Thursday, January 31, 2008

Difference Between Libretto And Libretti


E 'to end it NOW. WILL NOT BE 'GREAT SOFTWARE BUT HOW CAN' guarantees a significant reduction in the intruders.

defend ourselves by Big Brother

click on any image to download peer guardian 2 post

Friday, January 25, 2008

Who Does Hitsugaya End Up With In Bleach?

changing america

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Fingernail Yeast Infection Treatment

Letter from Naples

This is a letter Publisher Piero Ricca in his blog
that gave me inspiration for the title the previous post.
It 's a coherent picture of the causes that led the South to the current situation.

In Naples I should be there at least a month. I have mixed feelings on him. This is a city steeped in an appalling degradation and yet with the potential to redeem. I'm experiencing serious people, shiny, respectable. Not at all represented by the institutions and information. But "if Naples is one with the" Italian case ". Last night I received this letter from a person with whom I had a chat in Via Toledo.

Dear Peter,
no later than two hours ago we met on the street Toledo and I have him home. I'm sorry not to have been followed in the pizzeria "to 22" and I fear that it could not be there tomorrow (Monday, editor's note) at Gambrinus. But I want not to fail in my promise of thirty lines. Here they are ... a warm greeting.

Joseph Balsamo

Dear Piero,
I talk about my city, Naples, from afar, not to find fault of the rudeness, but rather to find the causes - in my view - resulted in the disaster of these days, and especially to highlight those who, like you, these days he writes, "nonetheless, Naples beautiful ", what ever may have been the source of an evil so ancient. As I write here is not just about Naples, but all of South Italy and Naples, in my opinion, is just the most glaring example of revocation diffusa.Un much my friend, a university professor, has taught me that this is the derivative between memory and utopia, and, if you do, let me share with you and the friends of your blog some of my memories and some of my utopie.Vorrei then metaphorically around the streets of my city and let you know directly from the "stones" were and what what we have become. In my city, in Piazza Carlo III, in 1751 Charles III of Bourbon, in the middle period of the Enlightenment, commissioned the architect Ferdinando Fuga's largest palace in Europe plan horizontal, the Royal Hotel of the Poor. Should not be a palace, but rather a structure that can accommodate about 8,000 poor, downtrodden, misfits and immigrants of the then Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, there were taught them a trade and were provided the appropriate means of subsistence. Next to the palace that the king built the first cemetery in the world to give proper burial to the poor, the "graveyard of the 366 were. Add to this that in Naples in 1500 were" invented "the conservatives, as places where" keep "the music and pass it especially to children abbandonati (ne avevamo 4 “Santa Maria di Loreto”, “Pietà dei Turchini”, “Sant’Onofrio a Capuana” e quello “dei Poveri di Gesù Cristo”, poi a inizio ottocento unificati in quello attuale di “San Pietro a Majella”).Aggiungo a questi luoghi il Real Sito di San Leucio, con le sue seterie, primo concreto esempio di socialdemocrazia nel mondo.I primati tecnologici della mia città sono stati ancora tanti, ma qui mi interessa analizzare il livello di civiltà raggiunto in ciascuna epoca e trovare il punto di regressione, il primo scricchiolio da cui è poi derivato l’attuale disastro.Quelli che ho citato non sembrano propriamente i dati di una città storicamente incivile, quanto piuttosto i dati di una città che era capitale di un regno ricco e che, per un lungo periodo ultrasecolare, è riuscita ad essere all’avanguardia nelle politiche sociali, quella stessa città che oggi muore con la sua regione sommersa dall’immondizia.Ma allora è legittimo chiedersi, cosa è successo negli anni successivi, quale degrado giustifica l’attuale disastro morale e civile ?Vorrei parlare adesso della Calabria, la regione d’Italia che oggi è considerata come la più povere.Nel 1860 a Mongiana sulle Serre, attualmente in provincia di Vibo Valentia, c’era una fabbrica, le Reali Ferriere, che occupavano tra i 2.700 ed i 2.800 operai, in una regione dove oggi sfortunatamente there is no company that employs many operai.Allora there was the 'Ndrangheta, as there was in Campania, the Camorra, the mafia in Sicilia.Per nor the logic of cause and not to identify the faults, I understand, after many primates, as it is possible that 150 years after the unification of Italy in the South has not been able to build a highway that connects us with decent Calabria and Sicily and see if it is not started with the unity of 'Italy and the crisis in my home town of Southern Italy. I would like to know what and who did all the billions spent for the South, I would like to know if starting from Enrico Cialdini and then to Casalduni Pontelandolfo, so come a Bronte ed in mille altri posti, la terra si è macchiata del sangue di tanti concittadini che forse già presagivano l’immane successivo disastro e se quei morti sia giusto o ingiusto ricordarli, così come è giusto oggi ricordare al Bassolino di turno dei morti di Acerra, Nola, Palma Campania, vittime di una delle più grandi catastrofi ecologiche del nostro secolo.Vorrei fare tutto questo per ritrovare dalla decadenza il punto di risalita, il momento della rinascita.Vorrei lasciare aperte le risposte a tutti per spiegare a me stesso ed agli altri quali siano le origini della decadenza economica, morale e civile di una città e con essa, poi di una parte rilevante del mio paese, il Meridione d’Italia e, successivamente dell’Italia intera.Può be a way to finally be reborn together.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Phiten Necklace, Cleaning

