Thursday, March 26, 2009

How Can License Silicone Bracelets

On the occasion of the anniversary of SS.Crocifisso (from March 30 to April 4) the Carmelite parish of the same name to the Village has solemnly stated on a miraculous portrait art throne at the side of the chancel. This in order to enable the faithful to pray with devotion and admire the venerated wooden sculpture of the SS. Crucifix (attributed by some to Fra 'Humble Pintorno - end of sec. XVI - and, among others' Angelo by Pietrafitta - end of the seventeenth century).
The program of religious celebrations focused on " Theology of the Cross in St. Paul the Apostle" expected on 30, March 31 and April 1:
17.30 hours, Rosario S.;
at 18, inspired by the Via Crucis groups of children and families of catechesis;
at 18.30 Mass.
19 hours meditation on the theme of the celebrations by Rev. Rocco Larocca.

This is program April 2 to 4:
- 17.30 hours, the Holy Rosary
- at 18, reading "Passion" from the Gospels with the dramatization by Household catechesis.
- Holy Mass at 18.30. The second will be chaired by the Bishop of San Severo Mgr. Lucio Renna, 3 from the vicar general Msgr. Franco Castellana, 4, archbishop of Taranto Mgr. Benigno Luigi Papa
The parish priest Father Enrico Ronzini collect offers for sponsorships and support for needy children through contact with relevant international organizations.

Text Angelo Diofa
Photo Maddalena F.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Poptropica Freddy Krueger

Week Show in San Pasquale: A Holy Week a year long

starts to get busy calendar of events as understood stage in the upcoming week Major in Taranto.
report, the last Sunday of Lent, the exhibition of photos and artifacts on the rites, by the Secretariat of the brotherhoods in Saint Augustine:

"A Holy Week a year long"

The exhibition will open at 10 am in the hall of the parish of San Pasquale. The visits will be possible for the entire Holy Week.

Monday, March 9, 2009

How Do You Get Phlegm Out Of A Baby

Concert of Passion

Monday, March 30, in the church of San Domenico, 19 will be held at the edition of the concert de “La Passione a Taranto”, organizzato dalla Confraternita dell’Addolorata.

Come tradizione si esibirà la Banda della Marina Militare diretta dal maestro Saverio Mele.

Questo il programma:

- Marcia funebre op.35 (Chopin),
-Mestizia (V. Manente)
- Triste Ricordo (N. Ippolito)
-Amleto (S. Calò)
-Venerdì Santo ( Giuseppe Gregucci, primo premio al 5° Concorso Nazionale di Mottola),
- Intermezzo, Secondo tempo della VII Sinfonia di Beethoven
- Giovedì Santo (A. Bonelli)
- Elegy (A. Lamanna)
- Christus (P. Marincola)
- Mama (L. Rizzoli).

Angelo Caputo will present.

In the picture the unforgettable Vittorio Manente, for many years director of the Central Band of the Navy).

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

How Many Calories In Olive Garden Pizza

3 rd International Congress of Religious Studies Popular Culture Today

will Gigi Montenegro, a journalist and writer and Antonio Liuzzi, Prior of the Brotherhood of Our-ta and San Domenico, to re-open and close the work of the first session of 3 ° Conve-port International Studies in Popular Culture Religious, which will be held in the crypt of the Cathedral "Santa Maria La Nova Caltanis-sect 6, 7 and 8 March 2009.
The theme of the important meeting, the first of two planned for this year, " Holy Week in An-Dalus, Sicily and Puglia.
In fact, the inter-national conference to be fully operational from the current year, as announced to-last September in Ta-rant in the church of San Domenico Maggiore, Taranto dell'appuntamen-to comparison between scientists and researchers. The third edition
organ-ised in collaboration with the Real-Mae stranza City Caltanisset-ta, see the participation of prestigious speakers-no evidence from Spain, and of course, Puglia and Sicily. They confirmed their presence
Professor Adela Mora-do Gujosa in represen-tation of the Royal Federation of Covens and Con-fraternity of Granada, Dr. Manuel Garcia Prados Prior of the Brotherhood of Nuestro Senor en el Huerto de los Olivos and Mary de la Amargura of Granada and Professor Jaime Perez-Bryan Haffener of Malaga, and additionally Blanquez Feliciano Foronda, Prior of the Pillar of Hermandad de Seville, which has already been a speaker last September in Taran-to. To take
Sicily their reports, the professores-sa Zaffuto Rosanna Rovelli relazionerà events of Caltanissetta, Professor John Cammack to speak instead of Trapani, and Professor Umberto Tornabene Diocesan President of the Brotherhood of Enna. For
Puglia addition to the aforementioned Liuzzi and Montenegro, which will also coordinate the work of the conference re-looks, Dr. Stan Franco-tion Prior dell'Arciconfra maternity Death of Molfet-ta, and Dr. Andrea Lova-scio Prior dell'Arciconfrater nite-di Santa Maria del Suf-Frag Bitonto.
preside over the work John Taibi, honorary chairman of the Real Maestranza City of Calto-nissetta reggen and president of the Association Interna-tional-yourself "The Red Robe, '" which organizes the conference itself. The findings have been entrusted to Monsignor Giovanni Lanzafame, expert mariologist and spiritual father of the same-l'associazione.
Two working days are planned for the conference, namely the Afternoon-Thu on Friday 6 and 7 on Saturday morning, when pre-view the various reports. Sa-bato afternoon, however, all the speakers taking part in the solemn celebration in the Cathedral in honor of the new Captain of Real-Mae stranza 'of Catanisetta, Maestro Joseph Giordano. On Sunday afternoon instead is planned town-ling between the band "Apricot Salvatore" Cal-tanissetta and that of Maria Santissima de la Victoria Las Cigarreras (dell'omoni Sivigliana brotherhood-but) to be enshrined in the approxi- ; to the band for the occasion Apricot mae-ter directed by Melia Bartolomé Gómez English director of the complex band.
Taranto Today February 24, 2009

