Ce-blacks is within the heart of the tradition of Easter-Taranto, a tradition that, to put it like John Acquaviva, "Resist-time and increase would be almost audible if not if we were all witnesses and the protagonists point. " Nowadays the secularization of the world has transformed the lives of format-each of us, but, at least in our part of the "traditional" popular will "resist. And it is im-portant to highlight the great potential that it produces not only the aggregation of civic and social, but that an- of attraction towards the I-key ministries of the Christian faith which he still strives to appeal to older as the younger generation, despite the attacks that have larismo-seco-to tarnish, if not removed in some cases, each sign of the sacred in the absurd attempt to erase them the indelible footprints of God in human history.
Fortunately, in today's world still resist manifestation that for most of them appear anachronistic. And if much has changed-it's the last time, our between-conditions instead of resisting. And despite the re-systolic eviden-ti difficulties entering in una vita cittadina divenuta con­vulsa, in una cornice che sembra voglia scacciare dalla. nostra quotidianità tutto ciò che intralcia il ritmo di questa era industriale.
Oggi, dun­que, mercoledì delle Ce­neri, ha ini­zio la Quaresima, il periodo di qua­ranta giorni in cui è cri­stiano è chiamato alla pe­nitenza e alla riflessione e che ci accom­pagnerà, co­stellato da innumerevoli appuntamenti, sino alla Pasqua. Oggi in tutte le chiese, durante la celebrazione della S. Messa, verranno imposte sul capo di ciascun fedele le ceneri ricavate dai rami d'uli­vo benedetti lo scorso anno nella domenica palms. The priest will say the phrase "Con-vertitevi and believe the Gospel" which sounds like a call-ing it expire in enforcing the no-strategic faith.
The first event which involved the hand, so to speak, the City has been traditional with the forty-king demonstrations of Eucharistic worship, once so solemn and so widespread as to constitute a time of spiritual renewal and social rearing, of prayer and penance. History tells us that during the days of solemn exposure, the city changed fi-sionomia the shops closed, no, field work was suspended, the barriers to social ac-devano and faith flourishes in the heart of the people who learn to pray and meditate-be.
This adoration is to pause in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament for forty hours. For three days all took turns in prayer, day and night, before the Eucharist.
Then came the political and social revolution, leading-Rono inevitable changes that, thanks to a progressive right, they drop many religious practices, includ-ing the Forty Hours. But the fact remains that this devotion for over two centuries has been the subject of Eucharistic worship. The roots lie in adoration
Christian custom of fasting and abstinence practiced in the Easter Triduum, this practices joined vigils of prayer which began on the evening of Holy Thursday and ending at noon on Holy Saturday, the thought of the tomb in which Jesus, according to the statement made by St. Augustine, was forty hours.
The expansion began when Paul III approved the pious practice with a brief of 28 agosto1537. In 1566 the Jesuits in Macerata countered car-Nevale profane a holy carnival "with Forty which attracted many people. It was the iniziodi a new approach that still remains. A
Taranto are many parishes that have held these days in the Forty-tion: those of a particularly solemn S. Francesco di Paola and Carmine, who have seen a large number of faith-li. In the Carmelite church, governed by the pastor Rev. Fran co-constantan, which covers an-that the offices of Commissioner Archdiocesan Spiritual Director of the Brotherhood, there was the presence of adoring brothers in the guise of ritual and sisters who took turns in these three days, worship continues even at night in front of the Blessed Sacrament. It's really nice to see, at the height of pro-progress and consumerism, young people who devotedly Brothers' before they stop giving the Eucharist to celebrate even the profane flesh-worth.
Sunday will start the pious practice of the Way Cross' much-anticipated by the true catalytic Indians, especially those taking place in the churches of Mount Caramel and St. Dominic, do you have-seat the two main poles Confraternity of the city. But we will speak to if-guitar.
Maria Benedetto Maini
Day February 25, 2009
Day February 25, 2009
Photo: Property Confraternity of Mount Caramel - Taranto
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