Friday, February 27, 2009

Costumes For Twirllers

Carmine: return Nazzecànne Nazzecànne

After more than a year of silence, back in the houses of the Brothers of Mount Caramel the official periodical of their beloved Fraternity.

This precious diary and travel companion and resumed his journey, resumes nazzecàre.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Dragon Ball Z Doushinjis

Ash Wednesday, Lent is a time of Lent and Holy Week Schedule

Carnival, but for us ta-Rantin takes a very particular nature: it is the period before Lent, a Lent that only Ta-rant and lived in a truly special and inten- I know. Speaking of Lent means to project immediately to Holy Week, to forgive, and the procession of the Mysteries. To this comes in stages, with a ta-preparation sizes. By Wednesday
Ce-blacks is within the heart of the tradition of Easter-Taranto, a tradition that, to put it like John Acquaviva, "Resist-time and increase would be almost audible if not if we were all witnesses and the protagonists point. " Nowadays the secularization of the world has transformed the lives of format-each of us, but, at least in our part of the "traditional" popular will "resist. And it is im-portant to highlight the great potential that it produces not only the aggregation of civic and social, but that an- of attraction towards the I-key ministries of the Christian faith which he still strives to appeal to older as the younger generation, despite the attacks that have larismo-seco-to tarnish, if not removed in some cases, each sign of the sacred in the absurd attempt to erase them the indelible footprints of God in human history.
Fortunately, in today's world still resist manifestation that for most of them appear anachronistic. And if much has changed-it's the last time, our between-conditions instead of resisting. And despite the re-systolic eviden-ti difficulties entering in una vita cittadina divenuta con­vulsa, in una cornice che sembra voglia scacciare dalla. nostra quotidianità tutto ciò che intralcia il ritmo di questa era industriale.
Oggi, dun­que, mercoledì delle Ce­neri, ha ini­zio la Quaresima, il periodo di qua­ranta giorni in cui è cri­stiano è chiamato alla pe­nitenza e alla riflessione e che ci accom­pagnerà, co­stellato da innumerevoli appuntamenti, sino alla Pasqua. Oggi in tutte le chiese, durante la celebrazione della S. Messa, verranno imposte sul capo di ciascun fedele le ceneri ricavate dai rami d'uli­vo benedetti lo scorso anno nella domenica palms. The priest will say the phrase "Con-vertitevi and believe the Gospel" which sounds like a call-ing it expire in enforcing the no-strategic faith.
The first event which involved the hand, so to speak, the City has been traditional with the forty-king demonstrations of Eucharistic worship, once so solemn and so widespread as to constitute a time of spiritual renewal and social rearing, of prayer and penance. History tells us that during the days of solemn exposure, the city changed fi-sionomia the shops closed, no, field work was suspended, the barriers to social ac-devano and faith flourishes in the heart of the people who learn to pray and meditate-be.
This adoration is to pause in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament for forty hours. For three days all took turns in prayer, day and night, before the Eucharist.
Then came the political and social revolution, leading-Rono inevitable changes that, thanks to a progressive right, they drop many religious practices, includ-ing the Forty Hours. But the fact remains that this devotion for over two centuries has been the subject of Eucharistic worship. The roots lie in adoration
Christian custom of fasting and abstinence practiced in the Easter Triduum, this practices joined vigils of prayer which began on the evening of Holy Thursday and ending at noon on Holy Saturday, the thought of the tomb in which Jesus, according to the statement made by St. Augustine, was forty hours.
The expansion began when Paul III approved the pious practice with a brief of 28 agosto1537. In 1566 the Jesuits in Macerata countered car-Nevale profane a holy carnival "with Forty which attracted many people. It was the iniziodi a new approach that still remains. A
Taranto are many parishes that have held these days in the Forty-tion: those of a particularly solemn S. Francesco di Paola and Carmine, who have seen a large number of faith-li. In the Carmelite church, governed by the pastor Rev. Fran co-constantan, which covers an-that the offices of Commissioner Archdiocesan Spiritual Director of the Brotherhood, there was the presence of adoring brothers in the guise of ritual and sisters who took turns in these three days, worship continues even at night in front of the Blessed Sacrament. It's really nice to see, at the height of pro-progress and consumerism, young people who devotedly Brothers' before they stop giving the Eucharist to celebrate even the profane flesh-worth.
Sunday will start the pious practice of the Way Cross' much-anticipated by the true catalytic Indians, especially those taking place in the churches of Mount Caramel and St. Dominic, do you have-seat the two main poles Confraternity of the city. But we will speak to if-guitar.