this is the derivative between memory and utopia ...

You can fool everyone for a while '. You can fool someone forever. But you can not fool everyone forever. Abraham Lincon

Friday, January 18, 2008

Kamenstein Replacement


Andrea brings an article from Effedieffe very useful to get an overview on the case Mastella:

Clemente Mastella outside Palazzo Chigi: "I resign, throw in the towel ".
So, with emotional tone and defining his wife "a hostage", he concluded the speech in the House ...

One of the charges against Mastella & Mrs. would be to have threatened Bassolino: I remove the backing, and so I'll fall if you do not take as a councilor of miei.Ebbene? They do it all, you say all politicians Outreach. Formigoni and Prodi, Fini and Larussa, you name other names, when they are in a coalition government are the cattle market, exercising, when necessary, the blackmail, are grabbing seats, providing lucrative contracts to friends, make direct municipal and ASL trumpet their candidates, exchange favors and even TV showgirls.
What's wrong? E '"a bad habit, but is not a crime."
This distinction between «malcostume» e «reato» l'hanno evocata anche quelli che prendono un poco le distanze da Mastella. Ed è questo il segno della bassezza morale cui siamo caduti.
Se non vi rivoltate a questa distinzione, siete degradati moralmente anche voi.
Mastella fa come tutti gli altri? Eh no, c'è una differenza di grado.

Egli ha fondato un suo partito personale , che non usa il «malcostume» come mezzo, ma come scopo finale. Che ha il clientelismo come unico fine dichiarato, e arrogantemente dichiarato.

Ovviamente, è l'accettazione corrente del «malcostume» che glielo ha consentito.
Basta non avere alcuno scrupolo, e specie nel Meridione, ti puoi costituire un partito locale fatto di elettori che ti devono qualcosa, e che perdono qualcosa se tu non sei al potere: una base microscopica come quella di Ceppaloni, ma solidissima.
Da qui, con l'1%, puoi diventare ministro.
Restando nello stesso tempo sindaco di Ceppaloni, e mettendo la moglie alla presidenza della Regione.
Il sistema elettorale è fatto apposta per questo.
Premia chi ha pochi voti in un territorio concentrato, anche piccolo: voti che, ovviamente, vengono da favori fatti.
Non esiste un collegio unico nazionale dove possano present national projects, ideas, intellectual minds capable of thinking big.
Here a philosopher can not enter parliament, because it has places to give.
can not a writer and essayist, who has perhaps a million readers, but throughout the country.

