disposal techniques and proposals for reuse - IV
The engraved part of the CD can be used as a practice rink to make disciples of fleas. The glossy surface and silver, as well as creating a spectacular atmosphere, allow these friendly animals to perform in developments as much fun as complicated, which will arouse the admiration and envy of your neighbors present, forced to live with more mundane cockroaches, mosquitoes or ants absolutely devoid of artistic qualities and sympathy that distinguish your phenomenal fleas.
The CD was strewn with neurogas systemic neurotoxic activity. The product, permanently altering the enzyme acetylcholinesterase blocked, in disk in question, the neuromuscular junctions, all synapses and all tissues that express receptors cholinergic type. The object has thus undergone an immediate fall in blood pressure, followed by a tonic muscle paralysis with titanium. After being subjected to this exhibition to nerve gas, the disc was made up in a small crystal coffin and sent to the local office of the Music Critics.
I like, so not to disprove him immediately and enthusiastically reviewed using, defer alla puzza di carogna che emanava dal lavoro in questione, hanno poi sproloquiato di coraggioso e innovativo lavoro che sa muoversi con disinvoltura tra chimica militare applicata alle popolazioni civili e musica post-industriale. I critici piĆ¹ sensibili sono anche riusciti a lodarne la confezione, interpretandola come colta citazione gotica e creativa metonimia. Immancabili, in tutte le recensioni, i riferimenti agli Stooges.
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