Maria Benedetto Maini
Day February 25, 2009
Photo: Property Confraternity of Mount Caramel - Taranto

Saturday, February 21, 2009

How Do I Get Celebi In Pokemon Silver

- Brotherhood of Sorrows - Taranto

As Carnival draws to a close, the two brothers of the Confraternity of the most important Taranto, Taranto, as well as the more traditionalist, are already with the heart the Rites of Holy Week, forthcoming.
public and I get the pleasure of the Brotherhood of Our Program.
Dear s brothers and sisters,
prepare to live Lent we renew our faith through prayer and fasting.
Prayer is not a simple movement of the lips but the true conversion of our hearts. And fasting is not confined to the waiver of certain foods, but both the refusal of the noises of the world, the banality of daily living, the insane passions of all that is not ' accordance with the will of the Lord.
So we can live the moments of the solemn Holy Week in a truly Christian and brotherly love.


Lent February 25, 2009: Ash Wednesday - Church of San Domenico Maggiore
18.30: Celebration S. Holy Mass with imposition of ashes by the Spiritual Father of the Brotherhood.

March 1, 2009: 1st Sunday of Lent - the Church of San Domenico Maggiore
11:00 am: Mass;
17.30: Holy Rosary
18.00: Via Crucis, chaired by Bishop Cosimo Quaranta - Remarks by Music Chorus "Hallelujah" by S. Domenico Maggiore.

March 8, 2009: 2nd Sunday of Lent - the Church of San Domenico Maggiore
11:00 am: Mass;
17.30: Holy Rosary
18.00: Via Crucis, chaired by Bishop Cosimo Quaranta - Commentary Music by the Choir "Hallelujah" by S. Domenico Maggiore.

March 13, 2009:
15.00: Via Crucis at the Hospital "SS. Annunziata."

March 15, 2009: 3rd Sunday of Lent - the Church of San Domenico Maggiore
11:00 am: Mass;
17.30: Holy Rosary
18.00: Via Crucis, chaired by Bishop Cosimo Quaranta - Remarks by Music Chorus "Hallelujah" by S. Domenico Maggiore.

March 20, 2009 - Church of San Domenico Maggiore
Reading of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus' Christ according to Matthew, with music by JS Bach, by the Brotherhood and the Liceo Classico "Archytas" from Taranto.

March 21, 2009:
Via Crucis at the House of Rest "Ave Maria".

March 22, 2009: 4th Sunday of Quresima:
Church of San Domenico Maggiore
11:00 am: Mass of charity ';
17.30: Holy Rosary
18.00: Via Crucis, chaired by Bishop Cosimo Quaranta - musical commentary by the chorus "Hallelujah" by S. Domenico Maggiore.

March 29, 2009: 5th Sunday of Lent - the Church of San Domenico Maggiore
11:00 am: Holy Mass, Church of St.
17.30: Holy Rosario;
18.00: Solemn Way of the Cross on a Cathedral with the conclusion in the Church of St. Domenico Maggiore.

March 30, 2009: Monday, 'Passion -
Church of St. Domenico Maggiore
19.00: thirty-seventh edition of the Concerto in Taranto Passion "performed by the Band of the Navy.

April 1, 2009: Church of St. Domenico Maggiore
19.00: Ceremony of the "Crone of Thorns" - Comments by the musical chorus "Hallelujah" in San Domenico Maggiore.

April 3, 2009 - Church of San Domenico Maggiore
19.00: Celebration of "Compass Virginis" - Comments by the musical chorus "Hallelujah" in San Domenico Maggiore.

PROGRAM Week Santa

5 Aprile 2009: Domenica delle Palme
ore 10.45: Presso la Chiesa di S. Anna: Liturgia della benedizione delle Palme;
Chiesa di San Domenico Maggiore:
ore 11.00: Celebrazione Eucaristica;
ore 18.00: Chiesa di S. Agostino: Assemblea straordinaria dei Confratelli per l'aggiudicazione dei Simboli del Pio Pellegrinaggio della Beata Vergine Addolorata.

6 Aprile: Lunedi' Santo - Chiesa di San Domenico Maggiore:
Ore 19.00: Commemorazione delle Sette Parole di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo - Commenti musicali a cura del Coro "Alleluja" di S.Domenico Maggiore.

