When I saw it I thought why was not advertised. But then, when you see it, you'll make a right.
A good part of the film is dedicated to the things that everyone knows but that, alas, no us anymore.
The polis is now almost bivio.La people are forced to work all day, every day to make ends meet. This is the cycle that has touched our order to arrive at a troubled board.
to us affects us worse. There will be no pension for us and we should work until the arm strength will allow us to do it and then live our door in the world of discomfort.
have made us so busy making pennies that we use our leisure time to rest and not to ask questions.
So even though it is clear the power of Freemasonry, the false attacks, terrorism that unites the people against a pseudonemico, Nike and Adidas who continue to exploit the peoples of Southeast Asia, human rights are being outclassed by the profits of multinational corporations.
We are too stressed out, temporary workers who do not have time to think about all this. So it works, it works just ...
... in the meantime the world is driven by a few powerful
to a new world order which, believe me, will not bring us any benefits.
We must rebel!
Together We Are Stronger!
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