Thursday, February 7, 2008

Recovery Drinkswimming

The water is worth more than the oil Russia discovers the Blue Gold

FAO: in 2050 almost one third of humanity without water drinking
A network of canals wrap thirsty countries of the former Soviet Union

MOSCOW - Russia not only floats on huge deposits of oil and gas, to the point it turned into an energy superpower. In its vast territory there is so much fresh water to quench the thirst of two planets: 120 thousand rivers, 2.3 million lakes, swamps large as Italy, Spain and France combined. Water resources exceed 97mila cubic kilometers if we add the groundwater and glaciers translated into vile money - or rather, in cash - means having of water supplies whose value exceeds, even today, 800 billion dollars a year. As water is the oil of the new millennium, the dreams of grandeur of the Kremlin are becoming even more ambitious, so much wealth and many perspectives increase the political influence, especially on the surrounding countries of Central Asia, besieged by deserts and drought.

It took only a FAO report, released Monday, which raises the alarm for emergency water ("In 2050, nearly two billion people will remain without water drinking) and now the Russians have signaled that they will ready to work in the thriving market of blue gold, although they prefer to call it "gold transparent" (so wrote yesterday, the newspaper Novye Izvestia): "Russia has good chances, but we must use them intelligently. We occupy a good place among water suppliers and exporters of products that require high water consumption," says Viktor Danilov-Daniljan, director of the National Institute in Moscow for the water problem, "for example, North Africa and the Middle East import such a quantity of wheat to produce that it would take water from two rivers as the Nile."

The numbers of "water stress" are chill. To obtain one kilo of rice it takes 2 to 5 thousand gallons of water. On average, food needed to produce 3 thousand gallons of water per person per day. When the water

begin to dwindle, Russia with its enormous resources to become leaders in the food chain. Just adapt infrastructure build aqueducts to the south, as is the case for hydrocarbons, wrapped in a spider's thirsty Eurasia. To think that the Soviet regime had set up a project to reverse the course of the great Siberian rivers that flow into the Arctic and irrigate the Central Asian republics: a titanic but also potentially an environmental catastrophe. Common sense prevailed, and everything remained as before. It was 1986.

Today, Nursultan Nazarbaev, President of Kazakhstan has dusted off that old idea, but Moscow did not pretend to understand. "What begin to eliminate waste, "suggests Moisseenko Tatiana, a member of the Academy of Sciences. For the countries that have scarce water resources, you are advised to avoid the total emancipation (" independence ") regions of the world that have them in hand abundance: "In Central Asia, water is used in a rather irrational," says the Moissenko, "technology should be introduced to save money, put to use in irrigation technologies drops.

The countries of the former USSR satellites suffer heavy damage if you do not run for cover. And the refuge is called the Great Mother Russia. Barkovskij says Anatoly, director of the Center for Foreign Relations of the Institute of Economics Academy of Sciences russa: "Bisogna risolvere in anticipo una serie di problemi: come e quanta acqua può essere trasportata senza creare danni ambientali. Dopodiché, potremmo dissetare fino a saziare".

Acqua come merce, fiumi di rubli, anzi, di dollari. Il business dell'oro blu arricchirà ulteriormente la Russia, scrivono i giornali.

Il controllo dell'acqua è vitale, senza si muore. Senza non si produce. L'acqua è un bene di consumo, lo ha stabilito l'Organizzazione mondiale per il commercio, alla quale la Russia sta aderendo. L'industria globale dell'acqua ha un giro d'affari di 400 miliardi di dollari. Un "asset" fluido che garantisce profitti a go-go e sudditanze strategiche. Da annegarci.


Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Pong Table Blueprints

experiment Guardiagrele

Cutting 1000 SIMEC

Professor Giacinto Auriti at the end of July 2000, as founder and secretary of Saus (Union Wear) put into circulation the SIMEC (symbols econometric led value) is the exclusive property of the carrier (as is explicitly printed on the tickets).

The purpose of this experiment led to the theory of value (Auriti that has advocated for over thirty years) was to check "in corpore vili" what people can create, by convention, the value of local currency without any intervention nor the State nor the banking system, the ultimate goal was to replace the sovereignty of the Bank of Italy unlawful ownership of the coin, that was a prerogative of the State, in favor of individual citizens, but the experiment is already a very considerable success, because it brought an anchor of monetary policy, namely the assessment in practice and factual the principle that the value is given to money only to those who accept it (citizens) on the basis of a convention, not by those who issues (the bank).

