"Why Emanuele Filiberto can sing at the festival and not me?" asked Mariano Apicella walking alone, nervous, for Sanremo. For some 'time this thing had become an obsession that made him increasingly irritable. Symptomatic of what had happened a few days before, on the flight from Milan to Rome. Apicella, guitar and just stepped on board, had been stumped for trivial matters, see my hand baggage and window seat. Passengers have long remembered the cries of the musician - "imbufalito" as he yelled several times - and even a sound and firm, "but goes to you and cagher Cavalier!" Coming from the central file that had made him immediately down a peg. He, used to travel by plane to the state, now he had to settle for a scheduled flight, like everyone else.
Among other things, he thought Apicella, soon would be released on his new album written with Mr Berlusconi. And one of these tunes, 'Music', he wanted to sing on stage at the Festival. The music had always liked: as a child, just heard the songs of Topo Gigio, and starts to sing and dance in front of the television. What then had to do with the music, Sanremo, this is not Mariano if he was ever asked. He knew only one thing: that would be fools to miss an opportunity like this.
When John Denver was Guaglione, was infatuated with the electric guitar and the metal. He had grown his hair, which when it was time to move them solos, and sometimes even had voted Communist. Nonsense of boys. His mother always told him: "Mary, bellemammà, let it be the guitar and found a job at the Land Registry or Italsider that the metal and the communists there fields. And you cracked six mica, Mary? "" And I mica so 'stupid, Mom! "Mariano always answered.
One day he entered the church to speak with his manager, who did well to supplement the sexton, Mariano had seen entering Peppino Gagliardi, a Neapolitan cantantone than that his mother had all 45 laps and he will always listened. The singer was kneeling with his right hand had a scratch on his forehead, settled his tie, shook a little 'dust from his left shoulder, removed a hair from the right, then he brought his hand to his mouth, as look at her nails, had risen and had gone as it was coming.
The Guaglione was struck by this scene and thought about it for days. Peppino Gagliardi, his idol, who came to church! Instead, its drummer always swore like a turkish and that is why he smelled of hunger, and the bass player, he kept his wife may be pregnant, also voted Communist. Peppino Gagliardi no. He went to church, they made the Santacroce, and do not spit on the ground. Peppino Gagliardi sang love songs, like at all and had made the new car and even a beautiful villa on the sea.
That meeting impressed him. Mariano realized that he had perhaps a set and a minimum you should change directory and look. He cut his hair, rather it made her a little ' hair loss, which made him look respectable, fattening a little and start to get a jacket and tie. Blue suit, white shirt, off the nail and the Iron Maiden t-shirt that he wore. In the meantime he had also learned to do the tour and seventh chords increased. He learned also that both the Neapolitan songs like tourists and began singing in restaurants and hotels. Things went the right at home.
A evening, while singing the hotel Vesuvio in Naples, Apicella said the match of his life. A tourist is a bit 'special: a little guy from Milan, peeled, quickly, that to see how they move and seemed to serve him as the Almighty. One full of girls, money, cars, houses, televisions, that everyone loved him, apart from the usual horned, judges and communists. Mariano just saw him at Issus, a knight, he is fond of now. In the midst of everything sfaccimme ragged ass around him to Mariano, the Doctor, seemed like a ray of light, a lifeline to hold on, a special grace of San Gennaro. "The trains run only once and if no one takes it on the fly, goodbye and thank you. Or am I wrong? I mica so 'stupid' was repeated Apicella. But only the Knight, as well as being Chairman of the Board, was also president of Milan, and instead kept Apicella for Naples, not to mention that the rival fans Hvar sfruculiamenti blows and not teasing. Faced with this choice of field ethics, we immediately decided which side to be: both. Naples and Milan at the same time, the Doctor could not be upset that they kill each other then anger, and even San Gennaro. Cav. much he liked the karaoke, and he was glad the whole nation. And yet he liked to Mariano immediately karaoke. The usual story: nobles and commoners, who was born with the shirt and who Battistoni with patched ass. Who is the servant and who is not. Who is smart and who's not.
Only now, after some whim if it was lifted by the President and seventh chords increased so much that he liked, Mariano found himself through the streets of Sanremo, agitated with the same question in mind: "Emanuele Filiberto in Sanremo and Apicella not?". And the Knight? Not interested in promoting the new album? Isso, because he had forsaken me? While asking these things, it started to rain. Mariano slipped in the first bar that came before.