can Mastella. What I consider a criminal much more than it appears to the media: a political thug. One that has transformed one of the ways of politics in its sole end.
This should be banned, because it drags us all down, level by level: up to the mountains of garbage, the economic ruin of a nation intera che manda un'immagine di sporcizia e malcostume invincibile. Certo che questi scostumati non commettono «reati»: anzitutto perché le leggi se le fanno loro, e decidono loro cos'è la «legalità».
Ma in termini di giustizia, di diritto naturale, essi rubano denaro dei contribuenti.
A questo si riducono le loro trame e manovre, a furto di denaro pubblico.
Non lo fanno (sempre) in modo diretto, intascandosi i soldi.
Lo fanno quando assegnano una poltrona da 400 mila euro di stipendio non a un competente ma a un «cliente» partitico.
Ciò non è reato.
Viene inteso as "malpractice."
But when the "immorality" is the rule when it became so common that the system leaves grow up to the mayor of Ceppaloni Minister of Justice, when any group or coalition is ashamed to have the support of a tub, here is the problem.
A problem that far exceeds the "legality".
Mastella, simply does not have the credibility to govern the judiciary.

When you transfer a magistrate discussed by his colleagues, as is his prerogative as a minister, it is inevitable that everyone is wondering if it does not prevent investigations into embezzlement and 'immorality', which is the only thing that - by his own admission - is in power.
And so the State fails, in a tide of poisons and suspicions that we no longer know even what they are justified, and how much invented. Mastella
why should not expect justice (if he had any decency), and once avutala, had to resign after it was discovered that he was interrogated by the magistrates who ordered the transfer.
Here the 'immorality' is something worse, and I am surprised that you do not understand: it is a minister who loses the right to make its official records, of which invests the state's authority, because its staff authority is that of a small country blackmailer.
In natural law, this constitutes contempt of the state.
whose authority we all need.

can also configure a coup : not a coup, the Pinochet, where a body of the state imposes its vision of the national project by force, but worse: the takeover of a gang, carried out in order to put clientes relatives and friends and the places that count.
For a country undergoing a coup with tanks on the street is not necessarily a shame: it gives a real force, which can kill you.
But be governed by the unwritten rule of 'malpractice' which is the opposite of loyalty, because he took power a mayor mafiosetto by half a point, yes this is a disgrace.
But this does not mean that I am defending De Magistris.
He, like many judges, a practice the 'immorality' appeals to the crowds (Santoro) leading the investigation into the square.

That the judiciary and all intercepts everything not by news of crime, but to try, with recordings of months, if those conversationalists are talking about committing a crime.
It 's very different.
fact, spying on thousands of people to see if they commit crimes, is the opposite della giustizia.
Peggio ancora se quei magistrati danno adito al sospetto di utilizzare i mezzi di cui l'autorità dello Stato li fornisce, per colpire una parte politica e favorirne un'altra: com'è accaduto in Mani Pulite.
Chiunque sa che mettendo sotto controllo per mesi i telefoni di gente che crede di parlare in privato, si possono ascoltare spropositi, volgarità, segreti ripugnanti: basta farlo abbastanza a lungo, e il gioco è fatto.
Se poi non risulta alcun reato, si possono sempre passare ai giornalisti amici, perché le diffondano, quelle parti più grassocce e ripugnanti delle conversazioni tra privati.
In modo, se non si riesce a incarcerare l'avversario, da sputtanarlo.

Sono le fughe di notizie : e chi le dà ai giornalisti?
I magistrati, è ovvio.
E' un reato, ma per accertarlo ci vorrebbero altri magistrati, che mai e poi mai hanno condannato un loro collega di casta per violazione di segreto istruttorio.
Si accetta questo reato come «malcostume».
Ma qual è la conseguenza?
Che quando un magistrato apre un'inchiesta su un ministro, magari il suo ministro, e un personaggio dei più loschi - anche se ne ha motivi autenticamente gravi - può essere accusato di agire per interessi di casta ed odio di parte, di cui ha dato abbondanti prove in precedenza.
Insomma: anche lui ha perso l'autorità morale per compiere gli atti del suo ufficio.
Esattamente come Mastella non ha autorità morale per esercitare gli atti di ministro.
Ho sentito che il leghista Castelli, nel periodo in cui è stato ministro della Giustizia, ha ricevuto una quarantina di avvisi di reato: evidentemente da magistrati che s'erano messi in testa di farlo cadere, o anche solo di esibire il loro odio per la sua parte politica e le «riforme» che questa minacciava
(e non ha fatto).
Motivazioni serie, fattispecie penali there were none, because he just lost their ministerial Castelli, those investigations have ended in nothing.
They just wanted to keep him from governing, to exercise the mandate given to him by the people with the vote.
They succeeded.

