Saturday, February 21, 2009

How Do I Get Celebi In Pokemon Silver

- Brotherhood of Sorrows - Taranto

As Carnival draws to a close, the two brothers of the Confraternity of the most important Taranto, Taranto, as well as the more traditionalist, are already with the heart the Rites of Holy Week, forthcoming.
public and I get the pleasure of the Brotherhood of Our Program.
Dear s brothers and sisters,
prepare to live Lent we renew our faith through prayer and fasting.
Prayer is not a simple movement of the lips but the true conversion of our hearts. And fasting is not confined to the waiver of certain foods, but both the refusal of the noises of the world, the banality of daily living, the insane passions of all that is not ' accordance with the will of the Lord.
So we can live the moments of the solemn Holy Week in a truly Christian and brotherly love.


Lent February 25, 2009: Ash Wednesday - Church of San Domenico Maggiore
18.30: Celebration S. Holy Mass with imposition of ashes by the Spiritual Father of the Brotherhood.

March 1, 2009: 1st Sunday of Lent - the Church of San Domenico Maggiore
11:00 am: Mass;
17.30: Holy Rosary
18.00: Via Crucis, chaired by Bishop Cosimo Quaranta - Remarks by Music Chorus "Hallelujah" by S. Domenico Maggiore.

March 8, 2009: 2nd Sunday of Lent - the Church of San Domenico Maggiore
11:00 am: Mass;
17.30: Holy Rosary
18.00: Via Crucis, chaired by Bishop Cosimo Quaranta - Commentary Music by the Choir "Hallelujah" by S. Domenico Maggiore.

March 13, 2009:
15.00: Via Crucis at the Hospital "SS. Annunziata."

March 15, 2009: 3rd Sunday of Lent - the Church of San Domenico Maggiore
11:00 am: Mass;
17.30: Holy Rosary
18.00: Via Crucis, chaired by Bishop Cosimo Quaranta - Remarks by Music Chorus "Hallelujah" by S. Domenico Maggiore.

March 20, 2009 - Church of San Domenico Maggiore
Reading of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus' Christ according to Matthew, with music by JS Bach, by the Brotherhood and the Liceo Classico "Archytas" from Taranto.

March 21, 2009:
Via Crucis at the House of Rest "Ave Maria".

March 22, 2009: 4th Sunday of Quresima:
Church of San Domenico Maggiore
11:00 am: Mass of charity ';
17.30: Holy Rosary
18.00: Via Crucis, chaired by Bishop Cosimo Quaranta - musical commentary by the chorus "Hallelujah" by S. Domenico Maggiore.

March 29, 2009: 5th Sunday of Lent - the Church of San Domenico Maggiore
11:00 am: Holy Mass, Church of St.
17.30: Holy Rosario;
18.00: Solemn Way of the Cross on a Cathedral with the conclusion in the Church of St. Domenico Maggiore.

March 30, 2009: Monday, 'Passion -
Church of St. Domenico Maggiore
19.00: thirty-seventh edition of the Concerto in Taranto Passion "performed by the Band of the Navy.

April 1, 2009: Church of St. Domenico Maggiore
19.00: Ceremony of the "Crone of Thorns" - Comments by the musical chorus "Hallelujah" in San Domenico Maggiore.

April 3, 2009 - Church of San Domenico Maggiore
19.00: Celebration of "Compass Virginis" - Comments by the musical chorus "Hallelujah" in San Domenico Maggiore.

PROGRAM Week Santa

5 Aprile 2009: Domenica delle Palme
ore 10.45: Presso la Chiesa di S. Anna: Liturgia della benedizione delle Palme;
Chiesa di San Domenico Maggiore:
ore 11.00: Celebrazione Eucaristica;
ore 18.00: Chiesa di S. Agostino: Assemblea straordinaria dei Confratelli per l'aggiudicazione dei Simboli del Pio Pellegrinaggio della Beata Vergine Addolorata.

6 Aprile: Lunedi' Santo - Chiesa di San Domenico Maggiore:
Ore 19.00: Commemorazione delle Sette Parole di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo - Commenti musicali a cura del Coro "Alleluja" di S.Domenico Maggiore.

7 Aprile: Martedi' Santo
ore 18.30: Istituto Maria Immacolata: Liturgia Penitenziale.

April 9: Thursday, 'Holy - The Church of San Domenico Maggiore
17.00: Mass "In the Lord's Supper, with washing of the feet of 12 brothers in the guise of ritual;
20.00: Adoration of the sisters;
23.00 : Adoration of the Brethren;
24.00: Start the Pio Pilgrimage of Our Lady of Sorrows.

April 10: Friday, 'Holy - The Church of San Domenico Maggiore
15.00: Action Liturgy of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus' Christ.

April 11: Holy Saturday - Church of San Domenico Maggiore
22.00: Church of San Domenico Maggiore: Easter Vigil.


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