N ella stella da dove veniva Karlheinz Stockhausen, the papers are never late. For example, when some important person on Earth dies, the newspapers publish a thing called the obituary. Sirius is rather different story: there are competing newspapers to publish, on the day of birth of any of these characters, the article Welcome to the world. Syrian journalists in newsrooms, with people sleeping on the stomach and lots of green scales on the face, they call these compositions genologi. Galaxy that go different customs, as they say tamarri of Alpha Centauri.
The life of the inhabitants of Sirius are characterized by their unbridled passion for mathematics, which led them to have a special relationship with time, space e, di conseguenza, con la musica. Su Sirio il rock è da tempo tramontato e i giovani alieni adorano la musica tibetana; la detenzione, lo spaccio e il consumo di sostanze televisive è ormai un triste ricordo del passato, rasentando percentuali vicine allo zero siderale; i libri, poi, si possono trovare solo presso gli spacciatori extra-mondo. Altissimo, di conseguenza, il numero di giovani bibliodipendenti.
Grazie anche al fatto che i giornali pubblicano la notizia prima che il fatto accada, sull’intera stella sono state abolite da tempo elezioni, parlamenti e governi, preferendo i liberi cittadini dello spazio prevenire, piuttosto che patire. Tutte queste meraviglie sono frutti della loro scienza dei numeri straordinariamente progredita, di contrazioni spazio-temporali del tutto inusuali, dei loro tramonti così fosforescenti. Altri mondi, altri quartieri, altre solitudini; la necessità di crearsi scorciatoie, cantava un Poeta sulla Terra.
Di tutte queste coincidenze, gli abitanti di Sirio ne sanno approfittare con rivoltosa eleganza e ardimentosa gioia. Da quelle parti i musicisti sono, tra tutti, quelli che se la spassano di più, avendo maggiori possibilità rispetto ai loro colleghi dell’ extra-mondo. Da un lato la passione tipica della civiltà di Sirio per la matematica, la linguistica computazionale, i fenomeni statistici in astratto e i viaggi interplanetari; dall’altro l’attenzione per i risultati e non per il way in which you will get. For one thing, most music fans on Sirius consider the same sound as composition over: Stockhausen was among them.
For reasons completely unknown, the small Karlheinz falling to earth in the first half of the twentieth century and in the 50s is already the 'child prodigy of electronic music. The study, which is considered the first piece of electronic music ever written, is a composition of 1953: six natural breaks described by relations of integers, isolated sounds, sequences formed starting from sine waves. For a mathematician might be reminded of the Helmholtz and Fourier analysis of sounds as well as combinations of notes. Not satisfied, few years after we pull out a little thing like Song of youth: it is 1956, a period in which needed only a small step to have the idea to make a single sound. That step, thanks to the rocket boosters that had been brought below its galaxy, Stockhausen will do before everyone else.
They report the galactic teaching guides that the methods of study, on Sirius, are particularly high: for graduate study in composition must approfonditamene the differences between sounds, for example between a piano sound, the wind and vocal A. Karlheinz, even on the new planet, he had not stopped studying the curriculum of his star image: what was the effect sound easier than you could get, white noise, colored noise, variations in the speed of sound. All of his work from this study.
On Earth, the new generation of the second half of the twentieth century knew him through the cover of a all'epocale dischettino bad: Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band The Beatles. On the planet are the sixties, when Stockhausen is portrayed in the disk in question. To keep him company, other aliens as Aleister Crowley, Albert Einstein, Buster Keaton. Not bad for a musician wandering the area he called his songs with titles like random music, Music Statistics, variable Music, Music Space; or who wrote compositions based on the Fibonacci sequence: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, .... At Sirius we bust, Math.
As from another galaxy, Stockhausen had very specific preferences, among those preferring land painters Paul Klee, a busker dauber, and the writers that Novalis, self-styled poet sick of romance. Among the human sense organs, it seems that the master eye's predilection ears. He said that the eyes, on Sirius, are extremely limited and can only see the surface of the world and existence, which is nothing but illusion. The ears, however, may enter into a world much more complicated and much richer: the music can create relationships between the finer vibrations of man, and also transmit.
Then, in a composition and another, Stockhausen said that its parts, when you look at the sky at dusk, and between the constellations appear endless beautiful sixteen moons spotted Sirius, the elders say that the music of the spheres is not exist. This men's star never forget their bodily nature, pointing at the same time to be the spirits. Car and driver at the same time, as they say the Syrians when they want to be understood by crude from Alpha Centauri.
Now seems that in early December 2007 Karlheinz Stockhausen has abandoned his car was old and shabby, somewhere on planet Earth. After posting, the pilot is happily back on Sirius, where he is currently well and has resumed work. Local newspapers say that the teacher has already recorded with a band of Beetle-core mathematician, a very general ground screaming and full of so many ye-ye. In the album cover there are four beetles with mustache, hair and skin stinking helmet white, green and hairless with no scales. Thanks to this amazing look, all interstellar marketing experts agree that the item will sell definitely a mess. Even among Truzzi of Alpha Centauri.