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Ap Biology Lab 4 Post Lab Questions

the first to Carmine and Via Crucis Confraternity of San Domenico

In town already an air of Holy Week
Da oggi comincia il conto alla rovescia dei confratelli

Con la prima domenica di Quaresima si incomincia re­spirare aria di Settimana San­ta, che solo dalle nostre parti è vissuta in modo così intenso. Infatti le Confraternite del Carmine e dell'Addolorata, custodi del nostro patrimonio tradizionale pasquale, sono al lavoro da tempo per prepara­re con ogni accorgimento i Ri­ti della Settimana Santa. Già da oggi si inizia il conto alla rovescia per i Confratelli che intendono partecipare al Pel­legrinaggio del Giovedì Santo e alle Processioni dell'Addo­lorata and mysteries.
Tonight we kick off the first part of the tradition with the celebration of the pious practice of the Via Crucis, par-ticularly solemn churches of Mount Caramel and St. Dominic, where are you from their soul-Brotherhood-nite.
The Way of the Cross had origin in Palestine, where they take place if the life of Jesus was Pope Clement XII, who granted the Franciscans were entitled to the Cross-gere anywhere. Fu S. Leonardo da Por-to Mauritius, Capuchin friar who lived between 600 and 700 that the most popular devotional practice of the Via Crucis: December 27, 1750, at the conclusion of the Holy Year, preached a mission to Rome where you assistet-Pope Benedict XIV, and was built on that occasion the Way of the Cross "head and master of all Viae Cru-cis in the world"
At 18.15, in the Carmelite church , the Brothers of the fraternity will take part in the first of the five solemn Via Cru-cis. The ceremony will be presided over by Bishop Frank Costantini, Pastor, and at the same time, the spiritual father of the Archbishop of Rio and the Com-Con-fraternity (note that since February 2008, the comp maternity Archivo del Carmine was commissioner-Archbishop of Taranto, after the resignation of the whole with Council of Directors). The readings of the texts of the fourteen stations (written by S. Leonardo da Porto Maurizio) will be recited by a brother-in with the ritual dress and a sister and three brothers, dressed in the habit of ritual and that will govern the cross and two torches, they will know before the fourteen stations, is reminiscent of the Via Dolorosa is-made by our Lord. The songs will be performed by the choir-you "Holy Mary of Mount Caramel," directed by Master Professor Anna D'Andria. Will be performed the songs of the fourteen sta-tions to music from the franciscan friar Serafino Marinosci Juvenile Alcantarini, born in Francavilla Fontana in 1869 and died in Naples in 1919, the verses of Metastasio. Lo P. Via Crucis Marinosci composed two, one called "the Peak" and one called "Great" (made in S. Pasquale a Chiaia Naples), certainly more difficult and elaborate, where there are a lot of the influences of Verdi and Bellini. The Way of the Cross which is sung today is a mixture of both, given the difficulty of some stations, the "Little" belong to the II, III, VI, VIII, IX, X, XI, XIV station, the "Great" (two or three voices) the introduction, I, IV, V, VII, XII, XIII and singing to the Virgin Desolate. Sit Body Master Prof. Daniel Dettol, said or-ganista tarentino, che per la prima volta si cimenterà con la difficoltà degli spartiti del Marinosci. Al termine della Via Crucis Mons. Costantini impartirà la benedizione con la Reliquia di un frammento della Croce di Cristo , certifi­cato con regolare Bolla di au­tentica del 1783 firmata dall'Arcivescovo Francesco Saverio Cristiani titolare del­la sede di Porfirio. Il reliquia­rio apparteneva alla famiglia Carducci-Solito ed è stata donata alla Confraternita del Carmine dall'indimenticato Avvocato Solito, per oltre venti anni priore del sodali­zio.
Alle ore 18 a S. Domenico , nel Borgo Antico, anche la Confraternita dell'Addolora­ta, Prior governed by Prof. An-Tonio Liuzzi, organizes the so-Lenne Via Crucis with singing, always Marinosci, edited by Hallelujah Chorus conducted by Maestro Michael Rion. Even here, the Brothers in abi-to-Rite will run for fourteen stations of the cross and holding two torches. The texts will be dictated by meditative Bishop Cosimo Quaranta, Pa-dre-comp Spiritual Triad. The appointment is
, dun-que, for this afternoon and will provide an opportunity to hear first funeral marches and the first singing of the Passion.

Int'l Day of March 1, 2009
Benedict M. Mainini