The place was almost empty, darkened, we sat down and ordered a beer in the 'waiting spiovesse. He could not find peace. Sure, eg he could do as Morgan. Groped the media coup, have maximum visibility without even participate in the Festival. Only he, Apicella, the only addiction she could admit was that of mozzarella di bufala: e la cosa non faceva tanto fine, a dire la verità. Dallo stereo del locale partì una musica che gli sembrò di riconoscere. Era Wrathchild, un hit degli Iron Maiden che a lui era sempre piaciuto e che modestamente, quando lo suonava con la chitarra tra i denti, il suo figurone lo faceva sempre. Altri tempi. Altri posti. Altri tagli di capelli. A sentire quelle note, a Mariano venne una nostalgia che se in quel momento esatto gli fosse apparso davanti Eddie, il pupazzo degli Iron Maiden, di sicuro se lo sarebbe abbracciato come ad un fratello. Altro che Vittorio Emanuele Filoberto o come sfaccimme si chiamava quello là, che solo grazie al titolo nobiliare si poteva permettere il lusso di andare a Sanremo e invece Mariano Apicella no.
In quel momento, invece di Eddie, nel bar entrò un uomo bassino, col volto nascosto da un cappellone da guappo. Ordinò qualcosa da bere, si appoggiò al bancone con fare indifferente e rivolse lo sguardo verso Mariano. “Guagliò, ma tu non sei Apicello?” gli chiese lo sconosciuto.”Proprio a te cercavo” gli disse avvicinandosi al tavolo e sedendosi senza neanche essere stato invitato. “Accomodatevi pure” fece con buona creanza Mariano, dopo che il tipo si era già accomodato di suo. “Scusate, ma voi chi siete?”.
“Marià, mi manda ‘o Cavaliero. Ti fa sapere di stare sereno. Che c’è sempre l’Eurovisione. That just ends up with all this tarantella prosecutors in Florence and Rome and Palermo, the promotion of the album he thinks. Then, as it exits the CD, makes you do a seratone on Rai Uno by Bruno Vespa. You just have to stay calm and do crazy things. Forget Morgan is Filoberto. Now go Ariston, there is a place reserved for you in the audience. You sit, you see the show and applauded when the cameras t'inquadrano. Smile Mary, and made glad to see Knight does not like the sad faces. " "Sorry, but this thing just seems to you that the Prince and Mariano Apicella not?" "Guaglio, that lasts as long as a smoked cigarette ..." "... and then can not even sing Wrathchild "Apicella said absently. "But you were really good in your day, Mary" said the man. "Thank you very much. Only now is he and I in San Remo, no offense, are in this sewer of coffee to talk with you even know that's your name. Leave me alone, please be patient. "" Come, ma 'or not really know me? Yet once you loved me! "The man looked at him with eyes of fire, stood up, took off his hat and Apicella apparsero two huge bases that he recognized immediately. "Mary, kneel and kiss mane Ste. 'The Song Peppino Gagliardi. " Mariano saw una corona di luce, s’inginocchiò, gli prese le mani sudate che puzzavano di nicotina, notò le unghie sporche, lesse “ciuccio pensaci tu” sul tatuaggio nella mano, le baciò, svenne.
Quando si riprese, si ritrovò fuori del bar, con la testa confusa. Era ancora sotto shock per l’apparizione di Peppino Gagliardi, che se lo raccontava a sua madre quella non gli avrebbe creduto mai. Poi, improvvisamente, Mariano si rese conto che aveva ricevuto un’offerta che non poteva rifiutare. Cornuto e mazziato. E basta. Ritirò la testa nelle spalle alzandosi il bavero del cappotto, si avviò lentamente verso l’Ariston quando, a tutta velocità, gli sfrecciò accanto una macchina targata Napoli con a bordo quattro giovinastri. Arrivato ad un metro da Apicella l’autista frenò di botto, uscì la testa dal finestrino e gli urlò in faccia: “Apicè, sì n’ommemmè, tu e il Cavaliero tuo!”. Poi l’auto partì sgommando tra gli sghignazzi e le pernacchie degli occupanti. Apicella ci rimase ‘o veramente male assai: prima diventò rosso peperone, poi verde bile. Fortunatamente che per strada nessuno aveva visto e sentito.
Allontanandosi frettolosamente, notò una luce blu intermittente che proveniva da tutti i palazzi. In ogni casa c’era una televisione accesa sul Festival: e in quel preciso momento Emanuele Filiberto stava cantando “Italia amore mio”. Gli occhi gli si riempirono di lacrime. Amare, oltre che napuletane. All’improvviso, come attraversato da un fulmine, come in un satori a Sanremo, Mariano decise. Di non andare all’Ariston. Di lasciare perdere i milanesi, gli accordi di settima. Di tornare a casa, a Napoli, da mammà. Magari ci avrebbe riprovato a mettere su il gruppo di metal con i guaglioni amici suoi. Ora si sentiva più leggero: rallentò il passo e senza motivo s’inoltrò per i vicoli. Aveva smesso di piovere: sorrise, sentendo l’aria fresca di quella sera di Febbraio sul volto. “E io mica so’ fesso” si ripetè Mariano Apicella.
