"A man without religion is like a fish without a bicycle" (ES)
"The eccentric Satie" they say in decent living, when we speak of a musician who knew the words use them as they were known, and vice versa. For example, he wrote the captions that would be enough in the scores: "Do not blush on the fingers", "on the tip of teeth, those at the bottom", "can do better" instead of the traditional "happy", "piano con brio," " slowly. Or "les Embroyns desséchés," and his other compositions who were also real "scores for the eye" in advance of the poetry of Apollinaire, as for the graphic structure interacted with the question of sound. One who during his past life was heretical sect by misteriosofica Ordre de la Rose to the piece of the French Communist Party, from café chantant polemic with impressionism and with Wagnerian Romanticism, one that had always denied the homelands generally . A European mammal with a smile free of intelligence, self-styled gimnopedista, born in 1866 in Honleur, a small town in Normandy in northern France: Eric Alfred Leslie Satie. K The final will succeed him.
"My name is Erik Satie, as anyone"
"Freedom comes from irony," he wrote in those years, the father of Adele H., it is to be believed. What it certainly did Erik Satie in the second half of the nineteenth century, when it began its life as a "tramp" and moved to Paris, Montmartre. Niche not bad: around the pub, you could see people like Picasso, Ravel, Stravinsky, Cocteau, and many dancers. Open parenthesis: those who speak well at this point say that surrealism, Dadaism, were visited and in turn visited the figure and work of ours. Closed in parentheses. He, Satie, was one of those who leave for the military academy and run away after a few weeks showing disease so terrible to push back an army, idiocy is not yet extinct. Can not stay a moment longer in any academy or police station if you are able to write a composition that lasts just over a minute, a pattern of eight measures, consisting of a theme and two harmonies, accompanied by this provision the executor "Be prepared with a series and actual immobility." The song, adds the author, should be "played with himself" 840 times in a row, something that, depending on the chosen time, takes between 12 and 24 hours. "Vexations" (1893) called such work and the author is Satie, musician not by chance after being expelled from the Academy as "untalented." Academics: Then one says. Just to be precise anarchic, we must remember that the first public performance, and full of "Vexations" only took place seventy years after its composition: September 9, 1963 at the Pocket Theatre in New York. That plenty of minutes of music was played continuously from 18:00 until 12:40 the following day, repeated for a total duration of about 18 hours and 40 minutes. At the martyrdom they provided five pianists, the creator of the enterprise was the infamous John Cage, known frequenter of anarchists and game shows, one that instead of eighteen hours of invasion sound was able to write "4 '33", a song is only silence. Destinies. Meetings. As islands in time, the poet would say. Icy report the news and during the various complete performance of "Vexations" there are often opportunities to vomiting, lesions of the phalanges of the fingers, dislocated jaws, fainting, dreams, visions, transformations. Elevations made with nothing, not even light a candle, a wafer, a crucifix, a priest.
"Lord, you're not an ass. But without an ass music! "
took the floor to Prosecutor: "Gentlemen! Russian exiles conspiring with the accused Satie strove to prepare a cowardly attack, a snub to the French taste: the staging of the ballet "Parade," in which he inserted music sounds of typewriters, sirens, shots, music, negra, market turmoil and people ". "Using them as facts, essential elements of reality" breaks sharply from the back of the Braque, Cubism. Rise from the audience shouting "Long live the black art!" "Death to Suprematism." (...) Takes the prosecutor: "These are ravings from Utopia! No sir, the Cubists are wrong! In the future can never be no dancing or cubist. France already enough and advance the infamous cafe chantant, places where this man spent his nights while accompanying a sordid characters, dancers, students, artists, criminals. The "Chat Noir" was the name of the place that the accused attended more regularly, playing the piano in the evenings most shameful. As evidence of the 'charge produced the song "Jack in the Box"; es'aggiunga tickets to the defamatory Satie sent to its unsuspecting victims, our watchdogs in the affairs of art, the critics loved ones. (...) We ask the