Holy Week comes to internet
TARANTO - La Settimana Santa al tempo della rivoluzione digitale. Coniugare tradizione ed innovazione รจ la sfida del portale internet della Regione Puglia
http://www.settimanasantainpuglia.it/ . Da pochi giorni anche la Provincia di Taranto ed il Comune di Grottaglie sono stato inseriti sul portale, grazie all’azione congiunta dell’assessorato al turismo della Provincia diretto dall’assessore Tommaso Colaninno e del Comune di Grottaglie diretto dall’assessore Vito Nicola Cavallo e la fattiva collaborazione dell’associazione culturale Opera e del suo presidente, Gaetano Armenio. Anche Pulsano ha un proprio link sull’home page del sito. “In Puglia gli eventi legati alla Settimana Santa sono da sempre stati un importante riferimento the community in terms of participation and emotional involvement, "reads the site.
"Provided that in time they managed to prevent contamination of the patrimony of traditions linked to the ancient rites of Holy Week, offer the visitor a journey of faith and religion full of emotions, in which the sacred liturgy and popular piety, jealously guarded from local confraternities are alive in the traditional processions. In them, religion and mysticism merge and are, in the striking architecture in white limestone of the old urban centers, the places for conducting religious rites ".
"Aspects markedly spectacular and together maintain penitential processions that take place in Taranto, risen to become the emblem of the Easter ritual of Puglia " note
curated by Francesco Di Palo , author of studies and research on socio-religious art and history in Puglia, reserves an important role ion to the capital plan. "
The heightened competition that manifests itself in the auction fought on Palm Sunday for the award of symbols and statues, is recomposed in the two processions that block for a day and half the city of two seas. The first procession takes place at midnight on Holy Thursday when the steep steps of the baroque church of San Domenico, in the old town, down the statue of her heart pierced in the hand. The procession of the Mysteries winds in the afternoon of Good Friday from the Church of Carmine and ends at the dawn of Holy Saturday. Among the statues of couples forgive proceed to step slow events recalling ancient rituals of condolence medieval array: the nazzecata.
Taranto Sera February 6, 2008
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