(pubblicato su "Sicilia libertaria" n. 293 a. XXXIV - Marzo 2009 )
Among other things, he thought Apicella, soon would be released on his new album written with Mr Berlusconi. And one of these tunes, 'Music', he wanted to sing on stage at the Festival. The music had always liked: as a child, just heard the songs of Topo Gigio, and starts to sing and dance in front of the television. What then had to do with the music, Sanremo, this is not Mariano if he was ever asked. He knew only one thing: that would be fools to miss an opportunity like this.
When John Denver was Guaglione, was infatuated with the electric guitar and the metal. He had grown his hair, which when it was time to move them solos, and sometimes even had voted Communist. Nonsense of boys. His mother always told him: "Mary, bellemammà, let it be the guitar and found a job at the Land Registry or Italsider that the metal and the communists there fields. And you cracked six mica, Mary? "" And I mica so 'stupid, Mom! "Mariano always answered.
One day he entered the church to speak with his manager, who did well to supplement the sexton, Mariano had seen entering Peppino Gagliardi, a Neapolitan cantantone than that his mother had all 45 laps and he will always listened. The singer was kneeling with his right hand had a scratch on his forehead, settled his tie, shook a little 'dust from his left shoulder, removed a hair from the right, then he brought his hand to his mouth, as look at her nails, had risen and had gone as it was coming.
The Guaglione was struck by this scene and thought about it for days. Peppino Gagliardi, his idol, who came to church! Instead, its drummer always swore like a turkish and that is why he smelled of hunger, and the bass player, he kept his wife may be pregnant, also voted Communist. Peppino Gagliardi no. He went to church, they made the Santacroce, and do not spit on the ground. Peppino Gagliardi sang love songs, like at all and had made the new car and even a beautiful villa on the sea.
That meeting impressed him. Mariano realized that he had perhaps a set and a minimum you should change directory and look. He cut his hair, rather it made her a little ' hair loss, which made him look respectable, fattening a little and start to get a jacket and tie. Blue suit, white shirt, off the nail and the Iron Maiden t-shirt that he wore. In the meantime he had also learned to do the tour and seventh chords increased. He learned also that both the Neapolitan songs like tourists and began singing in restaurants and hotels. Things went the right at home.
A evening, while singing the hotel Vesuvio in Naples, Apicella said the match of his life. A tourist is a bit 'special: a little guy from Milan, peeled, quickly, that to see how they move and seemed to serve him as the Almighty. One full of girls, money, cars, houses, televisions, that everyone loved him, apart from the usual horned, judges and communists. Mariano just saw him at Issus, a knight, he is fond of now. In the midst of everything sfaccimme ragged ass around him to Mariano, the Doctor, seemed like a ray of light, a lifeline to hold on, a special grace of San Gennaro. "The trains run only once and if no one takes it on the fly, goodbye and thank you. Or am I wrong? I mica so 'stupid' was repeated Apicella. But only the Knight, as well as being Chairman of the Board, was also president of Milan, and instead kept Apicella for Naples, not to mention that the rival fans Hvar sfruculiamenti blows and not teasing. Faced with this choice of field ethics, we immediately decided which side to be: both. Naples and Milan at the same time, the Doctor could not be upset that they kill each other then anger, and even San Gennaro. Cav. much he liked the karaoke, and he was glad the whole nation. And yet he liked to Mariano immediately karaoke. The usual story: nobles and commoners, who was born with the shirt and who Battistoni with patched ass. Who is the servant and who is not. Who is smart and who's not.
Only now, after some whim if it was lifted by the President and seventh chords increased so much that he liked, Mariano found himself through the streets of Sanremo, agitated with the same question in mind: "Emanuele Filiberto in Sanremo and Apicella not?". And the Knight? Not interested in promoting the new album? Isso, because he had forsaken me? While asking these things, it started to rain. Mariano slipped in the first bar that came before.
The place was almost empty, darkened, we sat down and ordered a beer in the 'waiting spiovesse. He could not find peace. Sure, eg he could do as Morgan. Groped the media coup, have maximum visibility without even participate in the Festival. Only he, Apicella, the only addiction she could admit was that of mozzarella di bufala: e la cosa non faceva tanto fine, a dire la verità. Dallo stereo del locale partì una musica che gli sembrò di riconoscere. Era Wrathchild, un hit degli Iron Maiden che a lui era sempre piaciuto e che modestamente, quando lo suonava con la chitarra tra i denti, il suo figurone lo faceva sempre. Altri tempi. Altri posti. Altri tagli di capelli. A sentire quelle note, a Mariano venne una nostalgia che se in quel momento esatto gli fosse apparso davanti Eddie, il pupazzo degli Iron Maiden, di sicuro se lo sarebbe abbracciato come ad un fratello. Altro che Vittorio Emanuele Filoberto o come sfaccimme si chiamava quello là, che solo grazie al titolo nobiliare si poteva permettere il lusso di andare a Sanremo e invece Mariano Apicella no.