sentencing etc .... " (...) Correnti, academies and other forms of domination will be vigorously contested, in those years. For some with guns and bombs, with other paintings, or even poems. After the premiere of "Parade" (ballet realist) - composed in 1917 for the Ballets Russes Djaghilev, screenplay by Cocteau, Picasso scenes, music by Satie, choreography by Massine - raging controversy. Debussy refused to block the provocations of "Parade", the Dadaists rejoice; Apollinaire, enthusiastic, started to remove items from the cylinder. Satie is reported, tried and sentenced to eight days in prison, and cento franchi di multa per aver scritto il seguente biglietto ad un critico: “Signore, lei è non è che un culo. Ma un culo senza musica”. Satie può aver seminato equivoci, o seguaci; e tra questi, modernamente, ci sono alcuni che dicono di fare discreet music, musica per ambienti, aeroporti o pollai. Ma di “Musique d’Ameublement” lui aveva già parlato, e composto, nel 1920: oltre mezzo secolo prima di tutti gli odierni cocoriti.“L’Arte è un’altra cosa” diceva Satie. E il nostro non era uno che scherzava, con l’arte; se, ad esempio, Debussy lo accusava di comporre brani senza forma, lui era capace di scrivere subito “Trois morceaux en forme de poire "(1903):" Three pieces of pear-shaped. " Around Satie formed the Group of Six, a 'band of musicians - Poulenc among others - from which he later detaches itself: as Zarathustra, Friedrich would say No. Like Socrates, he would surely stated Erik S. Forties, after years of manic loneliness resumed his studies "serious" and signs up, who knows how to provoke, at the Schola Cantorum devoted to the study of counterpoint, also fell in love with the writings of Plato. In 1918 Satie composed "Socrates", a symphonic drama for piano, chamber orchestra and voices for which he also wrote the libretto, drawing it from the "Conversations". A work inspired by the intimate connection he felt with the philosopher and his work, that the public expect more-usual, is said to bar the first did not understand, and even mocked. So it goes, or siblings.
"One time I was child ... I would say it is not"
When Satie died, and only then, opened the doors of his house, they found scores friends, dozens and dozens of umbrellas, all the same clothes, hundreds of cards. The den of a magician. And speaking of magic, your aff.mo still remember, at a distance of years, the first time I listened to the seventh chords, ninth, eleventh; le terze concatenate; l’attimo esatto quando si premette il play dello stereo e –fino ad allora inaudita- partì la prima delle tre Gymnopédies. Che poi la stessa sia usata nelle sigle dei programmi televisivi o nelle pubblicità con Rit.Lev.Montalcin., poco ci tange. Il fatto lo si ritiene conferma, invece, delle parole già ripetutamente ripetute: la musica è troppo stupida ecc. Che anzi la sventurata non c’entra, essendo Ella solo aria e chi Le sta attorno manutengoli. E poi si racconta che prima di morire, nella tarda serata del 30 giugno 1924, Erik scese nel giardino della sua pensione ad Arcueil e sotterrò i manoscritti di 6 sinfonie, 4 Concerti per pianoforte, 5 Oratori, 3 Messe, 24 Quartetti String, Piano Sonatas 8 and 3 books. All carefully packed, and people say that just a year and a day later, July 1, 1925, Satie joined them forever. Subtleties of people who can make ridiculous the academy, power, death. Like the time in a school of Arcueil, where he held a conference to our children. The little old Erik arrived, sat down and told: "Lord, Ladies, Gentlemen ... I have lived a long time with the animals, but I also very popular with children. One time I was a kid too - it would not - a small child, small (...) As you become musicisti? E' molto semplice: si prende un professore - di musica, se possibile. Lo si sceglie con cura, con attenzione, con gravità. Ci si mette d'accordo su un prezzo. L'allievo deve avere molta pazienza - una grande pazienza - una pazienza da somaro, molto notevole. Bisogna infatti. che si abitui a sopportare il suo professore. Pensate un po': un professore! Costui chiede delle cose che sa, lui, e che non sapete, voi... Evidentemente ne abusa. E voi avete il diritto di non dire niente. E anzi è meglio così”. Arrivati a quel punto, c’è da scommettere che tutti i bambini avessero la bocca e le orecchie spalancate: Maestri e Direttore non si sa. E infine, prima di scomparire, Erik Satie aggiunse: "Know that the job is the freedom ... the freedom of others. When working, do not give trouble to anyone .. Do not ever forget it. Do you understand? ". It 's all, children.
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