and a conjunction of time and space that only distracted when they call, in a sort of magnetic center.

Pino Veneziano, from speaking natural

One day in 1972, a musician passing gave him a guitar, "Pino took her hand as if he had lost their entire life," recalls Jojo, his friend and partner in the restaurant and Veneziano, forty years, he learned to play it.

not Arcadia but Sicily, between the sea and the countryside of Castelvetrano, a country where a few years earlier had been murdered Salvatore Giuliano, not far from Cinisi Peppino Impastato or Trapani Mauro Rostagno. These were the years of the barracks in Belice earthquakes, protest marches, and massacres of the Democratic regime of State.

In his songs, sung in Sicilian dialect with a dark voice and old, using attacks and almost spoken storyteller, there are the struggles of the seventies, died on the job, the bomb Piazza della Loggia, the pollution of Gela, the progress "has lengthened the pitch and fool that I'm going below." The invitation to do this, in every land, a garden.

But not only are his songs that sing of the sweetness of September, the beauty of nature, love, cats in heat and whores.

Veneziano embraces the guitar as a sheet of paper on which to write the words of a man "or crazy or criminal, but by speaking naturally." Speaking of "poor" innocent, poor, migrants, exploited.

It becomes, Pino's guitar, an instrument with which to send fascist fuck, priests and masters "son of a bitch and whore mother" shouting "We want all that is ours! Yours? I'll leave! So much nothing. "

His only album, recorded in less than a thousand copies in 1975 for October circles of Lotta Continua, is called "Lu Patruno and suvecchiu", "the owner is too much."

Twelve songs for little more than thirty-five minutes, to hear them now, still shaking, strong, true, dry. Natural essential to a man. Pino, thanks to that gift, he had become what he had always been: a poet who told stories that no one else could see, turning them into poetry in song.

of this land let's make a garden

who died in 1994 when his guitar in recent years had begun to forget, gathering dust and some rope was broken - in addition to its single disc, Pino Veneziano also left half signs that you can see in people who have known him, recognized the passion that is released as a tattoo can be worn with pride.

A Castelvetrano's Association "Pino Veneziano (, for example, that over six years to organize the Award intitolato a Pino, porta avanti idee e proposte culturali e sociali; e il nome di Veneziano diventa così, come è anche giusto che sia, mezzo, non soltanto fine.

Solo che da diversi anni questo, che è anche il territorio del boss mafioso Matteo Messina Denaro, è “offeso dal tentativo di cementificazione incombente e reclama il diritto a essere quello che è, un'oasi di pace e di cultura” come dicono alcuni suoi abitanti, in un appello per Selinunte promosso dall'Associazione, firmato da scrittori, musicisti, intellettuali, cittadini e diffuso in occasione della sesta edizione del Premio, assieme ad un libro/tributo su Pino Veneziano e ad un cd dal title of "let's make this earth a garden." In the book, among others, the writings of Vincenzo Consolo, Ascanio Celestini. Ignazio Buttitta, Gaetano Savatteri. Among the musicians who participated in the cd playing covers of Venice, as well as those who attended the concert, Peppe Barra, Moni Ovadia, Mondorchestra, Gabriele Rampino, Roy Paci, Officina Zoe, Sud Sound System.

The tribute concert

It's a little 'effect to hear the songs of Pino Veneziano, born between the plastic tablecloths and the smell of fried fish for his restaurant on the sea, carried out in an August evening in the Archaeological Park of Selinunte in the temple of Hera, Goddess who welcomes us with the embrace warmth of his columns, the background of this outdoor concert. The air smells of thyme, wild parsley, oregano and on our right, in an African sky, the little wagon. All around, a thick bubble humidity envelops us drowning in sweat and liquefying instruments, musicians, audience, plastic chairs and sacred groves.

The sixth edition of the Pino Veneziano opens with a speech reminiscent of Vincenzo Consolo Vincenzo Tusa, archaeologist from the heart of peasant, turning in grave robbers and guards managed to make it to expropriate the land mafia, has created what is the Archaeological Park of Selinunte. The following is a remembrance and a tribute for Gianni Diecidue, poet and agitator libertarian who died recently.

Among the musicians on the bill, even Roy Paci. But, because of a cat met on a bus, causing something akin to an anaphylactic shock, put him offside, the Paci - allergic to cat fur-awaited by all in flesh and trumpet, it was shown on the phone instead of wings Mercury. That is a our mobile phone which he communicated with the audience, apologizing for the absence, thanking those who had invited him and telling the owner of the cat, animal incorruptible, his grievances had sent him to that country in a bad way. Roy has quietly concluded his speech by pointing to a recipe of my knowledge that, due to interference in the reception, did not understand what kind of animal it meant. Of course, cooked with olives and celery: like the rabbit, but not quite.

then appeared on stage is Pino Masi. "And where this check?" Has now asked a man sitting a few rows ahead. "It must have been some unexpected materialization. Time machines are no longer used to be, "he replied absently daughter sitting beside a brat who had not stopped fiddling with the play station all the time of the call and they forgot to Greek temples, music and musicians.

Michela Musolino opens his show playing beautifully a cappella, "A Santu" and after that, some other song from her CD "Songs of Trinacria." Work where the Italian-American singer, thanks to the lightness in the arrangements and her beautiful voice, knows how to remove the shawls blacks, the cypresses and the polls that some misunderstanding-think-should be required reading in all of popular music and of Sicilian Rosa Balistreri in particular.

Then the resounding Umberto Leone, that when one gets on stage to sing as if he had just kissed a nymph in the mouth of a sudden, there among the olive trees.

And again, the Palermo Art Ensemble of musicians who accompanied the singers, Rocco Pollina with some guys of the band of the Master of Asaro Paceco that prefaces his reading of "The Mafia does not exist" by voice of Toto Riina who complains of essere vittima dei comunisti; una applauditissima Clara Salvo accompagnata da Matilde Politi, quest'ultima purtroppo in sordina per scelte della scaletta; Pippo Pollina, Etta Scollo e, sorpresa della serata, Enrico Stassi.

Il quale, con la sua definitiva rilettura di Tom Waits, mischiando l'Orco di Pomona con il Trionfo di Santa Rosalia, usa il dialetto siciliano e le abbanniate come centro dal quale partire: Ucciria, Santuzza e panino cu la stigghiola come riferimenti emozionali e geografici. Il tutto per la necessaria comprensione della poetica di Tom Waits, chiaro. E laddove tutte queste cose non fossero vere, come potrebbe anche essere, la mitica interpretazione di Enrico Stassi rimane in ogni caso una delle cose divertenti di questa serata.

Nel dopoconcerto alla “Zabbarra”, la trattoria sul mare, Pino Masi fa una considerazione: “bisogna morire per essere ricordati”. Vero: non tutti hanno la fortuna di morire al momento giusto e, a volerla dire com'è, alcuni sopravvivono dannosamente a se stessi. Nel frattempo, dopo che tutti chissà per quale suggestione avevano evitato il coniglio con le olive e sedano, arrivano le sarde arrosto di Jojò: standing ovation.

“Come these sardines from the next table takes a customer casually replying to Masi. "Presbyopia is called" cut short a brat - always the same - sitting nearby, without even looking up from his play station and they forgot all : sardines, cats and rabbits.