This statement is even more true in relation to the fact that the currency was abolished, the so-called convertible into gold or gold reserve 15 August 1971 at the initiative of Richard Nixon historically known as the abolition of the Bretton Woods institutions. Consistent with the latter's oft-repeated assertion by Professor Auriti, Guardiagrele held in the economic operation, according to the newspapers of that period, she revived the market and therefore the critical local economy (Guardiagrele was the municipality with the highest index for suicide by default). In fact, Professor Auriti released the following statement rather laconic: "It's as if we had put the blood in a body bled."

can not doubt that the initiative of Abruzzo lawyer is an important scientific evidence of unprecedented economic and legal sociology in Italy, especially because it comes from a private association (Saus) and not by an entity with public power, as could be, if not the State, the City Council. It should also add that the experiment of Auriti solicited the attention not only of Italian political parties, as well as the national press, but also number of the foreign media, demonstrating the interest aroused by the new revolutionary formula monetary union, which configures the currency as an instrument of social law with financial content such as art. 42 in the second paragraph of the constitution, which recognizes the property for all in adding legitimacy to the full sovereignty in the monetary policy also head to the national community.

Auriti built the project into two phases: first, the professor called it goodwill, he served as the SIMEC could achieve "induced value that it objectifies as a real asset, being property of the bearer, "and that distinguished him from the common currency not just formally but also materially. The second phase which allowed the City" benefit of the service set up by econometric Saus (Union Wear) by a Department for the income of citizens, who had the task, even culturally, the initiative, to monitor and implement the distribution of SIMEC among citizens. "

In essence, the project technically developed along this route: the citizen went and changed the SIMEC on par with the pound. Poniamolo like this: The city filed a hundred thousand lire (we were still the old but much more functional lira) and took in exchange for one hundred thousand SIMEC. SIMEC hundred thousand in the hands of the person making the change became two hundred thousand is double, because the agreement was worth twice SIMEC for the pound, and since he accepted it and accepted at the same time also to attend the convention, allowed the birth of conventional values \u200b\u200bthat are reported to have consistency in the abolition of the gold reserve occurred with the termination of the Bretton Woods institutions.

The SIMEC was unqualified as, for example, an antique stamp. The city went from dealer to do the shopping and the group agreed to double the SIMEC because the convention was worth double. When citizens, then went to make the switch to twice this happened, because everyone accepted it for double. All this resulted in a real driving force for the local economy, especially as the Professor Auriti argued: "People are excited because here was reborn Guardiagrele. When it entered the market value of the induced SIMEC the blood is returned in the economy, allowing people to actually touch the economic and social renaissance of the country which unfortunately collapsed under the kidnapping of SIMEC on disposal of Prosecution of Chieti and beyond. I believe that this initiative deserves some attention, since it could actually find its repetition on a large scale, since they were seized after release from seizure SIMEC revealing, on the occasion, the legitimacy and credibility of that famous experiment of great caliber such as d ' moreover, has demonstrated throughout the course of his life Genius Auriti unbeatable wrestler of the banking system.

by Dr. Gianluigi Mucciaccia

Left Leg Hurts By Butt

money if only it were true ...

Life should be lived to the contrary.
For a start you should start dying, and so Tricca
tracchete overcome the trauma that is beautiful.
Then you wake up in a hospital bed and appreciate the fact that you go
improving day by day.
Then you resign because you are good and the first thing you do is go
in mail to collect your retirement and enjoy yourself the best. Over time
increase your strength, your body improves, the wrinkles disappear
Then start working on the first day and they give you a gold watch.
work forty years until you're so young to be exploited properly
retirement from working life.
Then go to the party in party, drink, games, do you have sex and get ready to get up to
. Then he starts school, play with friends,
without any obligations and responsibilities, as long as you are not baby.
When you're small enough, you stick in a place that
now you should know very well. The last nine months you will float
steps tranquil and serene, in a heated
room service and much love, no one will break the
And finally leave this world in an orgasm. Woody Allen

Friday, February 1, 2008

How To Put A Professional Swivel On Speed Bag

censored! Protecting ourselves against

Paul Doany, chairman of Turk Telecom, the largest turkish telecommunications provider, said his company had immediately implemented the block.

"We are not in a position to say whether the video on YouTube was an insult and whether it was right or wrong to block it. It was a decision by the tribunal and we have adequate " said Doany, whose provider, the former state monopoly privatized in 2005, is used by the majority of Turkish people.

"Access to the site has been blocked by a court" , this is the message that those who try to access the web page of the site video-sharing through Tekecom Turk. Access may be però effettuato tramite altri provider di rete. Il video in questione descriverebbe Ataturk e la popolazione turca come omossessuali. Insultare il padre fondatore della moderna Turchia è considerato un crimine punibile con la prigione.