7 Aprile: Martedi' Santo
ore 18.30: Istituto Maria Immacolata: Liturgia Penitenziale.

April 9: Thursday, 'Holy - The Church of San Domenico Maggiore
17.00: Mass "In the Lord's Supper, with washing of the feet of 12 brothers in the guise of ritual;
20.00: Adoration of the sisters;
23.00 : Adoration of the Brethren;
24.00: Start the Pio Pilgrimage of Our Lady of Sorrows.

April 10: Friday, 'Holy - The Church of San Domenico Maggiore
15.00: Action Liturgy of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus' Christ.

April 11: Holy Saturday - Church of San Domenico Maggiore
22.00: Church of San Domenico Maggiore: Easter Vigil.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Seating Chart Poster Wedding

Online Cultural Heritage of the Province of Taranto

A by the Province of Taranto - Department of Cultural Heritage - is an online web portal that allows you to see the descriptions and photos of individual assets, our province, the location on the ground, knowing the condition and usability. A portal that provides a way for the users, you can update the cards on each site of interest.

This site is a part of us, is our history, our past, we can not forget, and that we know best to be aware of who we are and who we were.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Games Like Conkers Bad Fur Day

Carnival once 2 (Taranto 1857) Holy Week and Internet Conference

Uno dei primi post, pubblicati su questo blog, è stato appunto dedicato al Carnevale di una volta vissuto dai tarantini, limitandomi a raccontare cosa accadeva nei primi decenni del 1900.
Ma, se andiamo ritroso nel tempo, possiamo trovar un altro modo di festeggiare quei giorni. Ce lo racconta un documento datato 1857, conservato presso l’Archivio di Stato.

Il Carnevale tarantino di due secoli fa era caratterizzato dalla “Mascherata” e dalla “Pitricine”, vale a dire una sfilata di maschere tipiche tarantine, nelle vie della città, e che culminava in una battaglia vera e propria, di confetti.
The parade started from It Strada Maggiore (Via Duomo), and districts across the ancient Venice. The men were preparing to follow the procession from the balconies of their homes, cheering the boys, from the narrow alleys of the most popular raced to pick the best places along the route.
music was the key, as with any parade, and was entrusted with the frenzied sound of pinch-pinch, and any object of everyday life was transformed by children in a musical instrument.
masks Among them there are those typical Tarantino. He opened the parade mask Giorge Mesto, a parody of local squire, wearing the dress on to Louis Philippe and wig. With a stick in his hand by way 'of a scepter, a symbol of power over the people, proceeded haughty and contemptuous clubbing who dared to mock him (Carnival gave the illusion and the opportunity for a day, for the people, to show their resentment against the master).
Behind the mask stood Quaremma 'to zinzilose, a man dressed as a woman in tight black dress, was the widow of Carnevale desperate. Proceeded with a live cat in her arms, wrapped in a neon sign, stop at every winery to console himself with a glass of wine.
To contrast the vulgarity of the widow drunk, could be seen in the procession of elegant form Scaliero, tarantino symbol of the handsome young man. He wore tied around his neck a basket full of flowers and holding a long thin scale. As soon as he saw a beautiful girl looking out the balcony, not short program to honor with a beautiful bouquet of flowers, which stuck at the end of the scale accompanied by a sly smile.
Everyone's attention was directed to the form that most of all was the city of Taranto, the Fisherman, played by a group of four brothers strong and muscular. They wore the traditional costume consisting of trousers and white shirt, red sash tied at the waist and hanging on the left side black velvet jacket thrown over her shoulders, and finally fisherman's cap. They carried the inseparable work tools, spear, nets, lines, pots and a basket filled with seafood caught for the occasion.
The Masquerade finally arrived after a long journey marked by jokes, songs and trick in the Piazza Fontana waiting by a crowd excited and fierce, which would be completed the last act of the traditional celebration: The
Pitricine - Two contenders chosen by people were lined up on opposite sides of the square, equipped with buckets full of small multicolored confetti. Everything was ready to kick off the war of confetti. At the start, a thick hail of sweet and colored leaves from both sides, from fury which all trying to protect. The battle continued until one of the contenders, stunned by the blows and no more ammunition, declared won. At later stages of the battle was called to share the people, thereby relieving the tension built up during the year.
Pietricine masked and were held in the city until the early 1900s, then replaced by the more widespread and common ritual of the funeral procession for the death of the Carnival - in the Taranto 'U Tate - (see http:/ / ). Along with this revival, the carnival will be celebrated Taranto organized by the sumptuous balls at major clubs and theaters in the city. (*)
Carnival, here at Taranto, and never had anything sensational, of sumptuous in its manifestations. The
Taranto, including this writer, have always favored the retention of Christmas traditions and those related to Holy Week. It was not so, however, in the past, when the soul of the city saw in the village carnival an 'opportunity to exit from the anxieties of poverty. Yeah, because a nice plate of pasta and meat, just a carnival, he never had to miss. At the gates, there was Lent, with all its hardships and, instead of meat, there would be vegetables. " Carnival MIJE cu the Dogg, OSCE and maccarruni creje Foggia " read an old proverb, which announced the culmination of the Carnival.

