L’ altro giorno, siccome a forza di vedere Bruno Vespa in televisione mi era venuta una fame nervosa che non vi dico, e considerato che a casa non c’era niente da mangiare, sono sceso giù per comprare qualcosa. Solo che per strada, appena ho visto il primo negozio di dischi, mi ci sono infilato senza neanche pensarci. Prima il vizio poi i bisogni, mi sono detto.
Mi ero quindi messo a rovistare tra gli scaffali, quando ho beccato un lp con in copertina un bambino nero denutrito che guardava con due occhi da vergognarsi. Era il Concert for Bangladesh del 1973, la Grande Madre di tutti i concerti umanitari.
Ora, dovete sapere che questa storia dei concerti di beneficenza, e di come siano brave le rockstar, e di come l’industria sia sensibile ai problemi della povera people I was immediately impressed. So I asked the clerk if there were any other thing that I wanted to give it a try. The type must have understood at once with those who had to do: they are the eyes shine, it was stuck right in the filthy back room and after a few minutes he came up with a stack of vinyl that smelled of mildew.
- These seem like? - I asked with a smile that looked like the fox of Pinocchio, dodging the cobwebs and mice droppings on the covers.
Mi ero quindi messo a rovistare tra gli scaffali, quando ho beccato un lp con in copertina un bambino nero denutrito che guardava con due occhi da vergognarsi. Era il Concert for Bangladesh del 1973, la Grande Madre di tutti i concerti umanitari.
Ora, dovete sapere che questa storia dei concerti di beneficenza, e di come siano brave le rockstar, e di come l’industria sia sensibile ai problemi della povera people I was immediately impressed. So I asked the clerk if there were any other thing that I wanted to give it a try. The type must have understood at once with those who had to do: they are the eyes shine, it was stuck right in the filthy back room and after a few minutes he came up with a stack of vinyl that smelled of mildew.
- These seem like? - I asked with a smile that looked like the fox of Pinocchio, dodging the cobwebs and mice droppings on the covers.
There was everything: Live Aid, Live8, Live Earth, USA for Africa, Pavarotti & Friends concert and also to the earthquake in Italy. There I saw more: prey to the emotion I bought the whole box of records and I went straight home to listen to them in solidarity, proud of me and of my goodness. I also thought of how good we are white, with our charity rock concerts, all united against poverty, hurricanes, AIDS. All Laura Pausini included.
But when I got home with nothing to eat, hunger, I immediately returned. The only thing edible was a kind of 4 Sauté now mummified Neolithic that dated back to top: with a little 'courage could pull out of the freezer, thaw, and eat it hope to survive. A story like Russian roulette, so to speak, che se uno volesse cedere all’insano vizio della scrittura, potrebbe iniziare così:
Presi la Cosa, la infornai e, appena il termostato toccò i 180°, l’oggetto iniziò a muoversi lentamente, mormorando come se volesse dire qualcosa. Stava cambiando colore e sembrava che trasudasse mozzarella alla diossina quando, dopo aver acceso il grill per una migliore tostatura, il Mostro iniziò lentamente a parlare …
- Basta con queste scemenze - ha detto la gatta interrompendo bruscamente questo mio slancio letterario- pensa invece a preparare quell’articolo su cibo e musica, che se no a quelli dell’Arcobaleno non ce li leviamo di torno. Today I received four phone calls in Puglia.
- literary hallucinations were due to starvation. A fact romantic things you can not understand - I told the cat, taking the pose of a troubled writer.
However, it was true: I had to jot down something about music and food, but honestly, apart from the angry spectators rotting vegetables that usually thrown on stage, there was very little to write.
- Something about the music of the soul as food, could not go well? So those of you drink the whole newspaper - said the cat.
- This story I will have read at least two hundred times, and in many different ways. If anything, I'd forgotten, you remember I am an author of a certain level.
- Never mind - she did - I know that today is the day. I'm calling to order two pizzas. As you want?
The situation was precipitated when, waiting for the pizza arrived, I put on the stereo the first discs purchased. Before a lovely blue bubble-shaped halo, then a noise that seemed to be killing a pig of 800 pounds, and eventually the speakers have exploded, spewing a terrible smell of rotten eggs.
- What is it? What was it? - Said the cat, inflating the balloon type tail.
- Come, - I replied in a voice full of emotion - it was Live 8 in 2005, the against poverty!
The cat looked at me with pity, I did not understand why. I was going to ask for an explanation, when they ring the intercom:
- Pizza! - Is a voice with a strange accent.
- With the sixth floor. The elevator is broken -. On the other end of the line I seemed to hear a blasphemy. Perhaps, in Africa.
After the boy climbed six floors of the pizzeria, an Eritrean who knew by sight, he slumped on the carpet entrance and asked me to loosen the pizza at the same time, a glass of water and a chair to rest.
- Just a minute - he said, drenched in sweat-six stories, one minute the chair, please.
I went to fetch him a glass of water and, in return, the guy was sat back in his chair and was looking forward to the album cover of Live 8.
