L ' other day, I made a nice bream and thawing, after solving this dilemma between the meat and fish that contain the dinner itself, I was doing a walk to the florist when I see a primrose very nice, with beautiful pink flowers of a very sexy. "Hello, beautiful" makes me a wink. I looked around, and yes, had it right with me. I did not think twice, I pulled out my wallet, paid the ransom to the florist and, among many others, I chose it. You know how these things very often but we believe we are only hunters and prey. The famous battle of the sexes, to say to Maria De Filippi.
Upon arriving home, in the letterbox to find a CD labeled "ascuta. That, said so, it might seem, and is the name of a terrible spider in Australia. Only that since the CD had sent those of the Rainbow and, considering that those parties - as unfortunately they know about their skin's unfortunate readers of this newspaper - the Italian, like the mystery of the pyramids is still riddle to unravel, "ascuta" means "listen." In Catania, among other things, which is saying something.
When I put a disc in the player is playing a very sensual voice, that it was not clear if the man or woman, but the unmistakable accent of Puglia: "Hello, I am. The next issue will be on the genders. Do not make me wait too long, baby: take out your article, I look forward to having him in my hands. Notice to audience: thirty seconds of this CD will self-destruct. "
- But please, it seems the beginning of Mission Impossible! - He puffed pussy.
- was a way as any to start. Creative writing, tells you something? However, those of the Rainbow still have not figured out that I am a writer of a certain level and I can not waste time with their stupidity - I said, trying to give me a tone.
- I know that tattered those of your friends have made up his mind to do a number on the red lights. As if the news were not enough policies and customs of the past few months.
- Anyway, I think, given the low cultural references that animate much of the writing, this editorial might instead have chosen to do with the recent statement by Lady Gaga: “Sono bisessuale”. L'opinione pubblica mondiale ne è rimasta sinceramente sconvolta – ho concluso con voce di circostanza.
- A me, invece, non ha fatto ne' caldo ne' freddo – si è intromessa la primula. Non bastava la gatta con i suoi sproloqui, adesso ci mancava solo la piantina parlante.
- Ora basta! Questa casa sembra un talk show! Tutti che parlano! Bestie, vegetali, sedie vuote! Neanche da Bruno Vespa! Un po' di silenzio, per favore: debbo scrivere un saggio sull'uso della punteggiatura nel Settecento inglese.
- Le tue sono solo esclamazioni speciste, bello - ha ribattuto la pianta.
- Speci-che? - Ho fatto io sempre più altered.
- Forget it, then you are a headache. - Said the cat - Rather than pulling out, uh, the article that if those guys do not start with the silent phone calls at three am.
True. We needed to hurry if you want peace of mind: those of the Rainbow do not give up so easily. So I headed to department records, ready for mission impossible this month. The disks were there glam in a row that sway on their heels, the blush on the cheeks, eyes were filled with mascara. Below, sounds and powerful male hard rock guitars.
- Yes, it should be ', if for an article about genders immediately pull out of the glam rock, we start well - has turned up their nose the cat. - At this point you need just mention that Ziggy Stardust, the Spiders of Mars, the New York Dolls and Sisters United.
Right: Esquerita by Little Richard, Bobby mascara only to the deep voice of Amanda Lear, from wedges to the Sweet rompers for Cousins \u200b\u200bCountry, rock was a string of names that were enough to fill a round of ' Hell, a concentration camp or a psychiatric hospital. It depends on who's in charge, of course. Only that some rock star with the ambiguity we marched. On the contrary: we ate.
- Bravo - did the primrose - You're right, man.
- Thank you - I said, blushing a bit ': puns are always fools me good. - But how a plant's cute like you 'interested in glam?
- What's wrong? - Stepped in the cat dropping for a while 'which was fumbling with the wrapper and, truth be told, it seemed that smells of fish - I do not know how things work with primroses?
- sorry, what have seedlings with Ziggy Stardust?
- Have you ever wondered why they like a lot to the glam?
Now, at this point, I could bring up the traditional strabollita spiel about, either: 1.l 'sexual identity of young people at the end of the second millennium, 2. genre theory, 3. hermaphroditism from the greek myth of analytical psychology Jung, 4. the German phenomenological school: Husserl and his notion of "time". I was willing to do anything, even to do away with this article. Instead I went out with the usual cliches that plague the so-called press:
- sequins, flashy shoes, eye-liner and fur coats? The charismatic image that dominates the musical genre and you look in the mirror to check if every hair is in place? The lesson of past lives through the transgression coated? A
save in the corner came the cowslip.
- I really like Tokio Hotel - said the pistils of the plant, while placing the lipstick.
- Chi, quelli che hanno il cantante che sembra un manga? - ho subito preso la palla al balzo, cercando di sviare la conversazione.
- Bello, guarda che i Tokio fanno musica tosta e Bill, il cantante, scrive testi che parlano della sua infanzia infelice. Come questo: “Molti vedono quello che che sembri, pochi capiscono ciò che sei” - hanno concluso i pistilli con tono appassionato.
- Veramente questa è una frase di Machiavelli – è intervenuta la micia, pulendosi i baffi.
- Machiavelli chi, quello che scriveva i testi per Prince? - ho fatto io. Nella stanza è sceso un silenzio gelido: era chiaro che ne avevo sparato un'altra delle mie. Colpa sicuramente del penoso stato prevailing in public education, I thought to cheer him up.
- I, however, prefer Shakira and her legs - the stamens have spoken with a deep voice, stroking his beard in two days.
- Wait, is this story of double entry? Not enough already? - I told the primrose - It is not by chance that are possessed by some second-generation fungicide?
- No, fine: I have two sexes. They are both male and female - said the plan wink - stamens and pistils, and pea floret ... remind you of something?
- A disorder of gender? I know a very good exorcist, I can give you his phone number. - When the situation get complicated, I usually do everything possible to complicate them even more.
- None of this stopped me-cat. - In plants, kinds sometimes mingle, overlap, mingle, live together. As in the rock, or in other forms of art.
- You mean that jazz is a rock music hermaphrodite?
- From losers, more than anything else - she said, with the tone of one who hates the Miles Davis of the eighties. - Too much and too rock for jazz to rock to jazz. Ne 'flesh' fish.
- A matter of taste - I cut it short, wanting to avoid yet another tedious debate on transex jazz. - By the way, why do not we eat the bream that by dint of I usually speak of an upset is hungry?
- I guess you can forget about the, beautiful. Your cat, one that "or jazz or rock, or meat or fish, if the jelly is all, as we speak.
- It 's true? - I asked angrily.
- I just wanted to make sure if it was true that the bream move from male to female, and in spite of everything are always good. You need not raise your voice - said the cat offense - If your hungry you can always make a dish of spaghetti with clams.
- Watch that they are bisexual, beautiful - has stopped primrose. - Almost like your jazz rock.
- You mean if I eat a plate of noodles with seafood can be like Bill from Tokio Hotel? - I asked alarmed.
- better than Platinette - the pistils acids replied, looking at me wrong.
- Maybe, but I still prefer Shakira - have cut short stamens, giving himself a sturdy scratching the lower parts.
(published in "The Rainbow" Year III No. 5 - Jan.. February 2010. Monograph on genders)
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