short : judiciary and politicians are two classes equal.
sometimes opposing, but for the interests of caste.
And the result is that, by dint of 'immorality', the rule does not work, and that theater becomes a suspect and the nest of the poison that is "politics" in Italy.
All because we tolerate the 'immorality' purchè non sia «reato».
E' una mentalità.
Da cui dobbiamo liberarci noi, ma soprattutto i magistrati.
Proprio perché ci sarebbe bisogno di loro contro i Mastella, ma non possiamo fidarci di loro per la loro mentalità.
Questa mentalità è una cancrena inestirpabile.
L'ha dimostrato la stessa Boccassini, quando giorni fa ha svuotato il sacco contro i colleghi (non aveva ricevuto una promozione): la magistratura è politicizzata, la magistratura applica le leggi in modo diverso ad «amici» e nemici, la magistratura è piena di improduttivi («fancazzisti»), ci sono casi di corruzione, judges are promoted itself according to logic and current faction.
But then, immediately after the Boccassini added: "There was a mitigating factor, until recently, when the Berlusconi government had declared war on the judiciary and thus the primary need was to defend his teeth today quell'attenuante no longer valid. "
Got it?

says, the prosecutor , who used extra-legal means, leaks, breaches of confidentiality of investigations, TV appearances, the word "malpractice" and the abuse of power, because "Berlusconi had declared war the judiciary, and it was necessary defend themselves with their teeth. "
conceives his action against Berlusconi as a defense of his corporation, and as a political battle.
But the judiciary should not "defend themselves with their teeth" (ie: the preventive detention to extract confessions, illegal wiretapping carpet, breaches of confidentiality of investigations by the press).
to defend it are the laws of the State.
why the judges have fixed salaries and high, so their careers are automatic and are virtually indisputable, if not from their own order (order, no corporation or "power"), why not give in for fear of losing their benefits who makes "war".
Even in Pakistan the judiciary has shown more courage and dignity, and independence of authority, against General Musharraf, who is a bit 'more dangerous than Berlusconi.
It can be imagined, of course.

Establish clear incompatibility : judges may leave the toga for a political career.
not have to talk on TV of the ongoing investigations.
Minister can not remain mayors of their electoral clientele.
life senators who must take drugs to 'spontaneously' resignation, a sense of shame and insult to the state.
Relatives can not be assigned seats by the relative minister or governor.
The conflict of interest should not be relied upon only for Berlusconi.
And again, the parliament can not express the rule or to provide ministers by MPs, it takes two separate votes, to maintain the tension of conflict between the two branches of government, executive and legislature.
Even more, the parliament should not meet at all times, just two monthly sessions in the fall and spring; lawmaker is not a job.
Unless it is considered normal for the assemblies of the building or boards of directors meets to decide every single day instead of the condominium manager or the managing director.
But above all, must begin by taking away their enormous fees.
Halving wages MPs or their grand commission, some readers objected, does not recover enough money to cover the deficit.
stupid remark.
The true meaning of a "reform" is to prevent that kind of politics becomes a profession, and so profitable as to justify any malpractice.
Like today: each month the legislature Prodi hard, others are 15 000 €. And there
take not only the parliamentary pro-Prodi, but also the opposition.
are the ones who do not fall Prodi.

is the malpractice , where door one day to learn that the term will last one hundred years. Always the same faces, Visco, Napoletano, Fini, Prodi ...
, putting his cronies to posts in the public economic power, prepared just the extra-legal immortality.
But it is not a crime, warning: only "malpractice." But
killed democracy, the rule of law, jurisdiction.

Maurizio Blondet for - Effedieffe - Copyright © all rights reserved.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Cramping From Endometrial Polyp

item to the heart of Naples

publishing a letter from Ferdinand and Diego di Pianura (Napoli). Blog at Piero Ricca.

Dear Piero,

you write on the Plain, a neighborhood in Naples, where he lives citizenship heir to a rural tradition that has been overwhelmed by the expansion of the city and has hosted for nearly forty years sversatoio the largest waste in Europe. This landfill is situated in Contrada Pisani, in the heart of Campi Flegrei (which includes in addition to even Fourth Plain, Pozzuoli and Agnano) and close to the State Natural Reserve and WWF "Astroni Crater."

