The theme of the important meeting, the first of two planned for this year, " Holy Week in An-Dalus, Sicily and Puglia.
In fact, the inter-national conference to be fully operational from the current year, as announced to-last September in Ta-rant in the church of San Domenico Maggiore, Taranto dell'appuntamen-to comparison between scientists and researchers. The third edition
organ-ised in collaboration with the Real-Mae stranza City Caltanisset-ta, see the participation of prestigious speakers-no evidence from Spain, and of course, Puglia and Sicily. They confirmed their presence
Professor Adela Mora-do Gujosa in represen-tation of the Royal Federation of Covens and Con-fraternity of Granada, Dr. Manuel Garcia Prados Prior of the Brotherhood of Nuestro Senor en el Huerto de los Olivos and Mary SS.ma de la Amargura of Granada and Professor Jaime Perez-Bryan Haffener of Malaga, and additionally Blanquez Feliciano Foronda, Prior of the Pillar of Hermandad de Seville, which has already been a speaker last September in Taran-to. To take
Sicily their reports, the professores-sa Zaffuto Rosanna Rovelli relazionerà events of Caltanissetta, Professor John Cammack to speak instead of Trapani, and Professor Umberto Tornabene Diocesan President of the Brotherhood of Enna. For
Puglia addition to the aforementioned Liuzzi and Montenegro, which will also coordinate the work of the conference re-looks, Dr. Stan Franco-tion Prior dell'Arciconfra maternity Death of Molfet-ta, and Dr. Andrea Lova-scio Prior dell'Arciconfrater nite-di Santa Maria del Suf-Frag Bitonto.
preside over the work John Taibi, honorary chairman of the Real Maestranza City of Calto-nissetta reggen and president of the Association Interna-tional-yourself "The Red Robe, '" which organizes the conference itself. The findings have been entrusted to Monsignor Giovanni Lanzafame, expert mariologist and spiritual father of the same-l'associazione.
Two working days are planned for the conference, namely the Afternoon-Thu on Friday 6 and 7 on Saturday morning, when pre-view the various reports. Sa-bato afternoon, however, all the speakers taking part in the solemn celebration in the Cathedral in honor of the new Captain of Real-Mae stranza 'of Catanisetta, Maestro Joseph Giordano. On Sunday afternoon instead is planned town-ling between the band "Apricot Salvatore" Cal-tanissetta and that of Maria Santissima de la Victoria Las Cigarreras (dell'omoni Sivigliana brotherhood-but) to be enshrined in the approxi- ; to the band for the occasion Apricot mae-ter directed by Melia Bartolomé Gómez English director of the complex band.
Taranto Today February 24, 2009
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