The life of the inhabitants of Sirius are characterized by their unbridled passion for mathematics, which led them to have a special relationship with time, space e, di conseguenza, con la musica. Su Sirio il rock è da tempo tramontato e i giovani alieni adorano la musica tibetana; la detenzione, lo spaccio e il consumo di sostanze televisive è ormai un triste ricordo del passato, rasentando percentuali vicine allo zero siderale; i libri, poi, si possono trovare solo presso gli spacciatori extra-mondo. Altissimo, di conseguenza, il numero di giovani bibliodipendenti.
Grazie anche al fatto che i giornali pubblicano la notizia prima che il fatto accada, sull’intera stella sono state abolite da tempo elezioni, parlamenti e governi, preferendo i liberi cittadini dello spazio prevenire, piuttosto che patire. Tutte queste meraviglie sono frutti della loro scienza dei numeri straordinariamente progredita, di contrazioni spazio-temporali del tutto inusuali, dei loro tramonti così fosforescenti. Altri mondi, altri quartieri, altre solitudini; la necessità di crearsi scorciatoie, cantava un Poeta sulla Terra.
Di tutte queste coincidenze, gli abitanti di Sirio ne sanno approfittare con rivoltosa eleganza e ardimentosa gioia. Da quelle parti i musicisti sono, tra tutti, quelli che se la spassano di più, avendo maggiori possibilità rispetto ai loro colleghi dell’ extra-mondo. Da un lato la passione tipica della civiltà di Sirio per la matematica, la linguistica computazionale, i fenomeni statistici in astratto e i viaggi interplanetari; dall’altro l’attenzione per i risultati e non per il way in which you will get. For one thing, most music fans on Sirius consider the same sound as composition over: Stockhausen was among them.
For reasons completely unknown, the small Karlheinz falling to earth in the first half of the twentieth century and in the 50s is already the 'child prodigy of electronic music. The study, which is considered the first piece of electronic music ever written, is a composition of 1953: six natural breaks described by relations of integers, isolated sounds, sequences formed starting from sine waves. For a mathematician might be reminded of the Helmholtz and Fourier analysis of sounds as well as combinations of notes. Not satisfied, few years after we pull out a little thing like Song of youth: it is 1956, a period in which needed only a small step to have the idea to make a single sound. That step, thanks to the rocket boosters that had been brought below its galaxy, Stockhausen will do before everyone else.
They report the galactic teaching guides that the methods of study, on Sirius, are particularly high: for graduate study in composition must approfonditamene the differences between sounds, for example between a piano sound, the wind and vocal A. Karlheinz, even on the new planet, he had not stopped studying the curriculum of his star image: what was the effect sound easier than you could get, white noise, colored noise, variations in the speed of sound. All of his work from this study.
On Earth, the new generation of the second half of the twentieth century knew him through the cover of a all'epocale dischettino bad: Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band The Beatles. On the planet are the sixties, when Stockhausen is portrayed in the disk in question. To keep him company, other aliens as Aleister Crowley, Albert Einstein, Buster Keaton. Not bad for a musician wandering the area he called his songs with titles like random music, Music Statistics, variable Music, Music Space; or who wrote compositions based on the Fibonacci sequence: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, .... At Sirius we bust, Math.
As from another galaxy, Stockhausen had very specific preferences, among those preferring land painters Paul Klee, a busker dauber, and the writers that Novalis, self-styled poet sick of romance. Among the human sense organs, it seems that the master eye's predilection ears. He said that the eyes, on Sirius, are extremely limited and can only see the surface of the world and existence, which is nothing but illusion. The ears, however, may enter into a world much more complicated and much richer: the music can create relationships between the finer vibrations of man, and also transmit.
Then, in a composition and another, Stockhausen said that its parts, when you look at the sky at dusk, and between the constellations appear endless beautiful sixteen moons spotted Sirius, the elders say that the music of the spheres is not exist. This men's star never forget their bodily nature, pointing at the same time to be the spirits. Car and driver at the same time, as they say the Syrians when they want to be understood by crude from Alpha Centauri.
Now seems that in early December 2007 Karlheinz Stockhausen has abandoned his car was old and shabby, somewhere on planet Earth. After posting, the pilot is happily back on Sirius, where he is currently well and has resumed work. Local newspapers say that the teacher has already recorded with a band of Beetle-core mathematician, a very general ground screaming and full of so many ye-ye. In the album cover there are four beetles with mustache, hair and skin stinking helmet white, green and hairless with no scales. Thanks to this amazing look, all interstellar marketing experts agree that the item will sell definitely a mess. Even among Truzzi of Alpha Centauri.
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