What many do not know is that during these long years in the landfill was not only spilled waste collection, but also something far more dangerous industrial waste. Such as cadmium, zinc, scrap paint, various plastics, arsenic, lead etc. All that stuff certainly is neither easy nor cheap disposed of, and certainly nobody wants to have the house.

garbage bag that usually contains paper, plastic, a few tablespoons of pasta and beans, coffee, orange peel, sometimes glass o metalli, ce lo teniamo dentro casa per ore. Se davvero fosse come qualcuno (erroneamente) crede, vorrebbe dire che inaliamo diossina da sempre tutti i giorni già a casa nostra. Ovviamente non è così.
Se bruciamo quel sacchetto allora sì, la combustione di questi rifiuti sviluppa diossina.

Se poi in quel sacchetto ci buttiamo anche il mercurio, l’arsenico, il piombo, l’uranio…
E’ intuibile che una massaia non potrebbe buttare nel sacchetto dei rifiuti di casa quella roba lì.
Ma un imprenditore industriale o un politico senza scupoli che si nasconde dietro al camorrista di turno possono, eccome.

E’ questa la chiave the eternal problem that plagues us for years are given the opportunity to those who need to dispose of their toxic waste at bargain prices.

The chronicles tell of Mario Tamburrino, truck driver at the wheel of his kart from Cuneo and directed in an illegal dump Villaricca between quality and, in places Scalzapecora Torretta. Tamburrino in that little town there ever arrived. What appeared in the newspapers of February 6, 1991, and presented to the emergency room Cardarelli Hospital in Naples, with showy as painful eye problems that would lead to blindness within a few hours, and it was very difficult respiratoria, il tutto accompagnato da una specie di ustione alle mani. La diagnosi dei medici dell’ospedale fu: “sintomi da avvelenamento agli occhi ed ai polmoni da sostanza sconosciuta”.

I pianuresi (dopo i proclami falliti di Prodi) hanno iniziato a liberare con mezzi propri le strade di Pianura. E stato attuale le scuole sono ancora chiuse o inagibili.
Forti manifestazioni di solidarietà si registrano da Pozzuoli, Quarto, Piazza del Gesù (Napoli Centro) dove erano presenti gli amici di Beppe Grillo. E sappiamo da fonti attendibili che i No Global si stanno avvicinando alla Campania, data la presenza di Gianni De Gennaro (in riferimento ai fatti del G8 di Genova). La gente ora ha really understood how dangerous dioxin, especially where it comes from. We were able to spread the news of the tragedy that occurred in Mario Tamburrino.

Even journalists RAI and Mediaset, which oversee the landfill are amazed at our invitation to reflect on this great contradiction: Police and Carabinieri us baton charge to the sound of ... But then who defend it, us or the mafia that runs the landfill?

Diego and Ferdinand


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Bassolino ... rubbish! EMOTIONAL