In quel momento, invece di Eddie, nel bar entrò un uomo bassino, col volto nascosto da un cappellone da guappo. Ordinò qualcosa da bere, si appoggiò al bancone con fare indifferente e rivolse lo sguardo verso Mariano. “Guagliò, ma tu non sei Apicello?” gli chiese lo sconosciuto.”Proprio a te cercavo” gli disse avvicinandosi al tavolo e sedendosi senza neanche essere stato invitato. “Accomodatevi pure” fece con buona creanza Mariano, dopo che il tipo si era già accomodato di suo. “Scusate, ma voi chi siete?”.
“Marià, mi manda ‘o Cavaliero. Ti fa sapere di stare sereno. Che c’è sempre l’Eurovisione. That just ends up with all this tarantella prosecutors in Florence and Rome and Palermo, the promotion of the album he thinks. Then, as it exits the CD, makes you do a seratone on Rai Uno by Bruno Vespa. You just have to stay calm and do crazy things. Forget Morgan is Filoberto. Now go Ariston, there is a place reserved for you in the audience. You sit, you see the show and applauded when the cameras t'inquadrano. Smile Mary, and made glad to see Knight does not like the sad faces. " "Sorry, but this thing just seems to you that the Prince and Mariano Apicella not?" "Guaglio, that lasts as long as a smoked cigarette ..." "... and then can not even sing Wrathchild "Apicella said absently. "But you were really good in your day, Mary" said the man. "Thank you very much. Only now is he and I in San Remo, no offense, are in this sewer of coffee to talk with you even know that's your name. Leave me alone, please be patient. "" Come, ma 'or not really know me? Yet once you loved me! "The man looked at him with eyes of fire, stood up, took off his hat and Apicella apparsero two huge bases that he recognized immediately. "Mary, kneel and kiss mane Ste. 'The Song Peppino Gagliardi. " Mariano saw una corona di luce, s’inginocchiò, gli prese le mani sudate che puzzavano di nicotina, notò le unghie sporche, lesse “ciuccio pensaci tu” sul tatuaggio nella mano, le baciò, svenne.
Quando si riprese, si ritrovò fuori del bar, con la testa confusa. Era ancora sotto shock per l’apparizione di Peppino Gagliardi, che se lo raccontava a sua madre quella non gli avrebbe creduto mai. Poi, improvvisamente, Mariano si rese conto che aveva ricevuto un’offerta che non poteva rifiutare. Cornuto e mazziato. E basta. Ritirò la testa nelle spalle alzandosi il bavero del cappotto, si avviò lentamente verso l’Ariston quando, a tutta velocità, gli sfrecciò accanto una macchina targata Napoli con a bordo quattro giovinastri. Arrivato ad un metro da Apicella l’autista frenò di botto, uscì la testa dal finestrino e gli urlò in faccia: “Apicè, sì n’ommemmè, tu e il Cavaliero tuo!”. Poi l’auto partì sgommando tra gli sghignazzi e le pernacchie degli occupanti. Apicella ci rimase ‘o veramente male assai: prima diventò rosso peperone, poi verde bile. Fortunatamente che per strada nessuno aveva visto e sentito.
Allontanandosi frettolosamente, notò una luce blu intermittente che proveniva da tutti i palazzi. In ogni casa c’era una televisione accesa sul Festival: e in quel preciso momento Emanuele Filiberto stava cantando “Italia amore mio”. Gli occhi gli si riempirono di lacrime. Amare, oltre che napuletane. All’improvviso, come attraversato da un fulmine, come in un satori a Sanremo, Mariano decise. Di non andare all’Ariston. Di lasciare perdere i milanesi, gli accordi di settima. Di tornare a casa, a Napoli, da mammà. Magari ci avrebbe riprovato a mettere su il gruppo di metal con i guaglioni amici suoi. Ora si sentiva più leggero: rallentò il passo e senza motivo s’inoltrò per i vicoli. Aveva smesso di piovere: sorrise, sentendo l’aria fresca di quella sera di Febbraio sul volto. “E io mica so’ fesso” si ripetè Mariano Apicella.
(pubblicato su "Sicilia libertaria" n. 293 a. XXXIV - Marzo 2009 )
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