- I remember the Live8 in 2005. We had just landed on Lampedusa after three days at sea. In two hundred and fifty on a boat thirty feet long and five wide-said the 'Eritrean smiling - Look, I'll read you something.
- Just a minute - he said, drenched in sweat-six stories, one minute the chair, please.
I went to fetch him a glass of water and, in return, the guy was sat back in his chair and was looking forward to the album cover of Live 8.
- I remember the Live8 in 2005. We had just landed on Lampedusa after three days at sea. In two hundred and fifty on a boat thirty feet long and five wide-said the 'Eritrean smiling - Look, I'll read you something.
The boy took his wallet and pulled out a newspaper clipping.
- Those of the Red Cross we had wrapped the fish in the middle of the first meeting. I found there. Please note - the boy said before leaving. The cat approached curious, I took clipping from his hands and began to read:
- Those of the Red Cross we had wrapped the fish in the middle of the first meeting. I found there. Please note - the boy said before leaving. The cat approached curious, I took clipping from his hands and began to read:
Saturday, July 2, 2005: In conjunction with the G8 Live8 to assist the planet, "the biggest concert of the world." Billions of viewers, nearly 150 rock stars involved, nine simultaneous concerts around the planet. Pink Floyd, Deep Purple, Roxy Music, Paul McCartney, Brian Wilson ...
- Of course, land will have to dig due, meters and meters of rotten cemeteries to dig up a cast-like acid said the cat. Then he continued:
making poverty history, "Make poverty history" is the slogan of the mega humanitarian aid. Sensitive to the demands of the organizers at the opening of the G8 government spokesman said that by the eight large is the 'intention to reduce the multilateral debt of some (only eighteen) one hundred percent of the poor countries, for a total of 50 billion. dollars.
- Bravi - did kitten. - Except that they forgot to say that the total debt of poor countries is more than one trillion dollars, only 300 African ones. Just to say, the year before this farce, in 2004, America had happily shelled out 455 billion dollars for weapons and wars. Other than the fight against global hunger.
- Bravi - did kitten. - Except that they forgot to say that the total debt of poor countries is more than one trillion dollars, only 300 African ones. Just to say, the year before this farce, in 2004, America had happily shelled out 455 billion dollars for weapons and wars. Other than the fight against global hunger.
- And how do you I know these things? - I asked the cat.
- Knowledge is power, ignorance is slavery - she said, in reply. - You know Socrates?
- Socrates who? The greek rock band?
- this is called Socrates Drank The Conium progressive blues and played in the seventies. Instead of wasting time with Bruno Vespa, which also causes you to be nervous hunger, try reading a good book: it nourishes and not fattening.
- Now that has to do Bruno Vespa, the largest Italian journalist living?
- Then I'll explain. Another thing, multilateral debt, for Africa, it means only 30 percent of the total, and is due to the bodies international finance: World Bank, International Monetary Fund and Development Fund for Africa. The other, the remaining seventy per cent, debt is called unilateral, directly affects the states and what can not be touched even with a stick, even if it were to resurrect Elvis Presley in person, including scarves and glitter - he continued the cat.
- And now you got to do even the good soul of Elvis?
- Forget it. You know that for every dollar that western countries give in aid to poor ones, nine are to be returned to pay his debts? It would kick ass, but songs sung by rock stars - said the cat, which is a cat who always speaks with property di linguaggio.
- Knowledge is power, ignorance is slavery - she said, in reply. - You know Socrates?
- Socrates who? The greek rock band?
- this is called Socrates Drank The Conium progressive blues and played in the seventies. Instead of wasting time with Bruno Vespa, which also causes you to be nervous hunger, try reading a good book: it nourishes and not fattening.
- Now that has to do Bruno Vespa, the largest Italian journalist living?
- Then I'll explain. Another thing, multilateral debt, for Africa, it means only 30 percent of the total, and is due to the bodies international finance: World Bank, International Monetary Fund and Development Fund for Africa. The other, the remaining seventy per cent, debt is called unilateral, directly affects the states and what can not be touched even with a stick, even if it were to resurrect Elvis Presley in person, including scarves and glitter - he continued the cat.
- And now you got to do even the good soul of Elvis?
- Forget it. You know that for every dollar that western countries give in aid to poor ones, nine are to be returned to pay his debts? It would kick ass, but songs sung by rock stars - said the cat, which is a cat who always speaks with property di linguaggio.
Ora, sarà stato per la fame, sarà perché la pizza era ormai fredda ma, all’improvviso, chissà perché, mi è venuta in mente una canzone. Quella di John Lennon dove c’è quel verso che fa: “E’ facile vivere con gli occhi chiusi, senza capire nulla di ciò che vedi...”. Avete presente?
(pubblicato su "l'Arcobaleno" n.3 anno III - nov. dicembre 2009. Numero monografico sul cibo)
(pubblicato su "l'Arcobaleno" n.3 anno III - nov. dicembre 2009. Numero monografico sul cibo)