(*) Source Int'l Day of February 28, 2006
- It is Carnival in Taranto in 1926 and is taken from http://www.tarantofuturo. com /

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Cost To Get Angel Bites

Holy Week in Taranto, through "The Sdanghiere" portal of Holy Week in Taranto, has been a leader at the National Convention by tema “Settimana Santa e Internet” , che si è tenuto lo scorso 7 febbraio nella chiesa del Purgatorio a Molfetta (Ba), patrocinato dalll' Associazione Internazionale di Studi e Ricerche sulla Cultura Popolare Religiosa "La Veste Rossa" .
Dalla relazione tenuta dallo stesso ideatore e gestore del sito , Luca Catucci, è emerso che Lo Sdanghiere è diventato, in meno di un anno e mezzo da quando è in rete, il punto di riferimento di tutti gli appassionati della Settimana Santa tarantina, per tutti coloro che desiderano attingere notizie intorno ai riti pasquali tarantini. Nato inizialmente as a Blog, has become a true portal, always updated, accessed from anywhere in the world. The highlight of the evening occurred during the Holy Week, with peaks of 450 visits in one day of Holy Monday and with a total of 2500 visitors throughout Holy Week.
The conference was reported to the dr. Franco Stanzione, who runs the blog "My Holy Week." Through its website , works at 360 degrees for everything related to Holy Week is in its Molfetta, Puglia and in and around the world, with particular interest the experience of Spain. Among other things, also cited other sites that are interested in the Taranto Holy Week, as the traditional Portodimarebis and Blog of the Prophet Elijah .
He also attended by Dr.. Beppino Tartarus, Trapani of origin, but now living in Verona, from where he runs one of the first sites on the Holy Week went network, dedicated to the history and knowledge of the Procession of the Mysteries Trapani, the world's longest (almost 24 hours, think!), in short, the most complete and most beautiful of all sites devoted to this theme.
Dr. Francesco Cambion, however, outlined the events of Holy Week in Bitonto.
Finally, Mr. Pasquale Rosario and Aug, we have shown, in video conference, the experience of Holy Week in Sessa Arunca (Caserta), told through the site , too 'it one of the most comprehensive on the subject.
Finally, all agreed in saying that these sites have made it possible, in all lovers become great friends, sharing their different experiences and traditions.

At the end of their relationship, Dr.. Franco Stanzione, in qualità di organizzatore del Convegno, ha dato a tutti gli intervenuti un ricordo della manifestazione: un quadro raffigurante una fotoriproduzione su tela del volto della Pietà di Molfetta. Nella foto in ordine da sinistra: Francesco Cambione, Luca Catucci, Beppino Tarataro e Franco Stanzione.

Foto ricordo: in ordine da sinistra Luca Catucci, Beppino Tartaro,
Franco Stanzione, Nicola Ferro, Luigi D'Ippolito.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Theater And Are Scene In Houston Tx

