BASSOLINO ... Rubbish!
Bassolino is a national license with the Neapolitan mafia!
she will be its advantages such as Ikea and other works by him but were built:
Bassolino Wikipedia says:
It has been criticized for the Campania Region has carried out economic transactions deemed detrimental to the UBS Bank, where he works his son Gaetano Bassolino, within the sector that deals with investment of PA. The financial adviser to Air Report (submitted October 14, 2007) stated that the operation has cost the Campania region of € 28 million of implicit costs, but transferring that debt to the future management.
The Corriere della Sera:
'Wastes, Bassolino be processed "
NAPLES - The public prosecutor of Naples has requested the indictment of the governor of Campania, Antonio Bassolino for crimes he allegedly committed as di commissario straordinario per l'emergenza rifiuti, incarico che il presidente della giunta regionale campana svolse tra il 2000 e il 2004.
qui l'articolo completo scritto nell'agosto 2001
vi invito ad informarvi e commentare !
In campania, a napoli e sopratutto a giugliano (Taverna del re) si vive in un mondo di ecoballe. Un mondo troppo piccolo oramai.La munnezza ha conquistato il territorio e sta cacciando via la gente a suon di cattivi odori...
vi invito ad informarvi e commentare !
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