The year was year one thousand, all was quiet at the time, that is, something starts to move and build up a bit 'what is now the specter of MALA-BELL POLICY and ITALIAN Let's face it!
stands the figure of the Neapolitan industrialist, Mr. Tom, and his business was a bit 'around Italy and why not, even in the world, the new world, the Americas, more specifically those Amazons.
The idea was born through his contacts with some engineers north-central Italy, on the axis Ferrara - Gallicano, Lucca, where she lived in a joint stock company, the "Green Blue" and a 'system that would probably CDR potuto alleviare e caso mai evitare i nostri dolori, perché dolorosa è la situazione dei rifiuti.
Il ruolo principale della S. p. a . , tecnicamente parlando, era quella di produrre una nuova energia; l’azienda lavorava, e lavora tutt’ oggi, la frazione secca dei Rifiuti Solidi Urbani non recuperabile, attraverso fasi di triturazione, selezione, essiccazione e pressatura, producendo sotto forma di “bricchetta”, un combustibile alternativo, da poter incendiare anche nei nostri comuni caminetti casalinghi e impianti di riscaldamento. Inoltre con l’aggiunta di un ulteriore macchinario all’impianto CDR, era ed è possibile produrre ogni tipo di energia da poter paradossalmente vendere ai grandi colossi energy supply, "They lived in a pension Giuglianese! The industrial
Campania, decided to invest in the project, so fond of one billion lire, the deal was constructive, both for its own purposes, either because it was a healthy project, the company was the Green Blue!
The patent was analyzed for the chemical science, the foundation Coppetec, a university research in Rio de Janeiro.
The response of the researchers was memorable, as the municipal waste through a chemical process to which it was submitted, was sterilized in an oven at a temperature of about one thousand degrees centigrade, nothing but rubbish!
Everything was ready, banks American and Swiss interested in the project well, you just leave.
patriotic spirit, he took our contractor to bring the project to our city council and then to the then mayor, who addressed the bewildered and handsome investor, projecting to the President of the Environmental Consortium (
was nineteen ninety-nine).
The answers that were given by him, after countless attempts at contact were, "We'll know soon!
Months passed but nothing, all was quiet, Mr. Tom, almost impatiently,
but did not want to give up, because the numbers of logic and common sense were all there; the plant would fit like a glove for Giugliano and you could even keep the house, he would not polluted.
Then his initiative, led him to trouble the mayor of Giugliano;
Passing unnoticed in the consortium environment, "he said to himself, the entrepreneur!
He was not given any concrete response was rudely laughed at, left in a 'timeless
waiting to receive a NO that had already been sentenced!
The one and only reason was given to him by the mayor and the response was as follows
"Mr. Dude, I can not tell you anything, here is the boss Don Antonio!
But who's going?

thank Julia for their cooperation

Monday, January 14, 2008

Diy Cheap Body Opponent

Prisoners "chipped like dogs"
Hi-tech 'satellite' is about to implement a project of shadowing to create more space in prisons. Civil rights groups and probation officers furious against the system "demeaning"
By Brian Brady, Whitehall Editor
Published: January 13, 2008
Some ministers are planning to plant microchips "machine-readable" under the skin of thousands of criminals as a system of electronic tagging in order to create more space in British jails. Among
security the existing control system and overcrowded prisons, the Ministry of Justice is investigating the use of satellite and radio-waves to monitor criminals.
But these chips, instead of being contained in the ankle bracelets that bring the criminals under house arrest, would be surgically inserted under the skin of the same in order to improve the control system. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) may provide personal information about individuals, including identity, address and criminal record.
This system, nicknamed "spychips" by those who campaigns on privacy is already used worldwide to monitor dogs, cats, cattle and airport luggage, but there is no precedent regarding offenders in the community. The chips are also considered as a way to help keep order within prisons. The Ministry of Justice
top last night confirmed that the department hoped to go further, extending the geographical range of the chip under the skin through a satellite link similar to that used for locating stolen vehicles. "All options are on the table, we would like to pursue this," the source added.

