The language of the so-called music critics in the age of mass distribution.
C ' they once were, and there are still, the music critics. Among others, to that of Gucci, "a priest or a Bertoncelli to shoot shit" or "ball pen", aka Enzo Caffarelli, journalist Hello 2001 against which rages in Venditti ' song of the same name. The basic idea is that by the winged verse of our poet-Lambrusco Emilia, was the widespread belief that the critics were gone, in fact, just bullshit. Not only they, of course: sometimes, especially when singer-songwriters, give up the pen, the guitar went unpunished.arrive at the ours, even now despite the win Venditti Telegatti Guccini marketing and more books than records, though has passed from duplicating the Internet, the situation remains unchanged, if not worse. For some it continues, in fact, a challenge to reviewers disk-directed use of the fatwa, which says how we eat, means megaphones for the big record companies. Others continuing to acquire this talk and think only nursed the beads and mirrors that magazines regularly impose their worship. The so-called rock-stars, the so-called rock-magazine, the so-called rock-fans: do you remember?
In this depressing picture is to add a few things about the language customarily used in those music magazines. Fans (word, we must remember, is a contraction of "fanatics"), and especially those among them that are owned by the troubles of writing, if they have a way to move from skulls and crosses scrawled on the diaries of eighth grade in most forms of writing developed on a printed newspaper and / or electronic musical self-telling - if they sit down to write reviews, in short - are people able to make pork of any self-respecting Italian grammar.
The language of their shares boring literary-inspired music is usually an imaginary language, visual, sound well-defined as consisting of disparate forms: all somehow made them in a generation. Market category, if you want to be cynical, a hormone that, just like teenage acne, to say the dermatologists.
First, however, the facts that - after taking plenty of ginger and other herbs antivomito - transcribed below, mercifully omitting the names of the authors: "Imagine the sound of the Sonics garage mix the contortions of hallucinatory James Chance and the chaotic blues Beefheart, add in the pirouette of a hypothetical non-armed Ayler sax clarinet but, finally placed the hybrid in a violent prehistory and wild as the forces of nature on man threatening to upset incumbent and destroy him. One last cry first apocalypse. "
And again:" ... well, your windows open wide the summer, follow the road on fire and piss on the asphalt smoke, then take your pea and scuotetevelo in a tropical cocktail with Acre Thrills in the background. "
These , brothers, are empty shells of snails - that there would be another way to name them, if you really want to exercise it in the noble art of the insult - extracts from articles that plague websites and kiosks; sad but necessary samples undergoing you, who fed only the classics of literature and the horror of the unknown world of webzines. And 'the language of the type of media reviews of records, delusions picked flower from flower without lingering too much between the editorial garbage cans, and whose deep dislike for the words, although all formed by the same few letters of the alphabet, "denote the sky, the sea, land, rivers, sun, crops, trees and living beings" (Lucretius) is therefore in everyone they come across, of great pain, fatigue, shortness of breath , sweat, tears.
wiped his forehead by sweat and blood appeared during the reading of the aforementioned ircocervi literary various measures will be put in place to do justice to the arts of the trivium - grammar, rhetoric and dialectics - so brutally injured.
The weakest of hearts will then proceed to the part in boiling water, sewer and subsequent reduction in wafers for liturgical use, while others, more blood will pull out of the rotating electric saw and will take care to reduce the paper in nice squares 0.5 cm in diameter, which will later be used as confetti at the carnival. Alternatively, the article may refer to the severe touch of the flame-thrower from the trenches: thanks to the benefits of burning, the smell of a careless prose, at the time of reading, I immediately grabbed by the throat, instantly vanish leaving only traces as pounds and pounds of boredom thick and sticky.
must in any case that in the end, say something sensible about what, by now, most of the critics has become a verbal tic, the initiation code and, in severe cases, personality disorder. The approach to music is fanatical, self-referential, elitist, full of cliches and platitudes, as if belonging to a sect should be demonstrated by the repetition of the memory of its codes and its watchwords.
Childhood Carbonari minutes for which should refer to painful examples Language: descriptions of ecstasy made by German nuns of the Middle Ages, example, his manic schizophrenics, or even if you really had to laugh, when that letter Totò Peppino . Roller coasters and rides to which our language tend straparlando, and while writing the paper keep well away from the brain. Distance you have to keep you too, my brethren, if you happen to come across any of these horrors written in a language that says not at all mean. Trust who loves you: you ascoltatevela music, which is better.
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