Ma, se andiamo ritroso nel tempo, possiamo trovar un altro modo di festeggiare quei giorni. Ce lo racconta un documento datato 1857, conservato presso l’Archivio di Stato.
Il Carnevale tarantino di due secoli fa era caratterizzato dalla “Mascherata” e dalla “Pitricine”, vale a dire una sfilata di maschere tipiche tarantine, nelle vie della città, e che culminava in una battaglia vera e propria, di confetti.
The parade started from It Strada Maggiore (Via Duomo), and districts across the ancient Venice. The men were preparing to follow the procession from the balconies of their homes, cheering the boys, from the narrow alleys of the most popular raced to pick the best places along the route.
music was the key, as with any parade, and was entrusted with the frenzied sound of pinch-pinch, and any object of everyday life was transformed by children in a musical instrument.
masks Among them there are those typical Tarantino. He opened the parade mask Giorge Mesto, a parody of local squire, wearing the dress on to Louis Philippe and wig. With a stick in his hand by way 'of a scepter, a symbol of power over the people, proceeded haughty and contemptuous clubbing who dared to mock him (Carnival gave the illusion and the opportunity for a day, for the people, to show their resentment against the master).
Behind the mask stood Quaremma 'to zinzilose, a man dressed as a woman in tight black dress, was the widow of Carnevale desperate. Proceeded with a live cat in her arms, wrapped in a neon sign, stop at every winery to console himself with a glass of wine.
To contrast the vulgarity of the widow drunk, could be seen in the procession of elegant form Scaliero, tarantino symbol of the handsome young man. He wore tied around his neck a basket full of flowers and holding a long thin scale. As soon as he saw a beautiful girl looking out the balcony, not short program to honor with a beautiful bouquet of flowers, which stuck at the end of the scale accompanied by a sly smile.
Everyone's attention was directed to the form that most of all was the city of Taranto, the Fisherman, played by a group of four brothers strong and muscular. They wore the traditional costume consisting of trousers and white shirt, red sash tied at the waist and hanging on the left side black velvet jacket thrown over her shoulders, and finally fisherman's cap. They carried the inseparable work tools, spear, nets, lines, pots and a basket filled with seafood caught for the occasion.
The Masquerade finally arrived after a long journey marked by jokes, songs and trick in the Piazza Fontana waiting by a crowd excited and fierce, which would be completed the last act of the traditional celebration: The
Pitricine - Two contenders chosen by people were lined up on opposite sides of the square, equipped with buckets full of small multicolored confetti. Everything was ready to kick off the war of confetti. At the start, a thick hail of sweet and colored leaves from both sides, from fury which all trying to protect. The battle continued until one of the contenders, stunned by the blows and no more ammunition, declared won. At later stages of the battle was called to share the people, thereby relieving the tension built up during the year.
Pietricine masked and were held in the city until the early 1900s, then replaced by the more widespread and common ritual of the funeral procession for the death of the Carnival - in the Taranto 'U Tate - (see http:/ / iltradizionalista.blogspot.com/2008/01/il-carnevale-di-altri-tempi.html ). Along with this revival, the carnival will be celebrated Taranto organized by the sumptuous balls at major clubs and theaters in the city. (*)
Carnival, here at Taranto, and never had anything sensational, of sumptuous in its manifestations. The
Taranto, including this writer, have always favored the retention of Christmas traditions and those related to Holy Week. It was not so, however, in the past, when the soul of the city saw in the village carnival an 'opportunity to exit from the anxieties of poverty. Yeah, because a nice plate of pasta and meat, just a carnival, he never had to miss. At the gates, there was Lent, with all its hardships and, instead of meat, there would be vegetables. " Carnival MIJE cu the Dogg, OSCE and maccarruni creje Foggia " read an old proverb, which announced the culmination of the Carnival.
The parade started from It Strada Maggiore (Via Duomo), and districts across the ancient Venice. The men were preparing to follow the procession from the balconies of their homes, cheering the boys, from the narrow alleys of the most popular raced to pick the best places along the route.
music was the key, as with any parade, and was entrusted with the frenzied sound of pinch-pinch, and any object of everyday life was transformed by children in a musical instrument.
masks Among them there are those typical Tarantino. He opened the parade mask Giorge Mesto, a parody of local squire, wearing the dress on to Louis Philippe and wig. With a stick in his hand by way 'of a scepter, a symbol of power over the people, proceeded haughty and contemptuous clubbing who dared to mock him (Carnival gave the illusion and the opportunity for a day, for the people, to show their resentment against the master).
Behind the mask stood Quaremma 'to zinzilose, a man dressed as a woman in tight black dress, was the widow of Carnevale desperate. Proceeded with a live cat in her arms, wrapped in a neon sign, stop at every winery to console himself with a glass of wine.
To contrast the vulgarity of the widow drunk, could be seen in the procession of elegant form Scaliero, tarantino symbol of the handsome young man. He wore tied around his neck a basket full of flowers and holding a long thin scale. As soon as he saw a beautiful girl looking out the balcony, not short program to honor with a beautiful bouquet of flowers, which stuck at the end of the scale accompanied by a sly smile.
Everyone's attention was directed to the form that most of all was the city of Taranto, the Fisherman, played by a group of four brothers strong and muscular. They wore the traditional costume consisting of trousers and white shirt, red sash tied at the waist and hanging on the left side black velvet jacket thrown over her shoulders, and finally fisherman's cap. They carried the inseparable work tools, spear, nets, lines, pots and a basket filled with seafood caught for the occasion.
The Masquerade finally arrived after a long journey marked by jokes, songs and trick in the Piazza Fontana waiting by a crowd excited and fierce, which would be completed the last act of the traditional celebration: The
Pitricine - Two contenders chosen by people were lined up on opposite sides of the square, equipped with buckets full of small multicolored confetti. Everything was ready to kick off the war of confetti. At the start, a thick hail of sweet and colored leaves from both sides, from fury which all trying to protect. The battle continued until one of the contenders, stunned by the blows and no more ammunition, declared won. At later stages of the battle was called to share the people, thereby relieving the tension built up during the year.

Carnival, here at Taranto, and never had anything sensational, of sumptuous in its manifestations. The
Taranto, including this writer, have always favored the retention of Christmas traditions and those related to Holy Week. It was not so, however, in the past, when the soul of the city saw in the village carnival an 'opportunity to exit from the anxieties of poverty. Yeah, because a nice plate of pasta and meat, just a carnival, he never had to miss. At the gates, there was Lent, with all its hardships and, instead of meat, there would be vegetables. " Carnival MIJE cu the Dogg, OSCE and maccarruni creje Foggia " read an old proverb, which announced the culmination of the Carnival.
(*) Source Int'l Day of February 28, 2006
- It is Carnival in Taranto in 1926 and is taken from http://www.tarantofuturo. com /
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