This is in line with a proposal made by Ken Jones, president of the Association of Police Officers (ACPO), or that electronic chips should be surgically planted in convicted rapists and child abuse to locate them more easily. The technology of Global Positioning System (GPS) is considered the favored method of monitoring to keep them to areas closer to "forbidden" such as elementary schools.
'E' for many years that we consider this technology, because it seems a sensible solution to the problems that plague this area, "the Minister said greater. "We have studied in the past and we came back to take into account today although troubled by the ethics and practicality, but if you reflect on the challenges facing the judicial system then you will realize that it's time to put into practice this system. "
The Government was forced to revise the judicial politics and the serious overcrowding in prisons National, after the prison population, from 60.000 in 1997, rose to 80.000 a share today.
The UK has the highest number of prisoners of 'Western Europe, and the Government is planning additional locations other 20.000 at a cost of 3.8 billion pounds - including three gigantic new "superprisons" - over the next six years.
More than 17,000 individuals, including criminals and suspects released on bail subject to electronic monitoring every time they need to stay at home more than 12 hours per day. But official sources reveal that more than 2,000 each year to circumvent the system tampering with the chip or ripped off. The violation of house arrest increased by 283% (11.435 in 2005 to 43.843 in 2006). The monitoring system, also used on mobile phones, may fail in case of connection problems.
A pilot electronic monitoring satellite, which cost billions of pounds, was shelved last year after a report revealed many criminals as circumventing the system with great ease. The project "prison without bars" could not control them when they were in the shadow of large buildings.
The newspaper "The Independent on Sunday has given ministers the merits of cutting-edge technology thanks to which is virtually impossible to remove the chips. These
, injected into the underside of the arm with a hypodermic needle, consist of a toughened glass capsule containing a computer chip, a copper aerial and a "capacitor" that emit data stored on the same if required by an electromagnetic reader .
But this dramatic choice to strengthen controls on British criminals, has resulted in a strong dissent by civil rights groups and probation officers. Shami Chakrabarti, director of Liberty, said: "If the Home Office does not realize that planting a chip under the skin is worse than an electronic ankle bracelet, then you do not need a lawyer civil rights, they need a medium that people like to adopt this new system of control. "
" dangerous criminals in this way will not do anything to riabilitasi in society and for our safety, as well as some inevitably will find a way to circumvent this new technology. "
Harry Fletcher, assistant general secretary of the National Association of Probation Officers, said the proposal does not make life easier for its members and would degrade their clients. He added: "We believe that the current system works fine as is. Knowing where they are criminals and pedophiles does not mean you know what they're doing."
"This è il genere di idea sciocca che di tanto in tanto arriva dal dipartimento, ma mettere un chip nelle persone così come facciamo per i nostri animali domestici non può assolutamente essere presa in considerazione. Non credo che trattare le persone come pezzi di carne possa rappresentare un miglioramento del sistema.”
La VeriChip Corporation, azienda leader nella vendita di Chips negli States, la cui filiale principale sta vendendo chip-radio per animali da oltre un decennio, ha venduto 7,000 RFID di cui 2000 approssimativamente sono stati impiantati in esseri umani. La società afferma che dei suoi VeriChips ne sono stati installati più di 5,000 (scavalcando cura sanitaria, sicurezza, governo e mercati industriali) e sono utilizzati anche per verificare VIP MEMBERSHIP in alcune discoteche, facendo pagare automaticamente l’entrata e deducendo il prezzo dei drink ordinati attraverso un conto pre-pagato.
La possibile valorizzazione di questa tecnologia sul sistema giuridico del Regno Unito fu accentuata 18 mesi fa, quando Mr Jones della Acpo suggerì che i chip potevano essere impiantati negli stupratori. Gli impianti sarebbero monitorati da un satellite, abilitando le autorità ad organizzare "zone off-limits", incluso scuole, terreni di gioco e abitazioni di vittime di violenza, impossibili da raggiungere per gli individui chippati.
"Se noi siamo capaci di localizzare automobili, perché non localizzare persone?" ha detto Mr Jones. "Si potrebbero impiantare chips surgically in the most dangerous sex offenders are willing to be controlled. "

Pro: 'We localize machines, why not people?'

The government is struggling to track thousands of offenders in the community and is concerned about overcrowding in prisons that are about to burst. This proposal could be a solution to the violation of house arrest, and would bring more security by keeping sex offenders out of areas prohibited. " "If we are prepared to locate machines, why not track people?" Ken Jones, ACPO.
The officers argue that the internal chip enable the authorities to strengthen security by ensuring an effective system of house arrest and allowing immediate verification of the 'ID in case of violation.
The chip inside is also effective in maintaining order within prisons. In the U.S., are used to locate the movements of every single member of a gang inside the prison.
Even criminals themselves would prefer a system of invisible control, instead of the large equipment worn on the ankle.

Cons: 'each one of us could be the next'

Professional legal system believe that the current system is effective in 95% of cases. The effectiveness of RFID is not proven but the fact that it is more intrusive e che porta ulteriori informazioni sull'individuo è una realtà. Le apparecchiature sono state nominate "spychips" (chip spia) da alcuni critici i quali avvertono che quest’ultime emetterebbero informazioni sui movimenti di altre persone a loro insaputa (violando così le leggi sulla privacy, ndr Ale P.).
Liz McIntyre, esperta nella privacy del consumatore, ha detto che un suo collega competente in materia ha già provato che il chip può essere clonato. "Basta incontrare una persona che si è tagliata casualmente e si possono deviare i segnali del cip in una questione di secondi".
Alcune società progettano impianti sottocutanei che potrebbero vibrare, innestare elettroshock, inviare messaggi, o servire come microphone to record conversations! "It is likely that some people foolishly do not consider all these aspects so as to allow this technology to take root in society beginning to be implanted in criminals like rapists and murderers ...
each of us could be next." (Editor's note "Liz McIntyre)

