Prisoners "chipped like dogs"
Hi-tech 'satellite' is about to implement a project of shadowing to create more space in prisons. Civil rights groups and probation officers furious against the system "demeaning"
By Brian Brady, Whitehall Editor
Published: January 13, 2008 Some ministers are planning to plant microchips "machine-readable" under the skin of thousands of criminals as a system of electronic tagging in order to create more space in British jails. Among
security the existing control system and overcrowded prisons, the Ministry of Justice is investigating the use of satellite and radio-waves to monitor criminals.
But these chips, instead of being contained in the ankle bracelets that bring the criminals under house arrest, would be surgically inserted under the skin of the same in order to improve the control system. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) may provide personal information about individuals, including identity, address and criminal record.
This system, nicknamed "spychips" by those who campaigns on privacy is already used worldwide to monitor dogs, cats, cattle and airport luggage, but there is no precedent regarding offenders in the community. The chips are also considered as a way to help keep order within prisons. The Ministry of Justice
top last night confirmed that the department hoped to go further, extending the geographical range of the chip under the skin through a satellite link similar to that used for locating stolen vehicles. "All options are on the table, we would like to pursue this," the source added.
This is in line with a proposal made by Ken Jones, president of the Association of Police Officers (ACPO), or that electronic chips should be surgically planted in convicted rapists and child abuse to locate them more easily. The technology of Global Positioning System (GPS) is considered the favored method of monitoring to keep them to areas closer to "forbidden" such as elementary schools.
'E' for many years that we consider this technology, because it seems a sensible solution to the problems that plague this area, "the Minister said greater. "We have studied in the past and we came back to take into account today although troubled by the ethics and practicality, but if you reflect on the challenges facing the judicial system then you will realize that it's time to put into practice this system. "
The Government was forced to revise the judicial politics and the serious overcrowding in prisons National, after the prison population, from 60.000 in 1997, rose to 80.000 a share today.
The UK has the highest number of prisoners of 'Western Europe, and the Government is planning additional locations other 20.000 at a cost of 3.8 billion pounds - including three gigantic new "superprisons" - over the next six years.
More than 17,000 individuals, including criminals and suspects released on bail subject to electronic monitoring every time they need to stay at home more than 12 hours per day. But official sources reveal that more than 2,000 each year to circumvent the system tampering with the chip or ripped off. The violation of house arrest increased by 283% (11.435 in 2005 to 43.843 in 2006). The monitoring system, also used on mobile phones, may fail in case of connection problems.
A pilot electronic monitoring satellite, which cost billions of pounds, was shelved last year after a report revealed many criminals as circumventing the system with great ease. The project "prison without bars" could not control them when they were in the shadow of large buildings.
The newspaper "The Independent on Sunday has given ministers the merits of cutting-edge technology thanks to which is virtually impossible to remove the chips. These
, injected into the underside of the arm with a hypodermic needle, consist of a toughened glass capsule containing a computer chip, a copper aerial and a "capacitor" that emit data stored on the same if required by an electromagnetic reader .
But this dramatic choice to strengthen controls on British criminals, has resulted in a strong dissent by civil rights groups and probation officers. Shami Chakrabarti, director of Liberty, said: "If the Home Office does not realize that planting a chip under the skin is worse than an electronic ankle bracelet, then you do not need a lawyer civil rights, they need a medium that people like to adopt this new system of control. "
" dangerous criminals in this way will not do anything to riabilitasi in society and for our safety, as well as some inevitably will find a way to circumvent this new technology. "
Harry Fletcher, assistant general secretary of the National Association of Probation Officers, said the proposal does not make life easier for its members and would degrade their clients. He added: "We believe that the current system works fine as is. Knowing where they are criminals and pedophiles does not mean you know what they're doing."
"This è il genere di idea sciocca che di tanto in tanto arriva dal dipartimento, ma mettere un chip nelle persone così come facciamo per i nostri animali domestici non può assolutamente essere presa in considerazione. Non credo che trattare le persone come pezzi di carne possa rappresentare un miglioramento del sistema.”
La VeriChip Corporation, azienda leader nella vendita di Chips negli States, la cui filiale principale sta vendendo chip-radio per animali da oltre un decennio, ha venduto 7,000 RFID di cui 2000 approssimativamente sono stati impiantati in esseri umani. La società afferma che dei suoi VeriChips ne sono stati installati più di 5,000 (scavalcando cura sanitaria, sicurezza, governo e mercati industriali) e sono utilizzati anche per verificare VIP MEMBERSHIP in alcune discoteche, facendo pagare automaticamente l’entrata e deducendo il prezzo dei drink ordinati attraverso un conto pre-pagato.
La possibile valorizzazione di questa tecnologia sul sistema giuridico del Regno Unito fu accentuata 18 mesi fa, quando Mr Jones della Acpo suggerì che i chip potevano essere impiantati negli stupratori. Gli impianti sarebbero monitorati da un satellite, abilitando le autorità ad organizzare "zone off-limits", incluso scuole, terreni di gioco e abitazioni di vittime di violenza, impossibili da raggiungere per gli individui chippati.
"Se noi siamo capaci di localizzare automobili, perché non localizzare persone?" ha detto Mr Jones. "Si potrebbero impiantare chips surgically in the most dangerous sex offenders are willing to be controlled. "
Pro: 'We localize machines, why not people?'
The government is struggling to track thousands of offenders in the community and is concerned about overcrowding in prisons that are about to burst. This proposal could be a solution to the violation of house arrest, and would bring more security by keeping sex offenders out of areas prohibited. " "If we are prepared to locate machines, why not track people?" Ken Jones, ACPO.
The officers argue that the internal chip enable the authorities to strengthen security by ensuring an effective system of house arrest and allowing immediate verification of the 'ID in case of violation.
The chip inside is also effective in maintaining order within prisons. In the U.S., are used to locate the movements of every single member of a gang inside the prison.
Even criminals themselves would prefer a system of invisible control, instead of the large equipment worn on the ankle.
Cons: 'each one of us could be the next'
Professional legal system believe that the current system is effective in 95% of cases. The effectiveness of RFID is not proven but the fact that it is more intrusive e che porta ulteriori informazioni sull'individuo è una realtà. Le apparecchiature sono state nominate "spychips" (chip spia) da alcuni critici i quali avvertono che quest’ultime emetterebbero informazioni sui movimenti di altre persone a loro insaputa (violando così le leggi sulla privacy, ndr Ale P.).
Liz McIntyre, esperta nella privacy del consumatore, ha detto che un suo collega competente in materia ha già provato che il chip può essere clonato. "Basta incontrare una persona che si è tagliata casualmente e si possono deviare i segnali del cip in una questione di secondi".
Alcune società progettano impianti sottocutanei che potrebbero vibrare, innestare elettroshock, inviare messaggi, o servire come microphone to record conversations! "It is likely that some people foolishly do not consider all these aspects so as to allow this technology to take root in society beginning to be implanted in criminals like rapists and murderers ...
each of us could be next." (Editor's note "Liz McIntyre)
Translation by http://shouldweknow.blogspot.com/
item in its original language http://news.independent.co.uk/
ACPO The Association of Chief Police Officers http://www.acpo.police.uk/
Verichip Corp. http://www.verichipcorp.com/ Probation Officers http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos265.htm
an invitation to all readers-to information, look on youtube or spychips new world order
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