Seigniorage is a scam monetary and psychological we are all individuals. they say that "the greatest trick the devil was to mankind to believe that he does not exist" and it is thanks to this diabolical technique that seigniorage is the master of the world but in a transparent manner to all us.
we never hear about seigniorage in his books or TV, no singer will ever show us a song or a comedy show. Politicians never quarreled for seigniorage and you'll never see the Guard Finance arrest someone for this topic.
Seigniorage is the maximum power of the planet and all of us are slaves.
Technically, the seigniorage is the profit that is generated by money creation.
The legislature is currently require international central banks to create money, cash that is scriptural.
An example will illustrate the mechanism:
create a coin (be it paper, metal or as a virtual c / c) has costs due to raw material, labor and services necessary to outline, such as distribution, anti-counterfeiting techniques, etc. ..
The biggest cost is the material making up the currency, the set of all the various costs to be shown to determine its intrinsic value.
The currency, however, reports on the facade of a number that indicates another value:
the nominal value (or, precisely, face or even legal).
The two values \u200b\u200b(intrinsic and nominal) are different and their difference determines what is called seigniorage, ie the gain that the person who created that currency.
Obviously those who create money tends to mark a value as high as possible with respect to intrinsic value, otherwise it loses.
happens for example in coins from 1 cent because it is necessary to make them spend 15 cents. Now we see what
che avviene nella creazione della moneta-oro e della moneta-carta.
Anticamente le monete metalliche erano in oro e quindi con un valore intrinseco piuttosto alto. Il “signore” che coniava queste monete imprimeva loro un valore nominale più alto per poterci guadagnare e permettersi così un “aggio” economico notevole.
Infatti questo Potente riceveva l’oro dai commercianti con la richiesta di convertirlo in moneta sonante e semplicemente metteva la sua effige per GARANTIRE la bontà del pezzo da lui creato (coniato). Era una sorta di garanzia e per questo aveva il suo guadagno.
Ad esempio con 9 grammi d’oro si poteva coniare una moneta e dire che era da 10 gr. d’oro (ma actually composed of 9 gr. + 1 gr of gold. non-precious metal). The difference between the nominal value (10) and intrinsic value (9) was the seigniorage (one gram gold coin).
likely the operation could be performed by the Lord even coining 10 coins actually using 10 gr. of gold for every piece, but as keeping a hand, always 10% gain it was!
When gold has been replaced by the paper, the discourse is worse (for us) and the seigniorage has come to almost 100%
fact print a bill for € 5 or € 500 € and takes 30 cents we also consider that this bill is no longer tied to gold (non ha più ‘copertura’ e non è più ‘convertibile’). Questo vuol dire che il Signore moderno, ossia chi oggi CREA moneta (ad esempio la BCE in Europa o la Federal Reserve negli USA) ha un potere enorme. Infatti questi organi privati (tutte le Banche Centrali sono private) possono ricattare o comunque influenzare intere Nazioni.
Basti pensare che la Banca Mondiale (di proprietà della Federal Reserve e della Banca d’Inghilterra, a loro volta tutt’e due private e padrone anche del Fondo Monetario Internazionale) nega prestiti a quei Paesi che NON ACCETTANO di privatizzare il settore dell’acqua potabile! E questo è solo un esempio.
Chi ha ben capito il meccanismo seigniorage now have also understood that the bill is an action ELIMINATE worse as it disappears, for the Lord Banks, the 'cost' and increases to 100% electronic money on seigniorage. Moreover, the currency is subject to an interest (eg. 3%) raises the debt of the citizens of a sovereign country than the face value of the currency itself! In practice a currency (bill) from € 100 € 103 costs the city and the bank with only 30 cents. This is the seigniorage.
could overcome everything in a very simple way: It is sufficient that the State finally sovereign, without money to issue debt, as it does, for example, coins (of course those with a face value greater than the intrinsic value, such as pieces from 50 cents, 1 euro and 2). The savvy will understand now the joke of the late Mr Duisenberg against TREMONTI when it asked to replace coins of 1 and 2 euro banknotes of equal value and the former governor (who died in mysterious circumstances) said saying: "But Mr. Tremonti knows that in doing so his country would lose the seigniorage on the amount of money be replaced?".
Since the bill does not have a fee in gold (the notes are convertible into U.S. dollars but since 1971 the U.S. dollar no longer convertible into gold) there is no reason to emit is a private entity nor that this entity has a monopoly on this issue. In addition, the costs to serve this loan (interest) would be avoided and the state, or we all would have the real autonomy of management of the country.
who fears that the state can somehow begin to print money out of size and out of control is a person who has no confidence in the state.
We know that our politicians are in collusion with every imaginable interest (banks, oil, weapons, drugs, prostitution, etc. ..) but the question we must ask ourselves is very simple:
Why a politician should refuse the responsibility to create money the people? If he is
honest there should be no problem since it will operate and the second ETHICS RULES fair and democratic. Only a dishonest politician, with a last glimmer of sincerity say, "No, look .. do not give me this printer in my hand because I know myself and I print mountains of money for me and my friends! ".
Fortunately in this case the solution is simple: you thanked and sent home before the individual can do, by his own admission, terrible damage.
The last case is that the politician is actually dishonest ...
But if it is dishonest because it should refuse such a wonderful opportunity?
Not because we have moral qualms said it is already dishonest.
If not (dishonest) would accept the printer immediately and would act as the much-vaunted and very private Governors of any central bank, which is recognized esteem and wisdom out of the ordinary and known to operate on the good of the community.
Einaudi said: "The scarcity of gold has been replaced by the wisdom of the governor [of the Central Bank, author's note]" (sic).
So why not a thief steals? Perhaps because there is a big shot much more powerful than him? Perhaps there is an entity that does not want to give him the printer and ensure that money is created for the people (although with the risk of theft policies)? And this entity is more honest? If so must immediately give him any power, would know as well governed, certainly better than the above policy, or not? And if it was dishonest but because he has his hand in the printer and starving the people doing it live in a system of financial anemia? And this higher amount as dishonest, even more, if the politician who is not Fat Bankie ©?
It 'obvious that the politician does not want and CAN NOT' take the printer in the name of the people because the international private bankers will not allow it EVER.
elect people who are sponsored by bankers and therefore will not operate never popular, but always with a view to the benefit of their real employer.
It 'true that only political will can reverse things to do this but need to be aware of a large portion of the population that is informed, aware and motivated to make a radical change in the political scene.
To this end, this article should be disseminated to the entire population, along with other writings, books, demonstrations and public discussions to explain what is the real evil of the Mona and solutions terrible and painful that you will soon have to take to not fall in abyss.
In a future article we further important aspects of the matter and will close in the third article talking Fractional Reserve, another scam this, true inflation is responsible for the power of commercial banks that create money out of thin air through a current account which oblige us to have today.
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