Translation by
item in its original language
ACPO The Association of Chief Police Officers
Verichip Corp. Probation Officers

an invitation to all readers-to information, look on youtube or spychips new world order

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Masterbtion Things Around Your Home


Friday, January 11, 2008

Sending Sat Scores Rutgers

V-Day chemtrails

The guru has deciso.Dopo defeat against politicians, soon (April 25) in the squares of Italy will be aired on V2-day dedicated to our "disinformation", first of all Gianni Riotta, chairman of the TG1.

We are all with you Beppe!

Why not help us too with chemtrails?!?
trifles seem to feel But I would not be just convinced.

say that climate controls, many have doubts. I remind you that for quite some time now the weather all the channels do not transmit multiple images satelittari. The reason? Can you tell me what are all these lines in the sky?

Listen to us, does not cost you anything. Sign the petition against sciechimiche . and maybe sometimes even sent to hell Beppe Grillo with his statements about chemtrails gives me some doubts.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Phone Pouch Templates


When I saw it I thought why was not advertised. But then, when you see it, you'll make a right.

A good part of the film is dedicated to the things that everyone knows but that, alas, no us anymore.

The polis is now almost bivio.La people are forced to work all day, every day to make ends meet. This is the cycle that has touched our order to arrive at a troubled board.
to us affects us worse. There will be no pension for us and we should work until the arm strength will allow us to do it and then live our door in the world of discomfort.
have made us so busy making pennies that we use our leisure time to rest and not to ask questions.
So even though it is clear the power of Freemasonry, the false attacks, terrorism that unites the people against a pseudonemico, Nike and Adidas who continue to exploit the peoples of Southeast Asia, human rights are being outclassed by the profits of multinational corporations.
We are too stressed out, temporary workers who do not have time to think about all this. So it works, it works just ...
... in the meantime the world is driven by a few powerful
to a new world order which, believe me, will not bring us any benefits.
We must rebel!
Together We Are Stronger!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Is Frequent Herpes Outbreaks Normal?

American Dream ...

the American dream became the dream of the world.
of every citizen.
everyone wants a nice car, a nice house, lots of flaws and
one million dollars in the bank.
There are things that we must sapere.Cose that there are hidden forever.
Starting from the history books, and continuing through the centuries back
then we can realize not only the crap that surrounds us
(now it is obvious) but also agents that triggered the same.
This is my comment for an afternoon full of good
senso.Andrea, my blog-cooperator, he showed me a film called NEW AMERICAN CENTURY
free download from the site of ARCOIRIS.TV
not publicized, I've never done principio.Ma this time I feel compelled to name farlo.In Ragione.L 'freedom of information deserves to be linked, transmitted, told e perchè no, mai come adesso, pubblicizzata. L'autore, Massimo Mazzucco merita applausi e standing ovation. Lo definisco il Micheal Moore made in italy. Un uomo affidabile, sincero, in gamba e preparato che con questo video ha un attimino creato un altro 11 settembre, ma questa volta a farne le spese non sono le povere vittime del world trade center, ma sono loro ! I cattivi, I veri padroni dell'America, responsabili di questa catastrofe. Ed è la delicatezza che mi ha colpito, quel modo elegante di denunciare il fatto.
Arrivato ai titoli di coda mi sono reso conto di una cosa tra le tante:
se questa è l'america, se il sogno americano è il risultato di quello che ho visto
allora a me questa America sucks! and the same feeling all American citizens should try it, but alas, some even under hypnosis, he believes that Bush is the savior of the world when the facts make us understand clearly that terrorism is not out, is not the face Osama Bin Laden or Saddam Hussein poor.
Terrorism has operational headquarters in the white house.
SPREAD THE TRUTH ', comparing the OBVIOUS.