Holy Week comes to internet

TARANTO - La Settimana Santa al tempo della rivoluzione digitale. Coniugare tradizione ed innovazione è la sfida del portale internet della Regione Puglia . Da pochi giorni anche la Provincia di Taranto ed il Comune di Grottaglie sono stato inseriti sul portale, grazie all’azione congiunta dell’assessorato al turismo della Provincia diretto dall’assessore Tommaso Colaninno e del Comune di Grottaglie diretto dall’assessore Vito Nicola Cavallo e la fattiva collaborazione dell’associazione culturale Opera e del suo presidente, Gaetano Armenio. Anche Pulsano ha un proprio link sull’home page del sito. “In Puglia gli eventi legati alla Settimana Santa sono da sempre stati un importante riferimento the community in terms of participation and emotional involvement, "reads the site. "Provided that in time they managed to prevent contamination of the patrimony of traditions linked to the ancient rites of Holy Week, offer the visitor a journey of faith and religion full of emotions, in which the sacred liturgy and popular piety, jealously guarded from local confraternities are alive in the traditional processions. In them, religion and mysticism merge and are, in the striking architecture in white limestone of the old urban centers, the places for conducting religious rites ". "Aspects markedly spectacular and together maintain penitential processions that take place in Taranto, risen to become the emblem of the Easter ritual of Puglia " note curated by Francesco Di Palo , author of studies and research on socio-religious art and history in Puglia, reserves an important role ion to the capital plan. " The heightened competition that manifests itself in the auction fought on Palm Sunday for the award of symbols and statues, is recomposed in the two processions that block for a day and half the city of two seas. The first procession takes place at midnight on Holy Thursday when the steep steps of the baroque church of San Domenico, in the old town, down the statue of her heart pierced in the hand. The procession of the Mysteries winds in the afternoon of Good Friday from the Church of Carmine and ends at the dawn of Holy Saturday. Among the statues of couples forgive proceed to step slow events recalling ancient rituals of condolence medieval array: the nazzecata.

Taranto Sera February 6, 2008

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Cocoa Butter Dark Spots

3 rd International conference on popular culture religious

International Press Association "THE RED DRESS"

As widely anticipated on the site of the association, is in progress definition of the program, to be held in Crypt of the Cathedral of Santa Maria La Nova in the Caltanissetta 6, 7 and 8 March 2009, and its theme will be "The Holy Week in Andalusia, Sicily and Puglia.
fact, keeping faith with what was announced last September in Taranto during the second conference held in the church of San Domenico Maggiore, the international conference this year goes to the regime. They are therefore provided for two annual sessions, a touring which will take place alternately in Italy and Spain, while it remains fixed for the third week of September, the session Taranto.

The third edition sees a number of prestigious speakers who sealed with their actions
communion intent Study and research in these areas that have Holy Week one of the highest moments in popular culture which expresses one of the high points of their religion. Spain have confirmed their participation and presence Adelard Professor Mora Gujosa representing the Royal Federation of Covens and onfraternite of Granada, Dr. Manuel Garcia Prados Prior of the Brotherhood of "Nuestro Señor en el Huerto de los Olivos and Maria de the Amargura "of Granada, and Professor Jaime Perez-Bryan Haffener of Malaga, and additionally Blanquez Feliciano Foronda, Prior of the Hermandad," the Pillar of Seville, which has already been a speaker last September in Taranto. For Sicily held their relations la professoressa Rosanna Zaffuto Rovello che relazionerà sugli eventi di Caltanissetta, il professor Giovanni Cammareri che invece parlerà di Trapani, ed il professor Umberto Tornabene Presidente diocesano delle confraternite di Enna. Per la Puglia relazioneranno il dottor Franco Stanzione Priore dell’Arciconfraternita della Morte di Molfetta, il dottor Andrea Lovascio Priore dell’Arciconfraternita di Santa Maria del Suffragio di Bitonto , il professor Antonio Liuzzi Priore della Confraternita dell'Addolorata e San Domenico di Taranto, e Gigi Montenegro che oltre a coordinare i lavori del convegno, terrà una propria relazione sull’aspetto economico e turistico delle ritualità. Presiederà i lavori, e terrà il proprio intervento a
conclusione dei lavori, Gianni Taibi, Presidente onorario della Real Maestranza Città di Caltanissetta e Presidente reggente dell'Associazione Internazionale «La Veste Rossa», che organizza il convegno medesimo, in collaborazione con la Real Maesranza. Le conclusioni sono state affidate a Monsignor Giovanni Lanzafame esperto mariologo e padre spirituale dell'associazione stessa.
Due le giornate di lavoro previste per il convegno, e più precisamente il pomeriggio di venerdì 6 e la mattina di sabato 7, quando sono previste le varie relazioni. Nel pomeriggio di sabato, invece, tutti i relatori prenderanno parte alla solenne celebrazione in Cattedrale in onore del nuovo Capitano della Real Maestranza di Caltanissetta, Maestro Giuseppe Jordan. In the afternoon, Sunday was organized twinning of the band "Apricot Salvatore" of Caltanissetta and the Holy Mary of Victory "Las Cigarreras" (the fraternity Sivigliana) to be enshrined in the concert band for the occasion Albiocco conducted by Maestro Bartolomé Gómez Melia English director of the complex band. With a further communication will be better specified topics of the reports, and related topics.